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    Use "tea" em uma frase

    tea frases de exemplo


    1. I would have consulted Gypsy Rosa Lee, but since switching to tea bags, her predictions have not been up to much

    2. Ruthie is drinking tea, but she looks like she needs to be knocking back some shots of Crown Royal instead

    3. Ruthie sips at her tea and sets it back on the table

    4. Cut down on tea, coffee and alcohol

    5. ” Sam sipped his tea

    6. I turn to Aiko, who is still sitting with her chai tea

    7. Is it a cup of tea, a brisk walk, some

    8. It's a tea actually, its name translates as 'rubber tea' but she preferred to think of it as coffee

    9. They were not fond of the native's reusable tea bags, what they liked to call a 'sock,' but Ava didn't see how that was such a big adaptation

    10. Cayenne Pepper Tea?

    11. He picks up his cup and drinks some of the nearly cold tea in it

    12. Using the tea towel, I try to get the thing to budge, but to no avail

    13. ’ Stephen said, sipping his tea

    14. Compost Tea: One of the best bacterial sprays is made from compost tea

    15. Normal compost tea spray, good for bacterial sprays, mineral sprays

    16. Molasses can be sprayed along with the compost tea

    17. ‘Do you fancy a cuppa?’ I suggested, changing the subject as, conveniently, we arrive at the tea tent

    18. Solar Tea: Solar Tea is made by placing the ground up dried leaves of the herb into panty hose tied into a ball (becomes a tea bag) then place into a gallon (or larger) glass container of pure water (not city water, distilled or filtered water is best but stream water is OK)

    19. Over one cup of tea I could

    20. surface of the tea, and with a tiny, eighty year old flourish she sat down opposite her

    21. Johnny took a quick, almost furtive sip of the tea and nearly spat it out all over

    22. She pointed at Johnny’s barely touched cup of tea

    23. He threw the foul brew that had masqueraded as tea out through the open

    24. Do they still do a proper afternoon tea in this Godless age?”

    25. Tell that guy with the tea he

    26. ‘I’ve brought you a cup of tea

    27. ’ Molly said, ‘with Earl Grey tea

    28. A nice cup of tea usually does the

    29. As usual, my role tended to be that of tea maker and encourager, but I wasn’t sorry for that after the marathon which was Monday

    30. Teekra and John sit around the breakfast table as Mohammed pours tea, demurely exits

    31. ‘Not only that, but I was chatting to Colin and Dave the other day while I was making the tea at the rehearsal, and they were asking me if you’d done much in the drama line as you are so professional in the way you are attacking the rehearsals

    32. Tea with last night’s ordure

    33. It had to be morning because the tray on the floor in the doorway of my cell carried a plate of bread and jam and a mug of hot, milky tea

    34. The steam rising from the freshly brewed tea assaulted my senses making me salivate

    35. Surprisingly, the next time I call at Betty’s house, she’s not only in (a rarity as she’s usually got the early bus somewhere) but she invites me in for a cup of tea – the first time since Brenda and I called when I first arrived here

    36. ‘Would go well with a cup of tea

    37. After tea, the party breaks up, with the residents going back to their respective homes while I clear up

    38. I sat at the table surrounded by guards, all of whom were armed with M-16 carbines and pistols, eating cake and drinking hot, sweet, milky tea

    39. It is very soothing having Janet in charge; she mothers me while I drink the herbal tea she brings

    40. At one point, Fred comes over to where I am dispensing cups of tea,

    41. I lay there in the dark, hugging the tea spoon to my chest

    42. Robbie left the room and returned a few moments later with a tray containing the usual fare: tea, bread, jam, an apple and water

    43. Ten minutes later, after sharing a warming moment with tea and cigarettes, throughout which Menachem told awful jokes, Robbie returned to settle us down for the evening

    44. I kept my face deadpan for a moment as I sipped at my now lukewarm tea, but I could not hold the pose

    45. Listening to the night-dead creaking of the building and to the faint strains of a television playing further down the hall in the room where the guards brewed our tea and relaxed when not on duty, I wondered again about this friendship

    46. Oh well, they’d probably have some herbal tea or something drinkable

    47. Would you like a cup of tea? It won’t take me a minute to put the kettle on …’

    48. ’ Iain said reappearing with a couple of mugs of tea

    49. ‘We passed a tea rooms on the way from the bus stop

    50. The waitress repeated the order and disappeared into the bowels of the tea shop

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    Sinônimos para "tea"

    afternoon tea tea teatime tea leaf camellia sinensis