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    1. 'As I say, some time ago Pantelis got wind of what was going on and over a period of time he collected his evidence: names, numbers, times, photographs, dates, recordings; a comprehensive list of villains, including prominent public figures, involved one way or another in the smuggling and acquisition of priceless cultural objects

    2. behaviour, and to recognise the signs of attempted smuggling

    3. prevent smuggling, and the wagoners knew that they were being

    4. of malicious intent or smuggling

    5. Even this tax upon silver, too, gives more temptation to smuggling than the tax of one twentieth upon tin; and smuggling must be much easier in the precious than in the bulky commodity

    6. The value of the precious metals, however, must be lower in Spain and Portugal than in any other part of Europe, as they come from those countries to all other parts of Europe, loaded, not only with a freight and an insurance, but with the expense of smuggling, their exportation being either prohibited or subjected to a duty

    7. This expense would generally be all laid out in the country, in smuggling the money out of it, and could seldom occasion the exportation of a single sixpence beyond the precise sum drawn for

    8. You see, our Harley buddies back in the US gave us the idea to work together with one of their outposts in Georgia on smuggling immigrants from the US to Alataria

    9. Spain by taxing, and Portugal by prohibiting, the exportation of gold and silver, load that exportation with the expense of smuggling, and raise the value of those metals in other countries so much more above what it is in their own, by the whole amount of this expense

    10. When the tax upon a commodity is so moderate as not to encourage smuggling, the merchant who deals in it, though he advances, does not properly pay the tax, as he gets it back in the price of the commodity

    11. The great distance, too, from the mother country, would enable the colonists to evade more or less, by smuggling, the monopoly which the company enjoyed against them

    12. The expense of the ordinary peace establishment of the colonies amounted, before the commencement of the present disturbances to the pay of twenty regiments of foot ; to the expense of the artillery, stores, and extraordinary provisions, with which it was necessary to supply them ; and to the expense of a very considerable naval force, which was constantly kept up, in order to guard from the smuggling vessels of other nations, the immense coast of North America, and that of our West Indian islands

    13. The great difference between the price in the home and that in the foreign market, presents such a temptation to smuggling, that all the rigour of the law cannot prevent it

    14. This enormous duty presented such a temptation to smuggling, that great quantities of this commodity were clandestinely exported, probably to all the manufacturing countries of Europe, but particularly to Holland, not only from Great Britain, but from Afrira

    15. An injudicious tax offers a great temptation to smuggling

    16. But the penalties of smuggling must arise in proportion to the temptation

    17. This prohibition has, in some cases, entirely prevented, and in others has very much diminished, the importation of those commodities, by reducing the importers to the necessity of smuggling

    18. The high duties which have been imposed upon the importation of many different sorts of foreign goods in order to discourage their consumption in Great Britain, have, in many cases, served only to encourage smuggling, and, in all cases, have reduced the revenues of the customs below what more moderate duties would have afforded

    19. The bounties which are sometimes given upon the exportation of home produce and manufactures, and the drawbacks which are paid upon the re-exportation of the greater part of foreign goods, have given occasion to many frauds, and to a species of smuggling, more destructive of the public revenue than any other

    20. When the diminution of revenue is the effect of the encouragement given to smuggling, it may, perhaps, be remedied in two ways; either by diminishing the temptation to smuggle, or by increasing the difficulty of smuggling

    21. The temptation to smuggle can be diminished only by the lowering of the tax ; and the difficulty of smuggling can be increased only by establishing that system of administration which is most proper for preventing it

    22. If, by such a system of administration, smuggling to any considerable extent could be prevented, even under pretty high duties ; and if every duty was occasionally either heightened or lowered according as it was most likely, either the one way or the other, to afford the greatest revenue to the state; taxation being always employed as an instrument of revenue, and never of monopoly ; it seems not improbable that a revenue, at least equal to the present neat revenue of the customs, might be drawn from duties upon the importation of only a few sorts of goods of the most general use and consumption ; and that the duties of customs might thus be brought to the same degree of simplicity, certainty, and precision, as those of excise

    23. Faction, combined with the interest of smuggling merchants, raised so violent, though so unjust a clamour, against that bill, that the minister thought proper to drop it ; and, from a dread of exciting a clamour of the same kind, none of his successors have dared to resume the project

    24. Thirdly, the hope of evading such taxes by smuggling, gives frequent occasion to forfeitures and other penalties, which entirely ruin the smuggler ; a person who, though no doubt highly blameable for violating the laws of his country, is frequently incapable of violating those of natural justice, and would have been, in every respect

    25. Not many people are scrupulous about smuggling, when, without perjury, they can find an easy and safe opportunity of doing so

    26. This observation, however, may very probably be the mere suggestion of fraudulent dealers, whose smuggling is either prevented or detected by their diligence

    27. The smuggling of salt and tobacco sends every year several hundred people to the galleys, besides a very considerable number whom it sends to the gibbet

    28. In a poor country, the consumption of the principal commodities subject to the duties of customs and excise, is very small; and in a thinly inhabited country, the opportunities of smuggling are very great

    29. In these particular branches of the excise, there is not, I apprehend, much more smuggling in the one country than in the other

    30. The duties upon the distillery, and the greater part of the duties of customs, in proportion to the numbers of people in the respective countries, produce less in Scotland than in England, not only on account of the smaller consumption of the taxed commodities, but of the much greater facility of smuggling

    31. In Ireland, therefore, the consumption of the taxed commodities might, in proportion to the number of the people, be still less than in Scotland, and the facility of smuggling nearly the same

    32. The opportunities of smuggling, indeed, would be much greater ; America, in proportion to the extent of the country, being much more thinly inhabited than either Scotland or Ireland

    33. If the revenue, however, which is at present raised by the different duties upon malt and malt liquors, were to be levied by a single duty upon malt, the opportunity of smuggling in the most important branch of the excise would be almost entirely taken away ; and if the duties of customs, instead of being imposed upon almost all the different articles of importation, were confined to a few of the most general use and consumption, and if the levying of those duties were subjected to the excise laws, the opportunity of smuggling, though not so entirely taken away, would be very much diminished

    34. “Old smuggling tunnels,” she confided

    35. The insurance industry got its start from insuring slave ships and slaves, especially from losses where the ships' crews forced to dump slaves overboard if caught smuggling slaves after the overseas trade had been banned

    36. There were other interests that involved her deeply, even on an emotional level, any of which she would rather devote her time than international drug smuggling

    37. Can’t you understand that she would have told you anything for you to stop hurting her? For this fantasy to be true, Gordon himself would have to be mixed up in a major smuggling ring

    38. Sylvia was certain the police knew the man they’d arrested was not, as he maintained, smuggling cocaine for the first time or acting entirely on his own, but he’d been unshakable through hours of rigorous interrogation

    39. She and Sal talked one entire night, considering one smuggling scheme after the other, but in each, they found insurmountable shortcomings

    40. This had been true during the war, with much smuggling going on and all the corruption that entails

    41. But, Alfredo cutting open the gut and fishing about inside could only mean one thing: smuggling and a ruptured bag of cocaine was way more than enough to kill a horse

    42. Edgar had far too little respect for Michael to consider him capable of putting together a cocaine smuggling ring other than maybe the most basic, consisting of nothing more than using his friends, who visited him regularly, as mules

    43. Henderson’s smuggling activities had been going on for some time before he began dating Ms

    44. What was really bad, Truman contended, was that any direction the police investigation went, whether it was strictly the murder, the laundering connection via the checks or drug smuggling, Beth could easily be considered by the police to be an important witness, something she dreaded, particularly knowing that one of the investigating officers was Enrique Segovia, the cocaine-selling cop that coincidentally Truman had learned of that same day in prison

    45. He wasn’t a professional, just an underpaid driver manipulated into smuggling cocaine across the Costa Rica - Panama border

    46. “You’re saying that this man Kevin only hinted that Mike might be smuggling cocaine with these horses?”

    47. I’m sure you can see that I have you cold on cocaine smuggling and money laundering

    48. He kept on with his story, saying that he had information which could prove that a high ranking member of Costa Rica’s political establishment operated a large-scale cocaine smuggling ring

    49. Michael accepted! He began by giving everything Edgar had hoped for in the first place: a signed confession to smuggling cocaine

    50. Truman, like it or not, smuggling drugs is very bad for society and, even if you don’t see it that way, it is still a serious crime

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