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    Use "tape measure" em uma frase

    tape measure frases de exemplo

    tape measure

    1. ’ I said, passing one end of the tape measure to him

    2. He looked through the collection of tools, assembled in a separate crate, and taking out a tape measure went about taking more specific measurements than those he'd made cursorily the day before

    3. Missy pulls out the tape measure and she and Jody quickly measure off the exact distance they’ll need

    4. (I can visualize our police surreptitiously glancing along our sidewalks at night with tape measures of their own!) Why does it always seem to fall on the shoulders of hard working, over taxed (law-abiding) citizens to defray the costs of profligate spending by our municipalities that, despite increasing revenue, are invariably under-funded

    5. It is hilarious, and suggests that two grown men did not have enough work to do when Werner and NewDelman got down on their hands and knees with tape measures to determine whose office was smaller

    6. A quick inventory included Rubin’s archaeology tools, brushes, hammer, chisel, tape measure, calipers, small saw and the like

    7. He took out a tape measure, and took measurements of the door, the inscriptions, the vault handle, and the verses etched into the stone

    8. While we were still discussing the contents of the note, the lights in the studio came up and a person with a tape measure walked up to me, then walked back again

    9. ‘You could use them as a tape measure

    10. The boy dismounted and unraveled a cloth tape measure as he approached the sheriff

    11. The sheriff lifted his foot slightly so that the lad could retrieve his well-used tape measure

    12. However, the largest width belongs to a set of antlers that only rank 10th on the SCI list; the tape measure was stretched to no less than 6ft

    13. He had left his tape measure on the hedge; it was a large, bright blue case; the men could not possibly miss it

    14. A tape measure was not calculated for the

    15. acquire a variety of rules and tape measure to meet different need

    16. Tape measurements will be taken next your skin

    17. Then she passed the tape measure about her waist

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