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    solidarity frases de exemplo


    1. I must, however, stress that this is not intended as an offensive strategy against Western interests, merely a demonstration of solidarity against neo-imperialist aggression

    2. In one of the increasingly regular war-related analysis broadcasts, a psychologist claimed this was in part due to wartime solidarity: the sense of togetherness in the face of adversity but also imminent dramatic change

    3. The following are the principles to be observed by an invading force: The further you penetrate into a country, the greater will be the solidarity of your troops, and thus the defenders will not prevail against you

    4. Too bad, he thought as he climbed into the car: he had always assumed that, as mother and son, they were a team and, in spite of fighting, shared solidarity when it came to the rest of the world

    5. He knew now that he’d been completely wrong: Sylvia felt no mother-son solidarity with him – never had! It was time to strike out on his own and getting his hands on that coke was the answer! There’d be money enough to be free of her forever! He tromped down on the accelerator of the La Hacienda 4X4 firing a spray of gravel behind as he followed the switchbacks and ruts then, with a squeal, the tires found pavement and he roared off towards San José

    6. Even more: the next day, all of Spain gave the whole world a great lesson of unity and solidarity of national mourning and of a deafening repulse of terrorism with impressive massive demonstrations throughout the whole country

    7. War on terrorism in Spain continues now more determined than ever, for the Spanish people have shown with solidarity its overwhelming repulse of terrorism, at once devastating and without a conscience

    8. It gave him time for reflection, and also created a sense of solidarity

    9. With the strength of that solidarity came conviction that he would do nothing against their interests, and as midnight came and went and still the police hadn’t arrived to break down the door, it was refreshing that that possibility passed from her thinking

    10. I have come to express the solidarity of the American Party with that of Poland’s

    11. I have been informed that you come to demonstrate your solidarity with your Polish Comrades

    12. After the harvest, owners would bring their bulls to fight as a gesture of solidarity and festivity

    13. In addition to the GPOI the World Summit would initiate a World Solidarity

    14. That solidarity with the United States became also obvious at Madrid international airport on September 18 when he left the Spanish soil to return home

    15. Today's solidarity event may involve the Copts and enlighten me further about their fate

    16. need to foster international solidarity among the mass of the working class and thus to avert the threat of a major war in Europe

    17. And with it came a sense of solidarity and peace, the like of which Simon had never known

    18. - In Marxism, love is solidarity of one class against another one (class

    19. cohere and express solidarity among themselves and with the group

    20. live in peace and solidarity as sisters and brothers

    21. guide us to be sisters and brothers in creation in solidarity, and to love and to forgive one

    22. Now, is this my time of solidarity,

    23. This is the time to demonstrate that we understand solidarity and will help are brothers and sisters in time of need

    24. The Jewish sense of racial solidarity was very profound

    25. With the ejection of these nineteen men the Sanhedrin was in a position to try and to condemn Jesus with a solidarity bordering on unanimity

    26. The satellite organizations began to look to Todd for leadership and then the Klan affiliated to his movement to add solidarity to the cause

    27. "We wanted to go out with a solidarity message," O'Reilly says

    28. When the latter saw the rocking chair carried by four men appear and saw the friend who had shared his victories and defeats since youth sitting in it among some large pillows, he did not have a single doubt but that he was making that effort in order to express his solidarity

    29. For Petra Cotes, however, he had never been a better man than at that time, perhaps because the pity that he inspired was mixed with love, and because of the feeling of solidarity that misery aroused in both of them

    30. Although Aureliano felt himself linked to the four friends by a common affection and a common solidarity, even to the point where he thought of them as if they were one person, he was closer to Gabriel than to the others

    31. Aureliano bore Amaranta Úrsula’s spite patiently and made an effort to show her that he could be as good a husband in adversity as in prosperity, and the daily needs that besieged them when Gaston’s last money ran out created a bond of solidarity between them that was not as dazzling and heady as passion, but that let them make love as much and be as happy as during their uproari-ous and salacious days

    32. Second it would disturb the solidarity and stability of religion circles of China

    33. Helferin Weiss had understood that and had proved her solidarity with us even as she formed a bond of friendship with Brigadier Laplante, a woman I myself respected greatly

    34. They also had shown distinctly human feelings, often displaying love or affection for others in their group, while proving able to show solidarity and to help strangers, like when they had helped another group that had crossed their path three months ago

    35. ’ Jozef left with them, again showing solidarity with his fellow boy scouts in Lusaka where he alone was offered breakfast in the main hotel

    36. The mystical experience … is one in which the subject - object relationship is transcended, in which there is a sense of complete solidarity of the subject with other human beings and with the universe in general

    37. Here, he appears to have underestimated the solidarity of the anti-Axis alliance

    38. These satanic forces have ruined solidarity of the world by dividing it in different groups ethnically or religiously or racially

    39. their union solidarity threatened them all and the “scabs” lived a line of utter hell!

    40. The recently deceased Sirens had deserted Martha, and had come to show solidarity with their sisters

    41. ” For some reason, I put out my fist, inviting the others to do the one-potato/two-potato thing as a sign of solidarity, but then I remembered that the Queen had one less fist than the rest of us so I withdrew it again with an embarrassed cough which made Ian laugh

    42. I wasn’t certain if they felt the same way as I did, or whether they were just copying me to show solidarity with their leader

    43. In solidarity three single ladies, fresh out of university and out to conquer Scarlet City, the hub of the country’s wealth and with all its industries (from overalls, costumes to suits)

    44. A few hours later, he visited the injured in the hospital and expressed his solidarity with the victims

    45. Jaitley’s wide circle of high-powered friends had all descended from Delhi to express solidarity with their yaar

    46. As they turned at the top of the steps for a final gesture of solidarity and a cheery wave together, they could see their two wives, Millie and Susan, being escorted to a second helicopter, with Robin Algar and Colin Carlucci

    47. Jacques investigated the word ‘disparate’ in terms of tax matters in South Africa and found that the Solidarity Research Institute claimed that there were approximately 50,0m people in total in the land of which 15,5m or 31% were on welfare

    48. ‘I’ll second her stand,’ said Roopa, leaning on Sandhya, as though in solidarity

    49. This episode singularly illustrates the cunning of Muhammad to position his political necessity as human solidarity

    50. With 20 million workers in 900 unions worldwide UNI fosters international solidarity and provides a voice at the international level for all its members

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    Sinônimos para "solidarity"

    solidarity entirety totality one oneness togetherness