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    Use "stooping" em uma frase

    stooping frases de exemplo


    1. ‘Can you imagine it? Me living in a manor house with staff!’ he chuckled, stooping to pick up another stone and throwing it with some power towards the same rock where it smashed

    2. "So you are Alan, stooping to such a theatrical trick as this?"

    3. and Eric, all as children, Ronnie already stooping although he was only six, Eric with freshly cut

    4. Stooping over the body of the giant cat, the large man cried

    5. “Not far now,” Alex assured them a while later, leaning forward in his seat to point at a large rock shaped like a stooping figure

    6. Stooping he picked it up, but before he could use it Gonzalez had his arm around his neck, squeezing hard, gripping his right wrist so he couldn’t bring the gun into play

    7. Stooping low, he saw grasses, frozen stiff, and more hole

    8. Then stooping down, I began picking mushrooms

    9. Edgar eagerly sought the companionship of his new personal hero who brought dignity to a People forever stooping their shoulders in deference

    10. ―Hello, Keith,‖ I said stooping down to kiss him on the cheek

    11. “Sir Silaran is flying at twice the speed of a stooping hawk as he manifests in his gleaming barding within a hand’s breadth of the leading edge of this flight of twelve renegade Shiganzhu warriors, his head down to present his blade as he charges, with most of his power being channeled through his horn and into that blade to shatter the Shields of his foes

    12. Stooping and looking in he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves and entered into the tomb

    13. The taller one entered first, stooping to avoid the low ceiling, and his companion followed, laying his thick winter gloves in the middle of the table

    14. He ran to the faint light of the doorway, stooping to pick up a stick along the way to combat the bear

    15. his back stooping like that of a beaten old man, he slid his feet

    16. Finally, stooping to duck below a low lintel, she disappeared from view into one of the square’s fancier eating-houses, to the obvious disappointment of the crowd

    17. Stooping, he lifted Natala in his mighty arms as though she had been an infant

    18. Taking Sancha's hand, Conan glided down the stair, stooping so that his head would not be visible above the wall

    19. " Then, stooping over, he spat on the ground and mixed the clay with the spittle, and speaking of all this so that the blind man could hear, he went up to Josiah and put the clay over his sightless eyes, saying: "Go, my son, wash away this clay in the pool of Siloam, and immediately you shall receive your sight

    20. Stooping to look at it over his shoulder, Balthus felt a crawling of the flesh along his spine, he knew not why

    21. As Balthus looked he saw the Cimmerian beat down a thrusting shortsword, avoid the stroke of an ax with a cat-like sidewise spring which brought him within arm's length of a squat savage stooping for a bow

    22. Stooping, he cupped a handful of congealing blood from the sluggish pool in which his victim sprawled, and rubbed it in the copper serpent's eyes until the yellow sparks were covered by a crimson mask

    23. Over all brooded the citadel, like a condor stooping above its prey, intent on its own dark meditations

    24. As he went down the corridor, a figure came hobbling up it, a bent, surly old man, stooping under the weight of his pike and a lantern he bore in one hand

    25. Stooping, he slashed the cords that bound her wrists and lifting her as if she had been a child, strode from the dungeon

    26. Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass

    27. walking along the shore, stooping occasionally to stuff an interesting

    28. Stooping for a closer look he became aware of a sinuous movement across the edge of the tile stoop

    29. Learning as he went, Samson discovered he could determine most odors by stooping as he progressed, the disturbance caused by his passage enough to stir air currents of sufficient impact to lift scent enough for adequate perusal by his nascent sense of smell

    30. —E'en then would be some stooping; and I choose

    31. The remaining escapees have managed to crawl over a hundred yards or more of the rough ground, and regain their feet to run as best they can whilst stooping in an attempt to avoid being shot

    32. Bob stopped for a few moments stooping next to the drummer as he rapped on a sewer grate

    33. “I’ll try again,” he assured her, stooping to the ground to collect some more ammunition

    34. “I see what you mean,” said Flower, stooping to look over Wilberforce’s shoulder

    35. After stooping to her feet in passion, having conquered her heart with love, he found his way back on her silken slopes with the labial support, and rested his head on the slab of her midriff

    36. He saw himself stooping to help her retrieve her items

    37. ” Hunter replied quietly, stooping to collect his pole from the ground

    38. of stooping to the

    39. Stooping over her to see that her English exercises are correct I like to lay my cheek a moment on it, so lightly that she does not notice, for it is wonderful stuff,--soft, wavy, shining, and ought alone without the little ear and curve of the young cheek, without the silly pretty mouth and kind straightforward eyes, to have immeshed that stupid man beyond all possibility of disentangling himself

    40. I saw all this, though I was stooping over the bushes

    41. "Oh, _poor_ Jim," thought Fanny--hesitating, not quite sure, yet only too sure, and distressed for him that he should be so stooping and so grey

    42. "Your handkerchief, m'lady," she said, stooping, not without a wheeze, and picking it up from the floor where it had been lying since it was swept, by Muriel, out of Fanny's hand

    43. A thundering mass of grey sinuous foreleg attached to a cocked hoof was the last thing the stooping convict saw

    44. "Tut, tut!" said Frau Dosch, becoming scandalised: and stooping down she shouted into Ingeborg's ear: "Frau Pastor--wake up--look at your son--a magnificent fellow--with a chest, I tell you--oh, but he will break the hearts of the maidens he will--"

    45. "That would really be very amusing," he said, stooping down and neatly putting his scattered things together

    46. He felt she made no attempt to draw her hand away, he heard her murmuring something inarticulate--it was merely Good-bye--he was hurled along to his doom; and stooping over her the unfortunate young man kissed her hair

    47. 'Don't be angry, darling Everard,' she whispered, laying her arm on his stooping shoulder

    48. 'Good-bye,' he said shortly, stooping and giving the top of her head a brief, disgusted kiss

    49. Peter arose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking

    50. Stooping to examine the hound, he then peered into the darkness of the night

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    Sinônimos para "stooping"

    crooked hunched round-backed round-shouldered stooped stooping wavering