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    standard time frases de exemplo

    standard time

    1. my 12:00 Eastern Standard Time that we had for the launch

    2. “Mind you, fast intercontinental travel was very rare before the founding of the alliance, so standard time would have been much less useful than it is now

    3. "…reports from Manila, Rome, Gaza, Haifa, and Vancouver confirm that earthquakes occurred at the precise time as the one that hit Manhattan at 1:25 pm Eastern Standard time today…"

    4. It reflected Standard Time

    5. The Harbinger left Praxis at approximately 1010 hours Standard Time and made for Aleator

    6. My watch said I was still on Eastern Standard Time and I was beat beyond belief

    7. technology that was far too advanced for the standard time-

    8. Eastern Standard Time, President-Elect Tim Woodson straightened his tie in the mirror, running over in his head what he would say during his Inauguration Speech

    9. Eastern Standard Time, or 11:00 a

    10. Central European Standard Time,” as I said this I touched the graphic and the browns started turning green, “It will rain here for thirty days in the arid areas

    11. Eastern Standard Time this morning

    12. One particular method of work measurement was based on a set of standard times for each motion of the fingers, hand and body

    13. So when the hand moved to pick up an object, the time was found by looking up in the table for the standard time taken to move the hand that many inches

    14. The other is called the Basic Movements and is composed of the Standard Time Spans

    15. The Standard Time Spans are not as accurate as the counts from the Middle Section (when they occur) but much more so than long-term intervals

    16. ’ Standard Time Spans have remained the same for 190 years

    17. Standard Time Spans have been traced back to 1861 in detail and all the way back to 1798

    18. While its count varies as much as the other Standard Time Spans, it is interesting how often the 221- to 224-day count appears

    19. If the elapsed time agrees closely with one of the Standard Time Spans, it is accepted without question as a basic low

    20. Once a Basic Movement (advance or decline) persists for longer than the extreme of that particular Standard Time Span, it should be assumed that it will continue until the next time span

    21. For example, if the current movement is a decline, then it must end in time for the next bull market high (15 years after a low) to arrive after a Standard Time Span

    22. That is, the current decline must end soon enough for a basic advance (using the Standard Time Spans) to run its typical duration and be completed in the targeted time span of a 15-year interval

    23. Combining Standard Time Spans with Counts from the Middle Section

    24. The Standard Time Spans can be used alone, but it is much more accurate to combine them with the counts from the Middle Section and with the long-term intervals

    25. The Standard Time Spans are more reliable than counts from the Middle Section, but the latter, if computed accurately, are much more exact

    26. The Standard Time Spans are often useful, even essential, in deciding whether to count from point C or E in a Middle Section

    27. To sum up the matter: Most market movements have always followed the Standard Time Spans: short, mean, long, extended

    28. That time span is much too long for a basic advance using the Standard Time Spans

    29. Here is another example of always needing to compare the count from the Middle Section with the Standard Time Spans

    30. basic movements Either advances or declines composed of the Standard Time Spans

    31. medium-term intervals Counted in days and referred to as the Standard Time Spans or Basic Movements

    32. standard time spans The various durations of market moves that have recurred throughout history

    33. The value of the option may be represented in one of two ways: It may be a three- or four-letter acronym that describes the time zone (for example, EST, for Eastern Standard Time), or a time-zone ID that specifies a region and an area, separated by a forward slash (/), such as "America/New_York

    34. Consider the abbreviation “CST”, which stands for "China Standard Time," or "Cuba Standard Time," or "Central Standard Time

    35. TZONESTTNAME returns the standard time name for the time zone ID

    36. This function differs from the TZONEDSTNAME() function in that it provides the standard time abbreviation as opposed to the daylight saving time abbreviation

    37. eastern standard time

    38. Eastern Standard Time

    39. eastern standard time in the winter

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