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staged frases de exemplo
1. He found the plasticised, superficiality of staged Internet sex far more satisfying than having to deal with the real thing
2. The crash team repeat the staged, Frankenstein dance of defibrillation on Leona's pale skin and her body goes into momentary spasm with each fresh jolt of electricity, but the line remains stubbornly horizontal
3. about capturing dragons, and then staged the diversionary attack on
4. be staged or as an effect of hazard
5. Later on Bert and Mabel went back to his house we would have gone with them only his father had gone to look after a sick uncle so Helen and I went to the ‘Electric Palace’ which was a moving picture house and was the only one left open in town I cant remember what we saw but there was some newsreels of the war which I found quite interesting if a bit false and staged
6. ended in a mystery, which is suspected a staged act of these publicity addicted neurotics
7. Colling had considered all the possibilities that might explain what he now firmly believed was a staged accident to make it seem as if Elizabeth had died
8. Colling described the staged jeep accident, and the quirk of fate in his meeting Vitarelli that put him on the path to discover that she had not been killed
9. “You’re saying the whole war’s been staged?”
10. There was also a civil war in Ingalaterra over the succession, but the current king, Eduardo the Fourth (Edward IV), had staged a little incursion against Frantzia in conjunction with Ardangori until the king of Frantzia, Luis the Eleventh, bought him off
11. So that it doesn’t seem too staged, he tells him the bodyguards would be expected to perform security duties at his compound once things calm down and the band isn’t touring
12. Then again, those films are staged
13. CMMI consists of two representations, Staged Representation and Continuous Representation
14. Staged Representation is adopted by most of the organizations as its giving them guidance and benchmarking with other Organizations, Whereas continuous representation is adopted by Organizations which are clear in their area of improvement and are comfortable with the practices in all other areas (or comfortable with the level of performance)
15. In Staged Representation, Organization’s Maturity level is provided with 5 different process maturities
16. The outdoor musical drama “Texas” is staged
17. Jack was puzzled at this last statement, staged? It made no sense
18. But there is nothing staged about the attraction their violent and hate filled recordings elicit
19. Furthermore, the state trooper took an obviously staged photo of Mike’s sneaker and assorted rusted beer cans which had been along the road for years in front of a post
20. staged, she began to giggle
21. This bull running extravaganza is staged annually to
22. “Based on the evidence and testimonies that we have gathered since we found his body this morning, Ka Luis Anacleto was killed and the suspect staged it to look like a suicide
23. Could it be a staged play or Moro-Moro by RMBN? Why?
24. “Believe me, this is not a staged play
25. He and the others of the command group were staged to the Hilian left, while above and below and to either side, and as far back as the eye could see, were staged the billion and a half plus of the strike force in three-dimensional ranks of well-spaced softly glowing cubes of various sizes
26. They faced the black wall in the same formations they’d staged in outside Venak, but from eighty kilometers away this time
27. They faced the black wall in the same formations they’d staged in outside Venak, but from fifty miles away this time
28. The local news was plastering every staged and over the top moment on their 6 o’clock coverage, just the way Booker and Big Whig drew it up
29. On 9 September 1973, General Augusto Pinochet staged an attack against Chilean President Salvador Allende
30. When it staged it came apart
31. Marvin wasn’t interested in the theatre or art or classical music or walking too far, and was profoundly shocked when I showed him where we’d staged Macbeth and described my role
32. Depending on the desired effect, chairs and other props would be staged for purposes of an interrogation
33. Of course to really impress her, a contest of strength and prowess will be staged where several suitors will attempt to win her hand, but none of them will ever defeat Prince Gautama!
34. Sebastian and Reginald could have staged their imprisonment
35. staged simultaneously; otherwise one of the groups could be warned in advance
36. Saul’s assault group reformed at the same point they had originally staged before the final jump
37. ture seems a bit staged, because it is
38. These fights are staged out in the countryside where tribal
39. I think he staged his wife's disappearance to drum up business, or even worse
40. That’s probably why you hear about staged dog fights often but
41. almost never about staged cat fights
42. In the year 66 AD the Jewish zealots or rebels staged a rebellion that went horribly
43. Nancy spent a good ten minutes briefing him and Ismay on the situation, finishing with the mutiny staged by the Time Patrol against the Global Council orders not to rescue her
44. Bush booted her out of the staged press conferences because she asked too many good questions
45. In a staged town hall meeting with obvious Republican supporters, Dick Cheney
46. Most town hall meetings are staged events
47. He then staged a victory flypast, coolly skimming just a few feet above the heads of everyone on the hill
48. The high priest appeared on the uppermost platform of the temple and I immediately interrupted his staged silence, mother had said to keep him from settling into his usual tricks
49. � The whole thing was obviously staged for propaganda purpose and no questions were asked by the reporters before Nancy was wheeled out of the hospital and put in the back seat of a staff car
50. � You may be useful in convincing the other prisoners that this was not staged by us