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    sober-minded frases de exemplo


    1. O‘Connor‘s morbid fascination with Race, while making for ―good‖ copy, is something any sober-minded individual should consider troubling if not offensive to Whites and Blacks alike

    2. In light of this erratic (economic) climate, and at a time some of the smaller (tobacco) companies are contemplating bankruptcy, many sober-minded individuals must question the severity of certain measures that are being taken by N

    3. the head, but even the most sober-minded could see

    4. Even sober-minded people were eager to throw blame on him though they could not have said for what

    5. When very sober-minded and sensible people smiled at this rumour, observing very reasonably that a man always mixed up with scandals, and who was beginning his career among us with a swollen face did not look like a government official, they were told in a whisper that he was employed not in the official, but, so to say, the confidential service, and that in such cases it was essential to be as little like an official as possible

    6. Then the sober-minded old man suggested that the land should be given to them as an association, and that only those that took part in cultivating it should get their share

    7. By a series of most impolitic and ruinous measures,[16] utterly incomprehensible to every rational, sober-minded man, the Southern planters, by their own votes, had succeeded in knocking down the price of cotton to seven cents, and of tobacco (a few choice crops excepted) to nothing—and in raising the price of blankets, (of which a few would not be amiss in a Canadian campaign,) coarse woollens, and every article of first necessity, three or four hundred per cent

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