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    Use "sports field" em uma frase

    sports field frases de exemplo

    sports field

    1. A scrimmage of sorts was being played out on the sports field and the permanent citizens of the Park---the squirrels, birds, and bugs---added their own ambiance to Harry's afternoon walk

    2. Truman was across the street in the sports field behind the high school helping to erect tents, when the bells announced that the union had been blessed

    3. All anyone needed do was post a few soldiers around the sports field so that Comandante Cobra couldn’t run, then walk right up to him and announce his arrest

    4. They knew where he lived and that he would use the short cut through the sports fields to get to his house

    5. They found him up by the sports fields badly beaten up

    6. Some of this translated to the sports fields and the games became so intense that the instructors intervened to prevent injuries

    7. We are now straddling the old sports field of the Santo Tomas University, which had been turned by the Japanese into an internment 819

    8. There are one-hundred and forty-five seats there stacked up like sports field seating

    9. It's very well known of course in the sports field, this whole issue of self-talk, and insurance people use it, sportsmen do it

    10. The cutting edge between winners and losers in the sports field is often not about the talent, it's about the inner mentalities, and that is generated and developed by what they think on, and what they say to themselves; I can do it

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