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    stock up frases de exemplo

    stock up

    1. a once in a year opportunity to carouse, shop, stock up on

    2. Such are in general the effects of the increase of stock upon industry and its productive powers

    3. Stock up on meats when they are on sale and then divide them up into individual serving

    4. Other items that you can stock up on include:

    5. Let us suppose that he generally disposes of his whole stock upon hand, or of goods to the value of his whole stock upon hand, once in the year

    6. But this million being raised, not by a call upon the proprietors, but by selling annuities and contracting bond-debts, it did not augment the stock upon which the proprietors could claim a dividend

    7. Provided he can enjoy this influence for a few years, and thereby provide for a certain number of his friends, he frequently cares little about the dividend, or even about the value of the stock upon which his vote is founded

    8. What remained to be assessed upon the stock or trade of the towns (for the stock upon the land was not meant to be taxed) was very much below the real value of that stock or trade

    9. Roasting a whole ham over the weekend is a great way to stock up on tasty, leftover meat for quick meals that can bring the family together during the week

    10. “Besides, I’m sure you need to stock up on essentials

    11. Seiners move into the town harbors ahead of the opening to stock up on supplies and equipment, prepare their nets and skiffs and await the signal to start fishing for herring

    12. With my last strength I went to a supermarket and stock up all the necessary

    13. The intention is they get through the day, but Diedie exaggerates as always and seems to stock up for an entire week

    14. Next three days I have a shipment of guns coming in to stock up my gun room

    15. He didn’t look worse for wear – he’d probably taken one of those hangover pills the Elitists always seemed to stock up on

    16. The gun was now pointing correctly, stock up and barrel down, as his father

    17. and equity funding tends to propel the stock upward

    18. that lowers risk and propels the stock upward, or maintenance of the position, which may

    19. stock up thirty percent and the firm decreases its debt to equity ratio by paying off some of its loans and retaining earnings

    20. “Is it crazy to stock up for bad times?” asked Bob

    21. All clothes and office supplies are included, so this is a great time to stock up on all sorts of supplies

    22. For some reason, there always seemed to be men roaming around in the park at night every weekend, and it was an easy way to stock up for the Wedding Feast

    23. Or perhaps buying the array of jams, pickles, or flavoured olive oils in order to stock up there pantries at home

    24. She would stock up on Stephen King, Robert Bloch, Peter Benchley, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, John le Carré, Robert Ludlum, Louis L’Amour (a favorite amongst the high school boys, due mostly in part to the shortness of his books), among others

    25. You were the one who was supposed to stock up!” He

    26. We should stock up with

    27. presentability, and I needed to stock up on some strong deodorant for all the

    28. Another powerful reason for understanding the what’s-what about bidding is that as a seller you might want to stock up on good deals that you see for resale later

    29. Her mother had told her to stock up on food just in case things didn’t clear up as quickly as she hoped

    30. Barbara has schooled us all in edible plants and the types of materials that can be found in the woods with which to make the most durable melee weapons if our ammo runs dry before we can stock up

    31. “Well,” Chance said, “should we head into the next village? Not to sound insensitive, but we need to stock up on supplies

    32. loving population was also rushing to stock up on their sugar supply

    33. Remember we’re not trying to stock up on throwaway tools; we want to buy the tools that will last through many projects

    34. He spent a few hours with him, politely nodding his head and raising an eyebrow to show he was paying attention, even watching the boy devour his lunch as if he would never see food again and needed to stock up

    35. drive the price of that stock up

    36. • You can also try to find weekly markets that sell fresh produce and stock up on your supplies for the week

    37. Stock Up on Snow Globes

    38. 60 and taken the stock up to $26 (my ultimate target)

    39. Graham and Dodd referred to this as “double-counting”—that is, investors buy the stock on the basis of their faith in management and then, seeing that the stock has risen, take it as additional proof of management’s powers and bid the stock up further

    40. This was a very powerful move, but the stock was immediately extended from its buy point by over 20 percent, hence the idea of trying to buy the stock up that far away from a proper buy point carried a great deal of risk with it

    41. This is a perfect example of when not to buy any option, whether it’s a call (upside potential) or put (downside potential) because the unexpected earnings news (seen within the circle and represented by the telephone and dollar sign icons) could drive the stock up or down

    42. The only thing that will move the stock up $10

    43. They can take several harmful actions to drive the price of a stock up in the near-term to the detriment of the long-term health of the business

    44. I read a closely guarded report this afternoon which indicates that some sources are saying there will be a huge announcement tomorrow morning that could send this stock up over 800%

    45. When the price of shoes – or more realistically for this book, barrels of oil – rises above, say, $50, you want to know about it so that you can stock up in anticipation of further price rises

    46. Sometimes he will have excess inventory that he needs to offload, and sometimes he will not be able to stock up quickly enough

    47. Got any Fiji or Evian enthusiasts out there? Or frankly, even if you just stock up on Poland Spring at Costco, how much are you spending on bottled water every year? A young woman I work with, whom I adore and who considers herself very socially conscious, is about to get married to a guy who regularly buys 12-packs of 1

    48. The townspeople learned to stock up during his depressed periods and buy only what was necessary when he was manic

    49. The main point to take away from this example is that rallies after the initial price break off the peak can take many forms, but the main idea is that you will see one, two, three, or more rallies that carry the stock up to or over the 50-day moving average as the stock runs in premature short sellers and sucks in “bargain hunters” who see a once hot stock as being “cheap

    50. Apple and the new iPod music player created a sensation that carried the company’s stock up 1,580% from a classic cup-with-handle base price pattern that was easy to spot on February 27, 2004—if you used charts

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