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    step aside

    1. One even said to me, respectfully enough since I was her sergeant, that she would arrest me for interfering with her duties if I kept holding her back and please f step aside so that she could kick the criminal in a motherly fashion

    2. Addendum to above question: Should Western Culture step aside and let history take its course or is it possible for such groups to properly assimilate and operate within its broadest parameters?

    3. At least he was smart enough to step aside

    4. One officer stepped forward and indicated to LP to step aside

    5. Nico took a step aside

    6. “He was going to take it regardless of what I chose to do, it was the lesser of two evils Car, it was either I go along with it to buy time or I step aside and watch Jesse lose the company, I couldn’t do that

    7. Thus our Gentile Captains of a Thousand, after winning a battle, felt it their duty to step aside modestly, and permit the Jewish leaders of the land to finish the victory

    8. “This has nothing to do with you,” Morgan said matching Dryan stare, “so step aside

    9. "I'll take it from here, Major," Calvin motioned for the Major to step aside, which he did with a disgruntled look

    10. With a soft sigh I step aside- he’s already shouldering his way inside and if I don’t move he’ll just move me

    11. The next in command, vice chancellor Aaron said, `I propose you step aside from leading this council

    12. Every now and then we had to step aside and allow the military vehicles to pass

    13. In order to understand our own religious tradition it is sometimes necessary to ‘step aside’ – to separate from it and view it dispassionately

    14. I aim at his head, but he just puts a step aside, through which it lands on his shoulder

    15. As soon as the train arrived I hissed and meowed just loud enough for the people around me to step aside so I could enter the train cart first; it was my right as a proud feline

    16. step aside for the next girl

    17. Wickland could hardly believe that Del was willing to step aside at the behest of politically motivated brass in DC and was even more surprised that Higgins was willing to waffle under pressure himself

    18. I step aside and back up to the lockers in an effort to not be carried

    19. I step aside to let him in, but he shakes his head

    20. brother, you step aside first while I sound out how great is this young man!” Seven windforces accompanied him as he finished

    21. He had just heard that he needed to step aside and let Bohdan take over as leader

    22. She had to step aside

    23. The second boy waited for Greg to step aside, and strolled in, with Greg close on his heels

    24. “Step aside! I’ll break it in!”

    25. Step aside so that we can go home

    26. It was better to step aside

    27. In the course of these notandums, I have, here and there, touched on divers matters that did not actually pertain to my own magisterial life, further than as showing the temper and spirit in which different things were brought to a bearing; and, in the same way, I will now again step aside from the regular course of public affairs, to record an occurrence which, at the time, excited no small wonderment and sympathy, and in which it was confessed by many that I performed a very judicious part

    28. “ Mr Peevie, I need not tell to a man of your experience, that folk in public stations cannot always venture to lay before the world the reasons of their conduct on particular occasions; and therefore, when men who have been long in the station that I have filled in this town, are seen to step aside from what has been in time past, it is to be hoped that grave and sensible persons like you, Mr Peevie, will no rashly condemn them unheard; nevertheless, my good friend, I am very happy that ye have spoken to me anent the stinted allowance of wine and punch at the dinner, because the like thing from any other would have made me jealouse that the complaint was altogether owing to a disappointed appetite, which is a corrupt thing, that I am sure would never affect a man of such a public spirit as you are well known to be

    29. She watched him walk away along the path, step aside behind the flowering bush, and reappear with the child seated on his shoulder

    30. But trend traders have the freedom to simply exit losing trades quickly and step aside

    31. Taj was forced to step aside to let a front loader pass

    32. This requires patience and the ability to step aside and not obsessively stare at the charts all day

    33. "They also serve who only stand and wait," and their first action was merely to step aside and give places in the boats to women and children, some of whom were too young to comprehend or to remember

    34. I'll step aside

    35. Next came the account of Mitya's sudden determination to “step aside” and make way for their happiness

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