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    Use "staggeringly" em uma frase

    staggeringly frases de exemplo


    1. Hussein and Ahmed were amazed at how the place seems staggeringly well organised and was growing fast

    2. question like _What is the meaning of life?_ you are going to have a staggeringly larger

    3. The odds against were staggeringly huge, he thought

    4. For example, the last remaining Obotron Crew Members in our last trailing Obotron fleet ship… became Greegs! No one could have possibly predicted that! They did so at a staggeringly swift pace, without even having a home planet to reside on

    5. Duval grinned, and his lips pulled back into a snarl that surrounded those unusually small, and staggeringly crooked, teeth

    6. You are already staggeringly wealthy compared with at any

    7. I didn’t know him, knew nothing about him, and although he was staggeringly attractive, that shouldn’t make me feel this way over the fact that he would not be back to see me

    8. Before that happened, Puller froze his brother’s image, leaned closer to the screen, and peered deeply into Robert’s features, trying to decipher the thoughts going through that staggeringly complicated mind

    9. The magnificent entryway, with its staggeringly high, dark wooden ceiling and towering wall of sunlit stained glass, awed Alice

    10. Did you know that each time you shuffle a deck of cards, the odds are that no deck of cards in history has ever been in that precise order? In fact, the odds against it are staggeringly astronomical

    11. The first and second were successfully darted, and we saw the whales staggeringly running off, fettered by the enormous sidelong resistance of the towing drugg

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    Sinônimos para "staggeringly"

    enormously hugely staggeringly tremendously