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    springs frases de exemplo


    1. heard nothing but the creak of his own bed springs as he made himself comfortable

    2. dreaming of meadows and springs

    3. But the one that springs to mind is lack of proper nutrition … there is a lot of hunger in these areas

    4. Yellelle explained that because of the omnipresent geothermal springs on all the isles of Atlantis, there was hot and cold running water like even the wealthy of America wouldn’t see until the Victorian Age

    5. swayed gently in time with the sound of creaking mattress springs

    6. creaking of bed springs, Ken trudged up to the boy’s room, ready to

    7. The obvious name that springs to mind is Chrissie Hartley-Jones – after all, she’s the only one with anything like a motive – from what we’ve heard she certainly had no reason to love any of them

    8. He told her about the natural springs, hot and cold, and her ingenious G

    9. Grandfather had run water from the hot water springs, into the house for heat

    10. Alex's blue green eyes twinkled at the mention of the hot water springs and how they were used in the heating and lighting of the homes

    11. She’d no idea what he was talking about, but Jim seemed to understand the question and for the next half hour, they discussed the pro's and con's, of heating the place with underground water pipes, that ran out of the hot springs, not too far away

    12. When the conversation developed in to a more extensive one, on the usage of hot springs, she excused herself and took a seat out under a tall pine for shade

    13. They called it bad medicine land – due to all the hot springs

    14. 4The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water,

    15. 16“Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea or walked in the recesses

    16. On the third day, she covered the computer and telephone system, along with the satellite dishes and steam extractors, which turned the hot springs into electricity

    17. Ein Kenya Nature Reserve is named after its natural springs, with lots of beautiful wildlife

    18. But it‘s also a beautiful mountainous land with over 120 rivers and springs, limestone cave labyrinths, gushing waterfal s and mineral springs

    19. earth, the sea and springs of water (Revelation 14:6-7)

    20. After a moment of no movement, a burst of water springs forth from a rusty shower head spraying speckled hairy skin that violently recoils—

    21. It is a dead weight upon the action of one of the great springs which puts into motion a great part of the business of mankind

    22. I looked up at the crissed crossed steel springs above my head and realised that I was in the bottom tier of a bunk bed I saw the steel wall that Elijah was beside and realised that we were on a hospital ship

    23. I could hear him speaking to the nurse no doubt leaving instructions about me I stared up at the bed springs above my head and resolved to tell the nurse to let Elijah know I was here

    24. We can also point to the remnants of this subterranean water body, when we consider water that is still being pushed to the surface of the Earth today from deep inside the Earth via underwater vents, fissures and hot springs found all over the Earth, under the pressure of rock masses bearing down on these subterranean water bodies, even after the passage of 4,500 years after the Flood

    25. …these are springs without water… II Peter 2:17

    26. ") Thus, from „Laws:" „The people always have some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness…This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs, when he first appears he is a protector

    27. Nevertheless, hope springs eternal, and the boys each and individually

    28. Thus says The Lord: Streams of water flow down from the mountains, springs of water burst forth from the rocks, rivers of water overflow their banks

    29. 2 million acre sanctuary enhanced with high peaks, a volcanic tableland, rivers and lakes of crystalline waters, boisterous and thundering waterfalls, basins of erupting geysers, hot springs, fumaroles and sulfuric mudpots that smell like rotten eggs, luxuriant valleys, spectacular scenery of flora and fauna… and all that, in a huge ensemble of panoramic vistas and, at times, truly dazzling landscapes

    30. “Maybe the hot springs? I hear they’re the best thing this side of Coogliawottomi

    31. The only article that could be said to be furniture was a small bed with ropes in place of springs

    32. He remembered the preachings of the elders, and the Pilgrim who had come before him, and did as they had done; as so many others had done before them all, for innumerable springs and endless winters

    33. springs, and bolted the office

    34. “Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers, and on the springs of water” (Rev

    35. “And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water…and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter” (Rev

    36. Ben and Victoria had a house in Palm Springs, and even in the summer Victoria was there a lot

    37. Victoria was in Palm Springs when Henrietta decided to invite Ben over to dinner

    38. Southwest of Colorado Springs, located in south central Colorado, the land contained a stream and bordered a national forest

    39. Bed springs squeal as a large body turns, and a pillow muffles the sobs, but not enough

    40. Blood springs from her nose and spreads over her face

    41. Al’s screams wake me every time, and I stare at the springs above me and wonder what on earth is wrong with me, that I still feel strong when everyone else is breaking down

    42. 33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall, he spoke also of

    43. Our springs are as filled with birdsongs as when there was DDT

    44. 29 And this shall be a sign to you, you shall eat this year such things as grow of themselves, and in the second year that which springs

    45. 16 have you entered into the springs of the sea? Or have you walked in the search of the depth?

    46. 7 As well the singers as the players on instruments shall be there: all my springs are in you

    47. 10 He sends the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills

    48. 33 He turns rivers into a wilderness, and the water springs into dry ground;

    49. 35 He turns the wilderness into still water, and dry ground into water springs

    50. first existed; when there were no oceans, I was brought out of existence; when there were no springs abounding with water, even

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