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    Use "stone quarry" em uma frase

    stone quarry frases de exemplo

    stone quarry

    1. A good stone quarry in the

    2. The value of a free-stone quarry, for example, will necessarily increase with the increasing improvement and population of the country round about it, especially if it should be the only one in the neighbourhood

    3. The market for the produce of a free-stone quarry can seldom extend more than a few miles round about it, and the demand must generally be in proportion to the improvement and population of that small district ; but the market for the produce of a silver mine may extend over the whole known world

    4. Chiselled roughly on it, she read ‘Masterstone Quarry, Bacu, 2 Leagues,’ a jagged arrow pointing to the right

    5. Within that small location can be found a stone quarry, asphalt business and three landfills

    6. The major polluters and possible cause of all the sickness and death are a stone quarry, an asphalt plant and a few landfills

    7. unending uncertainties we had traversed to reach the limestone quarry

    8. Notice all those pole-vault poles by the back wall of the studio? That’s to help the high jumpers up across into the stone quarry

    9. , account of a journey to the Côteau des Prairies, and description of the red pipestone quarry and granitic bowlders there found, xxxviii, 138

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