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    Use "swearing" em uma frase

    swearing frases de exemplo


    1. Swearing, I hit the brakes hard

    2. it would not stop its heathen roar and swearing

    3. A little banter, some gentle jeering and friendly swearing as they danced

    4. She promised, swearing blue and blind to every saint and deity that she could think of, that she would be good from now on, but no matter how much she pleaded and cried, her father would not to be moved

    5. Swearing, he quickly pulls Adamant over, leaps off the gg and starts delving into one of his bags

    6. The afternoon was turning sour with his sweating and swearing and swaying

    7. Round at the front, I could hear Alessandra on the other side of the door muttering and swearing at her own frustrations, 'Godfrey, can you hear me? Are you down there?'

    8. He suddenly stops and I hear him swearing to himself

    9. She promised, swearing blue and blind to every saint

    10. Twenty minutes later Naria was swearing over the Com channel

    11. swearing, although he did not recognise all of the curses blistering the

    12. The picture cuts to their manager who is swearing blue murder

    13. They heard Ozzie swearing as he slammed his way back into the building

    14. shouting, cussing and swearing from the carters in numerous

    15. (Jeff loaned some money) I was following the Good Samaritan teaching in the Bible and this fellow security guard had been abandoned by his father at a bus stop when Mike was very young along with seven or eight brothers and sisters and they had a very hard life, so his brother was in jail for whatever reason and they begged me to loan him like $600 or $700 to bailout his brother swearing he'd pay me back

    16. He’d been clad all in gang clothing, sporting a bandana around his shaven head and swearing every other word

    17. Then the singing stopped to be replaced by the same voice swearing at the top of his lungs, the fact that they could hardly hear, testament to the thickness of the door

    18. And as the Breton man was hauled forth, swearing, still bound, and still sore from his blow to the head just hours earlier, Carius could see and hear why the young woman next to him appeared so suddenly distressed

    19. We passed through the next right angle bend and came to a halt as a party that had dropped their loads were coming back down the trench there was more swearing and cursing as we all met up

    20. At some stage he heard Doc grumbling and swearing in the bathroom

    21. I think it is our stumbling and swearing he enjoys, because he also has an internal alarm clock that wakes him up every morning at 4:00

    22. If he is in the house, he meows at the foot of my bed until I go downstairs, stumbling and swearing, to let him out

    23. Some pleaded to be killed rather than left to the enemy; several, with blood spurting from their wounds, started to run through the mud; others called for rifles, swearing that they would die like men, not like dogs

    24. He suddenly straightened in his chair, leaning forward, swearing under his breath

    25. Grunt looked about with gathering frustration, swearing quietly to himself

    26. Last they were seen running to France swearing never to return as the interrogators told them to stay away for a few years

    27. Swearing, he turned back and hurried down the hall

    28. Cole Bell knew his wife hated swearing, and that meant she must be really angry with herself for not taking the package out at the first attempt

    29. Swearing , he pulled at his leg, praying that he could somehow work it free before the lamp failed altogether, but his foot wouldn’t budge

    30. Freda was almost hysterical, swearing at the top of her voice - something she never did

    31. One minute Freda had been there, standing in the doorway, swearing like a trouper, firing the gun at goodness knew what

    32. spewed a steady streak of the worst swearing I’d ever heard

    33. I pulled at a door but it was closed and I heard swearing behind it

    34. Probably home now, soon he would be swearing at Henrietta

    35. And Son often swearing his father in hearts,

    36. It happened one night when an imbalanced woman arrived at the apartment swearing and screaming

    37. Suppose a congenital brain disability children, nobody taught him swearing, nor taught his aggressive behavior

    38. 10 For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth;

    39. 2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they

    40. 9 Accustom not your mouth to swearing; neither use yourself to the naming of the Holy One

    41. 11 A man who uses much swearing shall be filled with iniquity, and the plague shall never depart from his house, if he shall offend,

    42. 13 Use not your mouth for intemperate swearing, for in it is the words of sin

    43. In modern times, the men would have thought Joseph was either joking, or swearing,

    44. Swearing, and using the names of God as oaths is out! So are dodgy stories!

    45. 5 Then Adam said to Eve, "If you saw what I did, tell it not; for I sinned against God n swearing by His great name, and I have placed my hand another time into that of Satan

    46. 1 And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he has seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity

    47. These election officials that threw out the ballots completely ignored an affidavit from an aircraft carrier postal clerk swearing to the fact that mail sent by naval personnel often lacks a postmark

    48. If it please the court, the defense would request that the witness be allowed to remain in his wheel chair for the swearing in and cross-examination

    49. 5 Then Adam said to Eve "If you saw what I did tell it not; for I sinned against God n swearing by His great name and I have placed my hand another time into that of Satan

    50. swearing a promise to the seed, or all generations to come, and that a person

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    Sinônimos para "swearing"

    oath swearing curse curse word cuss expletive swearword cursing cussing