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    spotted with frases de exemplo

    spotted with

    1. Before they were done with their lunch, they were traversing open range spotted with scattered small holds with small herdsmen on open range

    2. Field edging hedgerow spotted with brazen blackberry blossom, petals white against the green, issued a mute warning of the shorter, colder days that were to come

    3. spices so delicious, the candied fruits so caked and spotted with

    4. “That’s a great trick!” The liquid in the urns solidifies in just a few seconds, changing colors from the initial dark green to a deep red, spotted with gold

    5. When this happens, the skin may look bright red and spotted with pale flecks

    6. Dandy recently busted for possession of drugs and now facing a pending trial was recently spotted with a waitress from a local diner

    7. , and was spotted with a girlfriend by one of his female

    8. Another structure in the San Bernardino Mountain chain could be easily spotted with satellite photos and questioned

    9. inticksicated – people living in Connecticut and Westchester County have been spotted with this deer-carrying,

    10. Her cheeks were spotted with freckles

    11. Take this present air raid alert: the enemy was spotted with precision while still 210 miles away, something our ground radar stations can’t do

    12. but he has been spotted within the Castle walls shortly before the earthling escaped

    13. Protect your beans from bean thrip that are dark thin pests that leave plants leaves wilted and visibly spotted with excrement

    14. His skin was spotted with hundreds of freckles, and his dark brown eyes were nearly as dark as his black, curly hair

    15. Ed lifted a hand, spotted with age, and waited for acknowledgment

    16. were spotted with hedges and bushes

    17. The azure sky is spotted with hundreds of fluffy clouds

    18. “Enemy aircraft spotted within their attack distance, Captain,” Stoneman said

    19. The headstones were spotted with yellow lichens and green moss, some dating back to the early part of the seventeen hundreds

    20. The whitish fabric is spotted with innumerable marks of an indefinable color; the whole thing is supported by battered wooden tent-poles

    21. The shirt Evette wore was heavily spotted with blood and it was already dried stuck to her chest and side

    22. She backed out of the long-neglected cabinet, her hair spotted with furry dust worms

    23. course was spotted with trees and palms, and even small banana groves, while and a very

    24. Evan joined them on the road; and as they drove along up hill and down hill (for Greece is in a state of effervescence, yet astonishingly clean-cut, a treeless land, where you see the ground between the blades, each hill cut and shaped and outlined as often as not against sparkling deep blue waters, islands white as sand floating on the horizon, occasional groves of palm trees standing in the valleys, which are scattered with black goats, spotted with little olive trees and sometimes have white hollows, rayed and criss-crossed, in their flanks), as they drove up hill and down he scowled in the corner of the carriage, with his paw so tightly closed that the skin was stretched between the knuckles and the little hairs stood upright

    25. Walking the teokallis, spotted with gore from the stone and knife,

    26. The slapping eddies are spotted with his blood, they bear him away,

    27. if the blade is spotted with blood, it will be a sign that I am dead, and you shall

    28. There were whitish eels of the species Gymnotus fasciatus that passed like elusive wisps of steam, conger eels three to four meters long that were tricked out in green, blue, and yellow, three–foot hake with a liver that makes a dainty morsel, wormfish drifting like thin seaweed, sea robins that poets call lyrefish and seamen pipers and whose snouts have two jagged triangular plates shaped like old Homer's lyre, swallowfish swimming as fast as the bird they're named after, redheaded groupers whose dorsal fins are trimmed with filaments, some shad (spotted with black, gray, brown, blue, yellow, and green) that actually respond to tinkling handbells, splendid diamond–shaped turbot that were like aquatic pheasants with yellowish fins stippled in brown and the left topside mostly marbled in brown and yellow, finally schools of wonderful red mullet, real oceanic birds of paradise that ancient Romans bought for as much as 10,000 sesterces apiece, and which they killed at the table, so they could heartlessly watch it change color from cinnabar red when alive to pallid white when dead

    29. Haidee was reclining upon soft downy cushions, covered with blue satin spotted with silver; her head, supported by one of her exquisitely moulded arms, rested on the divan immediately behind her, while the other was employed in adjusting to her lips the coral tube of a rich narghile, through whose flexible pipe she drew the smoke fragrant by its passage through perfumed water

    30. It was enough to drive a woman out of her wits, tied there, and her very dress spotted with him; but she never wanted courage, did Miss Mary Fraser of Adelaide, and Lady Brackenstall of Abbey Grange hasn't learned new ways

    31. Sergey Ivanovitch was all the while admiring the beauty of the woods, which were a tangled mass of leaves, pointing out to his brother now an old lime tree on the point of flowering, dark on the shady side, and brightly spotted with yellow stipules, now the young shoots of this year’s saplings brilliant with emerald

    32. where is it?’ He went back to his wife, and scowling, and not looking at her, asked his eldest little girl, where was that piece of paper he had given them? The paper with the discarded sketch on it was found, but it was dirty, and spotted with candle-grease

    33. Once in a grove we observed several of these great creatures grazing, and Lord John, with his glass, was able to report that they also were spotted with asphalt, though in a different place to the one which we had examined in the morning

    34. Then, with a sudden impulse, they all rushed in a howling crowd to the trees for shelter, leaving the ground behind them spotted with their stricken comrades

    35. The sand-banks far out were spotted with uncouth crawling forms, huge turtles, strange saurians, and one great flat creature like a writhing, palpitating mat of black greasy leather, which flopped its

    36. She had lowered the ceiling and the elaborate cornice which, in one form or another, graced every room was lost to view; the walls, one panelled in brocade, were stripped and washed blue and spotted with innumerable little water-colours of fond association; the air was sweet with the fresh scent of flowers and musty potpourri; her library in soft leather covers, well-read works of poetry and piety, filled a small rosewood bookcase; the chimney-piece was covered with small personal treasures - an ivory Madonna, a plaster St Joseph, posthumous miniatures of her three soldier brothers

    37. Those of them that were spotted with white reflected the sunshine in dazzling brilliancy, and the polished brass knobs of their horns glittered with something of military display

    38. whose distinguished mind is a little spotted with commonness; who is a little pinched here and protuberant there with native prejudices; or whose better energies are liable to lapse down the wrong channel under the influence of transient solicitations? All these things might be alleged against Lydgate, but then, they are the periphrases of a polite preacher, who talks of Adam, and would not like to mention anything painful to the pew-renters

    39. Rusty Coombs had an affable face spotted with a few freckles

    40. Justin tottered across a foot-wide ledge to the next plateau of rock that was spotted with lichens

    41. The coachman humbly represented to "monsieur l'Inspecteur," that the Utrecht velvet of his carriage was all spotted with the blood of the assassinated man, and with mire from the assassin

    42. It was enough to drive a woman out of her wits, tied there, and her very dress spotted with him, but she never wanted courage, did Miss Mary Fraser of Adelaide and Lady Brackenstall of Abbey Grange hasn't learned new ways

    43. The floor was spotted with round, braided mats, such as Marilla made at Green Gables, but which were considered out of date everywhere else, even in Avonlea

    44. Sergey Ivanovitch was all the while admiring the beauty of the woods, which were a tangled mass of leaves, pointing out to his brother now an old lime tree on the point of flowering, dark on the shady side, and brightly spotted with yellow stipules, now the young shoots of this year's saplings brilliant with emerald

    45. He was a good-sized black dog, spotted with white, not very old, with intelligent eyes, and a bushy tail

    46. But it is certainly very distinct by other characters, and strikingly so in its perfectly annular black and red bands; the latter are margined with yellowish and spotted with black

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