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    splendidly frases de exemplo


    1. The children's parents had large wooden boxes there, in which vegetables for the kitchen were planted, and little rose trees besides: there was a rose in each box, and they grew splendidly

    2. with some professors and students, and the splendidly shining

    3. At that precise moment, Forgo spun around and delivered a meaty left hook to the Mayor’s jaw and sent the politician sprawling to the ground, splendidly and completely unconscious

    4. The raw volunteer troopers, however, behaved splendidly

    5. If the coinciding movement of both vessels was, as Mike Henderson claimed, adjusted for the benefit of drug smugglers, it was splendidly timed indeed

    6. splendidly outlined against the grey horizon of the past

    7. She had chosen the right thing to do, after all her Goddess would not let anything happen to her! Not her, and certainly this splendidly massive bastion was secure! A sudden spasm of trembling assaulted her slender body, as her eyes took in what appeared to be the beginning of a massive tragedy for her people

    8. She was always splendidly sincere

    9. In public she carried off the situation splendidly, saying to all the gossips the substance of what Anne had said in daffodil time, and saying it so pointedly and forcibly that her hearers found themselves feeling rather foolish and began to think that, after all, they were making too much of a childish prank

    10. Not only was the house splendidly fitted out, it also served as a refuge and fortification in which my father could retreat from what in many ways for him was a hostile world out there

    11. Sonnet: "I said I splendidly loved you; it's not true"

    12. I said I splendidly loved you; it's not true

    13. With their time freed up they could now have a splendidly good time

    14. usually splendidly handsome, but also new body that He may take in a

    15. 6 Andrew and Peter were very unlike in character and temperament, but it must be recorded everlastingly to their credit that they got along together splendidly

    16. 5 The apostles all loved and respected Nathaniel, and he got along with them splendidly, excepting Judas Iscariot

    17. It gave the area a splendidly beautiful shine

    18. All the vocalists performed splendidly, but Anderson stood out

    19. Murrow suddenly realized that something was up: assembled in the long, splendidly decorated room was more members of the Time Patrol than he had ever seen together in one spot, all wearing parade uniforms

    20. The RP-38Ns of Captain Avery had thus done their job splendidly up to now, opening the way for his own torpedo bombers

    21. The subject of history is an excellent example of knowledge that is splendidly

    22. “I think you all did splendidly,” Paula said, trying to change the direction things were going

    23. Calragen ate with us, and so did Trid, who was getting on splendidly with Tem

    24. “He’s doing splendidly,” the girl growled

    25. With Carton we returned to Craig's splendidly equipped photographic studio and while Carton and I made the best of our time by discussing various phases of the case, Kennedy employed the interval in developing his plates

    26. I was left on my own for a while admiring the beautiful church which was splendidly decorated with flowers and carpets and then my wife placed me at the seat of a guest who would not be attending

    27. Then he left the church and although I have no sympathy for priests I could not help feeling in that splendidly attired man the loneliness of office, of his new 87

    28. Past the ancient Sultan Hassan and El Rifai mosques and on to an open square with the Citadel, splendidly lit up, right in front

    29. apparent solidity, the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed

    30. � Of that fifty, 20 you accomplish splendidly, 20 you do with solid competence, nine you get done with some struggle, but they all work out

    31. There it is! But as for my looking suspiciously at your fainting fit--that affair has been cleared up splendidly! Bigotry and fanaticism!

    32. Jo sat as if blandly unconscious of it all, with deportment like Maud's face, ìcily regular, splendidly null'

    33. Returning from one of Mozart's grand operas, splendidly performed at the Royal Theatre, he looked over his own, played a few of the best parts, sat staring at the busts of Mendelssohn, Beethoven, and Bach, who stared benignly back again

    34. The lady was also in green, and so richly and splendidly dressed that splendour itself seemed personified in her

    35. The duchess came out splendidly attired, and Don Quixote, in pure courtesy and politeness, held the rein of her palfrey, though the duke wanted not to allow him; and at last they reached a wood that lay between two high mountains, where, after occupying various posts, ambushes, and paths, and distributing the party in different positions, the hunt began with great noise, shouting, and hallooing, so that, between the baying of the hounds and the blowing of the horns, they could not hear one another

    36. They arrived in due time at the place of destination, and as soon as the string of carriages before them would allow, alighted, ascended the stairs, heard their names announced from one landing-place to another in an audible voice, and entered a room splendidly lit up, quite full of company, and insufferably hot

    37. Make me love him splendidly, because he is Thy son

    38. up to some splendidly dressed servants who stood at the door, and asked one of

    39. many white ones, splendidly dressed

    40. prominent, formed luxuriant tracts of animated snow, that splendidly

    41. Franz now looked upon another scene of enchantment; the table was splendidly covered, and once convinced of this important point he cast his eyes around him

    42. They even tried to make the men distemper large ceilings single-handed, and succeeded in one or two cases, but after several ceilings had been spoilt and had to be washed off and done over again, they gave that up: but nearly all the other work was now arranged on the `solitary system', and it worked splendidly: each man was constantly in a state of panic as to whether the others were doing more work than himself

    43. As the interrogation of each criminal occupied about half an hour, to say nothing of the time he was kept waiting, it will be seen that as a means of keeping down the number of registered unemployed the idea worked splendidly

    44. No one could deny that the rooms were splendidly illuminated; the light streamed forth on the gilt mouldings and the silk hangings; and all the bad taste of decorations, which had only their richness to boast of, shone in its splendor

    45. Mercedes, although deposed from the exalted position she had occupied, lost in the sphere she had now chosen, like a person passing from a room splendidly lighted into utter darkness, appeared like a queen, fallen from her palace to a hovel, and who, reduced to strict necessity, could neither become reconciled to the earthen vessels she was herself forced to place upon the table, nor to the humble pallet which had become her bed

    46. when somebody dies belonged to them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to be petted so I thought I stood out enough for one time and let him he does it all wrong too thinking only of his own pleasure his tongue is too flat or I dont know what he forgets that wethen I dont Ill make him do it again if he doesnt mind himself and lock him down to sleep in the coalcellar with the blackbeetles I wonder was it her Josie off her head with my castoffs hes such a born liar too no hed never have the courage with a married woman thats why he wants me and Boylan though as for her Denis as she calls him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt call him a husband yes its some little bitch hes got in with even when I was with him with Milly at the College races that Hornblower with the childs bonnet on the top of his nob let us into by the back way he was throwing his sheeps eyes at those two doing skirt duty up and down I tried to wink at him first no use of course and thats the way his money goes this is the fruits of Mr Paddy Dignam yes they were all in great style at the grand funeral in the paper Boylan brought in if they saw a real officers funeral thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor horse walking behind in black L Boom and Tom Kernan that drunken little barrelly man that bit his tongue off falling down the mens W C drunk in some place or other and Martin Cunningham and the two Dedaluses and Fanny MCoys husband white head of cabbage skinny thing with a turn in her eye trying to sing my songs shed want to be born all over again and her old green dress with the lowneck as she cant attract them any other way like dabbling on a rainy day I see it all now plainly and they call that friendship killing and then burying one another and they all with their wives and families at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does of course his wife is always sick or going to be sick or just getting better of it and hes a goodlooking man still though hes getting a bit grey over the ears theyre a nice lot all of them well theyre not going to get my husband again into their clutches if I can help it making fun of him then behind his back I know well when he goes on with his idiotics because he has sense enough not to squander every penny piece he earns down their gullets and looks after his wife and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the same Im sorry in a way for him what are his wife and 5 children going to do unless he was insured comical little teetotum always stuck up in some pub corner and her or her son waiting Bill Bailey wont you please come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre goodlooking what men wasnt he yes he was at the Glencree dinner and Ben Dollard base barreltone the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing out of in Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and grinning all over his big Dolly face like a wellwhipped childs botty didnt he look a balmy ballocks sure enough that must have been a spectacle on the stage imagine paying 5/- in the preserved seats for that to see him trotting off in his trowlers and Simon Dedalus too he was always turning up half screwed singing the second verse first the old love is the new was one of his so sweetly sang the maiden on the hawthorn bough he was always on for flirtyfying too when I sang Maritana with him at Freddy Mayers private opera he had a delicious glorious voice Phoebe dearest goodbye sweetheart sweetheart he always sang it not like Bartell Darcy sweet tart goodbye of course he had the gift of the voice so there was no art in it all over you like a warm showerbath O Maritana wildwood flower we sang splendidly though it was a bit

    47. You see, there is not a glimmer of light in any of the windows, and everything is working splendidly

    48. ' Toad felt rather hurt that the Badger didn't say pleasant things to him, as he had to the Mole, and tell him what a fine fellow he was, and how splendidly he had fought; for he was rather particularly pleased with himself and the way he had gone for the Chief Weasel and sent him flying across the table with one blow of his stick

    49. Her posteriors, plump, smooth, and prominent, formed luxuriant tracts of animated snow, that splendidly filled the eye, till it was commanded down the parting or separation of those exquisitely white cliffs, by their narrow vale, and was there stopt, and attracted by the embowered bottom-savity, that terminated this delightful vista and stood

    50. He had led his body of Cargadores splendidly all day long

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    Sinônimos para "splendidly"

    excellently famously magnificently splendidly gorgeously resplendently