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    1. All people of small or middling fortunes would be obliged to superintend themselves the employment of their own stocks

    2. They may even exhort and give little addresses�may teach Sunday schools and be parochial visitors�may manage Reformatories and Houses of Refuge�may attend Committees, and superintend Church finance I My reply is, that all such suggestions are ridiculously below the mark, and show woeful ignorance of the Church's need

    3. She builds all her hopes on you; she says that you will help her now and that she will borrow a little money somewhere and go to her native town with me and set up a boarding school for the daughters of gentlemen and take me to superintend it, and we will begin a new splendid life

    4. He thought of hiring a small farm in the neighbourhood, that he would superintend every morning on his way to his patients

    5. The first month after their marriage was spent with their friend at the Mansion-house; from whence they could superintend the progress of the Parsonage, and direct every thing as they liked on the spot;-- could choose papers, project shrubberies, and invent a sweep

    6. Its owner stood behind; her light, shining ringlets blending, at intervals, with his brown locks, as she bent to superintend his studies; and her face---it was lucky he could not see her face, or he would never have been so steady

    7. Taking home the coffin and lifting in the corpse, one shilling - usually there were two men to do this besides Hunter, who always accompanied them to superintend the work - attending the funeral and acting as bearer, four shillings: so that altogether Crass made six shillings and ninepence out of each funeral, and sometimes a little more

    8. d'Avrigny to superintend all the arrangements consequent upon a death in a large city, more especially a death under such suspicious circumstances

    9. "My assistant had remained at the points in order that he might superintend the switching off of the train

    10. He observed to his father that he was then six-and-twenty, and that when he should start in the farming business he would require eyes in the back of his head to see to all matters—some one would be necessary to superintend the domestic labours of his establishment whilst he was afield

    11. Its owner stood behind; her light, shining ringlets blending, at intervals, with his brown looks, as she bent to superintend his studies; and her face—it was lucky he could not see her face, or he would never have been so steady

    12. There should always be one steady head to superintend so many young ones

    13. The first month after their marriage was spent with their friend at the Mansion-house; from whence they could superintend the progress of the Parsonage, and direct every thing as they liked on the spot;—could chuse papers, project shrubberies, and invent a sweep

    14. , are not efficient boat handlers); not enough officers to carry out emergency orders on the bridge and superintend the launching and control of life-boats; the absence of search lights

    15. All that morning we had been watching the Doctor superintend the building of the new theatre in Popsipetel—there was already an opera-house and a concert-hall; and finally she had got so grouchy and annoyed at the sight that I had suggested her taking a walk with me

    16. Miss Minchin saw her for the first time when she entered the schoolroom to hear the little French class recite its lessons and superintend its exercises

    17. “We began,” he says, “by dressing our Russian women as French marchionesses, and as they knew nothing about the dress, Flamand and I were told off to superintend their toilette

    18. The Engineer officer arrived accompanied by the so-called "conductor" and by some non-commissioned officers of the Line, together with sappers and soldiers told off to superintend the labours of the convicts

    19. At last the non-commissioned officer appointed to superintend the work came up with a cane in his hand

    20. He took the greatest pleasure in whipping and flogging, when he had to superintend the punishment

    21. Then the Governor, just as I saw the Governor of Tula, with a battalion of soldiers supplied with rods and muskets, backed by all due accessories of telegraph and telephone, accompanied by a learned physician who was to superintend the flogging from a medical standpoint, started on an express train for the spot, like the modern Genghis Khan predicted by Herzen

    22. You may be healthy and contented, and have occupations which interest you, while, on the other hand, your wife may be too weak to superintend the household work (which, in consequence, will be left to the servants), or to look after the children (who, in consequence, will be left to the nurses), or to put her heart into any work whatsoever: and all because she loves nobody and nothing but yourself

    23. Without the conviction that there are persons of a higher grade who will take the responsibility, and people of a lower grade who require such acts for their welfare, not one of the intermediate class would superintend such deeds

    24. The next evidence I shall adduce for the consideration of the Senate, is the opinion of the late General Hamilton, appointed by President Washington, the first Secretary of the Treasury; whose province and duty it was to superintend the national finances

    25. A committee was then appointed to superintend the funeral of the deceased, consisting of Messrs

    1. 6 And Joseph became king over Egypt, for he superintended over all Egypt, and all Egypt was under his care and under his counsel, for all Egypt inclined to Joseph after the death of Pharaoh, and they loved him exceedingly to reign over them

    2. I superintended a keg then, and at the Spring ‘68 re-match

    3. 6 And Joseph became king over Egypt for he superintended over all Egypt and all Egypt was under his care and under his counsel for all Egypt inclined to Joseph after the death of Pharaoh and they loved him exceedingly to reign over them

    4. It was so tiny that it got done, after a great deal of urging from Tussie, by the Tuesday at midday, and Tussie himself had superintended the storing of wood in the coal-hole and the lighting of the fire that was to warm his divine lady and that Ill Luck found so comforting to her toes

    5. Crass took the paint, and, superintended by Hunter, made it thicker

    6. Maria superintended the distribution of the barmbrack and saw that every woman got her four slices

    7. A posse of Dublin Metropolitan police superintended by the Chief Commissioner in person maintained order in the vast throng for whom the York street brass and reed band whiled away the intervening time by admirably rendering on their blackdraped instruments the matchless melody endeared to us from the cradle by Speranza's plaintive muse

    8. He had wished to know, finally, in the name of his mother, if Tess could really come to manage the old lady's fowl-farm or not; the lad who had hitherto superintended the birds having proved untrustworthy

    9. Everything was just as everybody always has it, especially so the general, who admired the apartment, patted Berg on the shoulder, and with parental authority superintended the setting out of the table for boston

    10. They played, they called to each other, they formed into groups, they ran about; pretty little white teeth chattered in the corners; the veils superintended the laughs from a distance, shades kept watch of the sunbeams, but what mattered it? Still they beamed and laughed

    11. Burton superintended the cooking arrangements

    12. As I superintended this manœuvre he said to me: "Don't drop me in the water, sir

    1. Then, through cowardice, through stupidity, through that indefinable feeling that drags us into the most distasteful acts, he allowed himself to be led off to Bridoux', whom they found in his small yard, superintending three workmen, who panted as they turned the large wheel of a machine for making seltzer-water

    2. He was superintending the grooming of his horse, and smoking his cigar at the entrance of the garden, when the count's carriage stopped at the gate

    3. Amongst other places, they glanced into the kitchen, where the landlady was superintending the preparation

    4. superintending the choice of colors, materials and designs himself

    5. ) I knew, too, from paying just enough attention to the radio, that the Hamilton-Sweeney Company was in legal trouble, but I’d assumed--the dynastic merchant bank having mutated into a conglomerate in the ’60s--that Carmine’s competitor was a separate arm, and that superintending the whole would be some bureaucratic cabal too faceless to care about “sending a message” to a lone fireworker

    6. He was himself always occupied: writing his memoirs, solving problems in higher mathematics, turning snuffboxes on a lathe, working in the garden, or superintending the building that was always going on at his estate

    7. There was a sort of village kitchen, and here the Japanese private was superintending the activities of women of the village who were preparing rice

    8. Gillenormand was superintending the basket of wedding gifts

    9. The return of winter engagements, however, was not without its effect; and in the course of their progress, her mind became so pleasantly occupied in superintending the fortunes of her eldest niece, as tolerably to quiet her nerves

    10. Norris was too busy in contriving and directing the general little matters of the company, superintending their various dresses with economical expedient, for which nobody thanked her, and saving, with delighted integrity, half a crown here and there to the absent Sir Thomas, to have leisure for watching the behaviour, or guarding the happiness of his daughters

    11. While personally superintending its removal he lost all patience with the clouds of “accursed jackdaws which hovered over the belfry as if they had a mind to defend the cross!” It is said that Berthier, the Duke of Wagram, who was standing with General Dumas on a balcony outside the Empress’ apartments while the work of removing the cross was in progress, unable to restrain his anger, exclaimed—“To think of a man doing a thing like this when he as good as has peace in his pocket!”[7]

    12. I will add to these remarks that I was always surprised at the extraordinary good-nature, the absence of rancour with which these unhappy men spoke of their punishment, and of the chiefs superintending it

    13. Jerebiatnikof is the officer superintending the execution

    14. He could not do much to lighten their lot materially, for his office was that of superintending the engineering work, which had to be done in ways and quantities, settled absolutely and unalterably by the regulations

    15. Why, then, was it not said half a century ago that servitude was, in itself, an inoffensive medium of reciprocal services, notwithstanding the fact that no man could lawfully enslave another? Some give their manual labour, and the work of others consists in taking care of the physical and intellectual welfare of the slaves, and in superintending their efforts

    16. The guests numbered a score, and were all of them students except Herr Frost (in attendance upon Iwin) and a tall, red-faced gentleman who was superintending the feast and who was introduced to every one as a relative of the Baron’s and a former student of the University of Dorpat

    17. The very next day the roof was being painted and the walls whitewashed, and Olenka, arms akimbo, was going about the yard superintending

    18. Resolved, That the Senate will attend the funeral of Francis Malbone, this afternoon, at five o'clock, from his late residence; that notice thereof be given to the House of Representatives, and that a committee be appointed for superintending the funeral

    19. No man can be busy laying out work, superintending work, explaining to contractors and reasoning with employers, and still be producing delicate and thoughtful designs

    1. What concerned the whole empire would in this way be determined by the assembly which inspects and superintends the affairs of the whole empire ; and the provincial affairs of each colony might still be regulated by its own assembly

    2. It arises principally from the milk and increase of his own herds and flocks, of which he himself superintends the management, and is the principal shepherd or herdsman of his own horde or tribe

    3. And the great and glorious angel Michael is he who has authority over this people and governs them; for this is he who gave them the law into the hearts of believers: he accordingly superintends them to whom he gave it to see if they have kept the same

    4. This war cannot be perpetuated and prosecuted without violating the laws of humanity and justice, the laws of religion and morality—and these laws are to be respected as well by nations as by individuals; and we have not only reason to believe, but do believe, that the God of Armies, who superintends the concerns of men, will give success to our arms, or blast our enterprise, according to its moral character

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    manage oversee superintend supervise control dominate govern command lead