Use "spring chicken" em uma frase
spring chicken frases de exemplo
spring chicken
1. Get used to the idea, Kate, you’re no spring chicken … middle age beckons
2. So? Wel , Lola is no Spring chicken
3. Are you over 40 years old? (Actually, he said, "well, you ain't no spring chicken no
4. One morning Margaret stood at the butcher's counter waiting for the spring chickens Mrs
5. Of “The Little Michus,” at Daly’s, and “The Spring Chicken,” at the Gaiety, I am scarcely able to write
6. In “The Spring Chicken,” which, I may add, is just as calamitous as its title, it was Miss Gertie Millar who had to uphold the traditions of the Gaiety
7. These chicks, and also spring chickens, are used for casserole dishes and for cocottes (covered earthen ware containers, in which the fowls are roasted in the oven)