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    Use "smiling" em uma frase

    smiling frases de exemplo


    1. Aldous emerged, smiling at Kira’s old lady griping

    2. “I can’t believe this is happening,” Travis says, smiling at his beautiful wife

    3. He just kept smiling and watching TV and dripping milk on his chin

    4. He glanced upon the girls smiling and fluttering about the room on the balls of their feet

    5. She was smiling

    6. Eddie treaded water, smiling at the sky

    7. Smiling to myself happily at having identified the noise, I change direction for the front door

    8. ’ He said, smiling at me

    9. Smiling to myself, I withdraw into the lounge and try to concentrate on the documentary

    10. John starts, looks up into the face of the president, who is smiling down pleasantly

    11. She is smiling and has her arm around Dave

    12. smiling at me, and then he shook his head

    13. On one wall he sees a framed photograph of a smiling

    14. He was soundly sleeping stretching his arms and smiling

    15. “If you’ve got a moment”, he said softly, smiling again to reveal perfect white

    16. What trouble could Peter have been in? But he was half smiling, his head turned a little to one side, looking at me sideways, as though willing me gently to come clean, to myself as well as to him

    17. ’ She said, smiling at me

    18. He slaps John the back, smiling

    19. He kept smiling, and assumed the relaxed, legs crossed,

    20. ’ Molly said smiling at me from the window where she is standing admiring the view

    21. He sits back in his chair, smiling and as relaxed as can be, sips from his drink

    22. mouth and smiling to herself

    23. ’ I replied, smiling at him

    24. ‘No, he doesn’t have a clue what to do with a crying female, does he?’ I said smiling despite myself

    25. The girl gave her a confused look, still smiling

    26. Leonora looked over to see the broad smiling face of the driver, who said,

    27. ’ Emma said, smiling at me and wiping away her tears with the back of her hand

    28. ’ He said quietly smiling as he leads me through a doorway into one of the back sections of the barn, ‘let’s find a quiet corner and spend some time together

    29. A little later, as we were chatting on, I complained about the awful noise made by cars at the outdoor garage below my window every night; he expressed his understanding and then he asked smiling: “Outdoor garage? What's does ''outdoor'' mean?”

    30. Yet, there is something: A young woman has brought her seven-month-old baby, a nice and smiling boy, and everybody takes him in their lap

    31. “He is a good and sensible person; you two could match together,” she says smiling

    32. “Tomorrow morning I will let you know about our next outing!” she concluded smiling

    33. I could see smiling faces, maybe a radio on in the background, a picture not so very different from the one at home

    34. I tried to reach a contemplative state, a balanced meditation, where my parents looked back at me from the veranda of our house in Jnah, the two of them smiling sweetly and holding hands

    35. And remember that it has to be a picture of you smiling

    36. He stood in front of me, arms hanging loosely by his side, smiling warmly

    37. She rocked gently back and forth in her chair, spooning cat food into her mouth and smiling to herself

    38. ’ The girl said, whisking away the tears spilling from her eyes and smiling determinedly

    39. ’ She said, warmly smiling at the woman

    40. Reluctantly, Iain stowed his letter in his trouser pocket and, smiling in a friendly fashion, led the way to the car

    41. flocking in to greet her with smiling faces

    42. where a smiling Brijbabu helped the overwhelmed

    43. ’ The young woman said, smiling at Kara and reaching out a hand to the external door

    44. ” He was smiling at her and he saw her blush bright red

    45. ” He was smiling, trying to put her at ease

    46. “Yes ma’am! I can be bought! You can have your way with me, a beer would do it!” He was smiling and looking directly at her

    47. Kortrax was again free of the horizon, smiling broadly on the endless expanse of ribbonleaves and fronds spreading away to the northwest like a floor of hip-deep yellow flowers widely scattered with graceful archwoods like the clump they were camped in

    48. “Now what’s this bullshit about ‘Voyager’?” she said turning towards him smiling

    49. He was smiling at her

    50. ” He was smiling at her patting his end of the couch, trying to put her at ease

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    Sinônimos para "smiling"

    grin grinning smile smiling beamish twinkly shouting cheering sparkling jesting happy