Use "stupefying" em uma frase
stupefying frases de exemplo
1. It took her time to realize that it was also a form of tenderness and it was then that she lost her calm and lived only for him, upset by the desire to sink into his stupefying odor of grease washed off by lye
2. They could hear Úrsula fighting against the laws of creation to maintain the line, and José Arcadio Buendía searching for the mythical truth of the great inventions, and Fernanda praying, and Colonel Aureliano Buendía stupefying himself with the deception of war and the little gold fishes, and Aureliano Segundo dying of solitude in the turmoil of his debauches, and then they learned that dominant obsessions can prevail against death and they were happy again with the certainty that they would go on loving each other in their shape as apparitions long after other species of future animals would steal from the insects the paradise of misery that the insects were finally stealing from man
3. Then Aslan continued with logic and stupefying ingenuity that crystallised his deep humanistic feeling, ‘Your Excellency, seventy families are suffering this bitter unchanging situation
4. Stupefying television, the newspaper too, but didn’t they do that when you were young?
5. The results were stupefying
6. result of the narcotic action of alcohol in deadening his pain, and stupefying his senses
7. hired--put, doubtless, some stupefying potion in what I ate or drank, the morning I left town
8. The third thing is perhaps the most stupefying
9. He hated Mamma Valerius for giving him such news as that with such stupefying calmness
10. They also seized in his cell a half-empty bottle which contained the remains of the stupefying wine with
11. On the third stupefying night she waited for him with a bottle of anisette, which she used to drink in secret with Cousin Hildebranda’s band and later, after she was married and had children, behind closed doors with the friends from her borrowed world
12. The amount of venom injected is usually tiny, but it contains concentrated doses of fast-acting poisons, similar to those in snake venoms – nerve poisons, stupefying ingredients, a convulsant, enzymes and sometimes formic acid
13. I walked down the narrow passage between the double row of sleepers, holding my breath to keep out the vile, stupefying fumes of the drug, and looking about for the manager
14. All repair to the eating-houses and taverns, from the traffic of which part of the revenue of the government is derived, and there they give themselves up to drink, stupefying their senses so that they care nothing for the injustice done to them
15. The governor, in spite of all the stupefying effect of his surroundings, cannot help hesitating when the moment comes to give final decisive command
16. The George Edwardes shows have of late displayed a marked tendency to a sort of stupefying monotony