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    Use "stack up" em uma frase

    stack up frases de exemplo

    stack up

    1. stack up on the table

    2. arguments or tactics that don’t actually stack up in the cold light of

    3. tactics that don’t actually stack up in the cold light of day

    4. Georg knew where to score saws and a team of horses so we could stack up for the coming winter

    5. It didn’t stack up

    6. So much had seemed to stack up against him

    7. He shrugged and helped me stack up the plates

    8. will stack up about the same on any list of criteria or questions

    9. � That perceived domination and "No" response happens within us, and if we stack up enough "No's" against others and ourselves, our lives can become very restricted, and we find it difficult if not impossible to get much positive done in our lives

    10. The purpose of life is not to stack up money in the bank

    11. Christine has some of the guys stack up the luggage on to several utility carts! Harold holds a hot cup of coffee in his hand as he and Alan bring another cart to Christine

    12. The basic function of Ping is to send a message to another TCP/IP system on the network to determine whether the protocol stack up to the network layer is functioning properly

    13. GRMN was an interesting case because the left shoulder in the formation also had a sharp price break-off its peak in the 120 price area peak on very heavy volume, so that by the time GRMN broke off the peak of the head in the formation, evidence of the stock’s weakness was beginning to stack up decisively

    14. Whatever he had, it probably wasn’t going to stack up against the 9mm machine gun pistol Sullivan had holstered at his side

    15. As you can see, the more you trade, the more the costs will stack up

    16. the Carpathia, far out of her path and making eighteen knots, instead of her wonted fifteen, showed her single red and black smokestack upon the horizon

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