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    Use "taunt" em uma frase

    taunt frases de exemplo


    1. They torment and taunt

    2. We see that Paul immediately relates that the power of the enemy to taunt and to force others into disobedience has been crushed by the power of the resurrection

    3. This hesitation was for no other reason than human sentiment (the word hesitation repeated in his mind as a cruel taunt)

    4. Jeff walked toward her, his face taunt and full of ques-

    5. Frank ignored the taunt

    6. Then all I knew was that his taunt was true

    7. I shook my head NO - more or less to myself, and I ignored the goof balls comment, and refocused my attention on Fandango who wanted to taunt me with salsa, rumba, and cha cha

    8. If Peter tries to taunt me, she will defend me

    9. and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places where I shall drive them

    10. 15 So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and

    11. “Gypsies wander here, and they taunt all men with a vision of freedom—even if it is a tattered, starving, outcast freedom

    12. Then he would taunt and tease Malcolm some

    13. This taunt came at the time when the workers

    14. finger in a classic I-told-you-so taunt

    15. She mounts you, slapping the sides of your head in a taunt

    16. Every year, every scream, every taunt, and prod is coming out now

    17. There was no way for him to know: Viliho’s taunt was based upon a power he misunderstood that had destroyed My sheltery

    18. "I am an outcast, I am not as pretty as the others, so they taunt me daily," said the mermaid

    19. Faces scream and taunt, faces of those you know, faces of those you even… love? Not anymore

    20. ” The taunt really stung Chris

    21. Devoid of expectations, didn’t I exist in peace? What did freedom bring me in its wake? How I am exposed to the temptations of life without any hope of fulfillment! But, why did fate bring me out of my cell? How have the limitations of my life come to taunt my love? Looks like my past will hinder my future forever

    22. This process starts early when young boys taunt gírls and exclude them from their play,

    23. I shook my head and he left me alone in the brightly lit room with the door open to taunt me

    24. Conan did not deign to reply to the taunt, and the black, galled perhaps by his prisoner's silence, muttered a curse, stooped and spat full in the king's face

    25. This was one of those life changing decisions, which may have been planned, that would disturb, perplex, haunt, and taunt me for the rest of my life

    26. ‘What? That there’s an impending CESRE or that you have to cancel it?’ asked Sir Peter, more to taunt him than anything else

    27. In addition, the rapists would taunt the victims

    28. Parents who excessively taunt, downplay or tease their

    29. Karit’s taunt worked, Joey lunged at him once more

    30. walk to my mother the movie patrons began to taunt me

    31. Discouraged by his unsuccessful hunting outing during which he had failed to bag any of the number of quail that seemed to taunt him by narrowly escaping his shots, Terence returned to the hotel lobby promptly at seven minutes after five upon returning the hunting rifle and binoculars to the game keeper

    32. My random approach is really gonna be risky, Mitchell suddenly thought, it's totally a sarcastic taunt that allows me the luxury of furthering the psychological game in a clandestine manner

    33. showed up on the screen to taunt him, but the lag time in his liquored-up

    34. ” Teal, winced inwardly at the taunt, but he knew she was right, best to let it drop

    35. Jennifer couldn’t help taunt him then

    36. ” Ezekiel’s God continues by saying he “shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment unto the nations that are round about thee, when I shall execute judgments in thee in anger and in fury and in furious rebukes

    37. " The man with the scar began pacing back and forth in front of Sally attempting to taunt her once more

    38. " He said in an attempt to taunt her

    39. Jason's voice began to taunt me

    40. The hot Chicky girl in the pink lingerie continued to taunt me for a while

    41. taunt Vinny with that he never gave to him

    42. The Pill sits patiently on the dash in Marjoram’s view, as to taunt her into wanting that certain type of immortality only becoming a Slate can give her

    43. provocative and flaunting her body to taunt the inmates

    44. taunt the “Scabs” as their unresponsive, wire grilled, police protected buses

    45. Enraged by her taunt, one of the Iroquois stepped forward, swinging his axe at her while screaming a war cry

    46. She’ll taunt me with postcards from Paris

    47. ‘I thought,’ he said, taking offence to her statement, ‘there may not be any secrets between spouses,’ which she took it as a taunt, given the nature of the news the letter contained

    48. Her moaned made him taunt her with an appealing rhythm which she joined in with

    49. instant memories (did I really wear my hair like THAT and think it was cute?); some taunt

    50. Yet, the women don’t seem to be complaining either, well if they don’t comply, how they could ever be believers? Though the moulvi imposed religious obligation to numerically strengthen Islam is at odds with the welfare of the umma itself, for the religiously blinded Musalmans, the deprivation that large families bring to their members is not something to lose sleep about! After all, for the believing souls, the life ‘here’ is of no avail and the purpose of being born a Musalman is to hope for the ‘hereafter’, isn’t it? Thus, as the religious bigotry of the Indian Musalmans besides hurting their standard of living is upsetting the Indian demographic order, the Hindu patience with the Muslim obstinacy is seemingly running out as can be seen from Narendra Modi’s, ham paanch, hamara pachhis – We’re five and ours twenty-five – taunt

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    Sinônimos para "taunt"

    taunt taunting twit bait cod rag rally razz ride tantalise tantalize tease