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    standard of living frases de exemplo

    standard of living

    1. ‘By the standards of Earth technology, life is certainly a lot simpler on Errd … slower in some ways … no, that’s not accurate, less frenzied would be better … but we have a high standard of living … and I think it’s fair to say that our culture is more ecologically sound

    2. By 2341 Atlantis no longer lead the world in standard of living, but it was as modern as Manaus, which was the technology center of mortal life at the time

    3. Addendum to the above: Happy as many parents were to provide a higher standard of living for their children (motivated in part by parading affluence), these ―selfless‖ acts seldom elicited an appropriate level of gratitude or appreciation for their self-sacrificing efforts

    4. consumes beyond the limits of his or her (material) resources, however, is unlikely to find any sum sufficient to support a standard of living that extravagant spending oftentimes adopts

    5. In the fifties, sixties, and seventies; there was plenty of work, and the standard of living was high

    6. Brendan figured, using simple logic and common sense, that if the third world was experiencing a rise in the standard of living, and the ‘second world’ was rapidly developing, something would have to give somewhere else

    7. That is, these policies are impacting our standard of living by

    8. ” The energy age might be defined as when the means to transportation and personal mobility, heating, cooling, electricity and the whole spectrum of what most of us, with even more joining in, enjoyed and strove for as “the standard of living

    9. ” The standard of living had been made possible through the use of coal, fossil fuels, nuclear, hydro and geothermal forces, with a touch of solar / wind power thrown in

    10. higher standard of living—a very attractive carrot for many rural towns that balanced

    11. Our failure will please them, even though our failure will neither enhance their lives nor improve their standard of living—a classic case of schadenfreude

    12. But here is my question: what if there were another neighbourhood that had even less wealth and a lower standard of living than our attackers? And what if that poorer neighbourhood were also to suffer from the Fourier complex and thus decide to punish our attackers the same way they are punishing us? In life, inequality of all sorts will always exist

    13. In the meantime, the standard of living sharply declined,

    14. That is, these policies are impacting our standard of living by drastically increasing energy costs and decreasing the ability of our states to create jobs, foster entrepreneurship, and give manufacturers the ability to compete in the global marketplace

    15. Consequently, the real standard of living rose throughout much of

    16. or another, they must depreciate the citizens of the United States because of their high standard of living

    17. When have you heard the ‘liberals’ engage in open and factual discussion for the concepts they espouse? For whatever reason they oppose Capitalism, it is an undeniable fact that this country owes its present wealth and high standard of living to Capitalism’s productivity

    18. The United States of America has the highest standard of living of all the countries and nations in the world

    19. Factually, those free-enterprise terms were just quantitative names in the authoritarian orders that determined each citizen’s income, consumption, and standard of living

    20. If Capitalism were the system by which entrepreneurs and business owners could “take advantage of” and “gouge” people, then there simply could not exist the natural market growth with the resultant high standard of living enjoyed in this great nation

    21. recent decrease in the standard of living of many millions of our middle class

    22. the standard of living of the middle class

    23. reason why working families have not seen an increase in their standard of living

    24. burden that is costing jobs while lowering the standard of living of the middle

    25. were leaving the country and the standard of living of the middle class was

    26. standard of living to make up for the Sprugs that

    27. And we lavish upon them the highest standard of living in the modern age

    28. GDP but the standard of living is

    29. 14 For four years their standard of living had steadily declined; year by year they felt the pinch of increasing poverty

    30. income on which he could maintain a reasonably high standard of living

    31. standard of living, was constantly "in a bind" in making his income meet his

    32. choice: either to cut down his standard of living and move into a less expensive

    33. home, or increase his income so that he could meet his standard of living

    34. only raised his income to a point where he could maintain his standard of living,

    35. but even went beyond and was able to raise his standard of living

    36. access to a satisfying career and an adequate standard of living result in an increased

    37. She even told us she was entitled to a good standard of living, the way some young women feel they are ladies who should not have to sweat or get dirty, for whom those willing to sweat and get dirty should run around to assist them and do the sweaty and dirty things for them

    38. Cynthia expected to be given a good standard of living, and rise above the unpleasantness and petty problems that most people seem to have to deal with

    39. tions of his childhood, and achieved a standard of living beyond anything his

    40. Since the early 1980’s many experts have said that people’s incomes have not kept up with rising costs and people have not been able to maintain their standard of living year to year

    41. People over the last thirty years in particular went to their credit cards to desperately try and maintain their standard of living

    42. standard of living, friendships, sex life, and health

    43. 4 For freedom and for the Gospel’s sake, choose a lower standard of living while you retire student loans as quickly as possible

    44. When we married, she advised us to start out with a frugal lifestyle and lower standard of living

    45. Kim’s mother explained that we could always go up to a higher standard of living, but it is harder to go back to less

    46. Strategically choose a standard of living that will propel your vanguard career and prepare you financially for vanguard missions leadership

    47. The standard of living in America is considerably higher than

    48. The lust for upward mobility needs to be satisfied while preserving an American human standard of living for all workers

    49. increases in the standard of living without a substantial rise in

    50. and high standard of living

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