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    social movement frases de exemplo

    social movement

    1. It was a peaceful and prosperous planet with no political unrest, and no great social movements

    2. For instance: Global Ecovillage Network, Solidary Economy Network, Network of Familiar Production, Subsistence Economy Network, Red de Trueque Solidario, Network of Junior Enterprise, Community Farm, Cooperative, Kibbutz and Social Movements (landless, unhoused, jobless) are groupings of corporations that already have resources for its social and economic sustainability

    3. The conflict of modern science with theology, the study of comparative religions, the tremendous power of new social movements, all of these are but clearing the way for the new order

    4. The revolutions, uprisings and social movements of 1830 and 1848 had not changed anything

    5. Back in the eighties, young people over the age of 16, if there were adult chaperones present, could drink a little and it was not cause for a social movement

    6. when there emerged specifi c social movement that spread up in various

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