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    Use "terrorist" em uma frase

    terrorist frases de exemplo


    1. I made a few enquiries … it seems she was in the wrong place at the wrong time … got blown up by a suicide bomber in one of those stupid terrorist things they have over there

    2. dead terrorist at a time

    3. I began to imagine (because I have a sanctified imagination), I imagined a day when the world would come to the prophets to find missing children, wanted criminals, and even hidden terrorist cells

    4. The worst terrorist could and, usually, rightly consider himself a good and generous person

    5. The most important reason she claimed, albeit quite cogently, was the concern for being targeted by rival businesses, or even terrorist organizations who were ideologically opposed (she had been to and witnessed numerous corporate establishments; her mandate was to be as secretive as possible, which – although not part of her actual contract – would include not revealing her own identity)

    6. The techniques of which, including water boarding (which is not torture) are anathema to liberals but, truth be told, have given us the information required to have nipped many planned terrorist attacks in the bud

    7. One who risks his life in attacking armed troops of the reigning administration to which they are, justly or unjustly, opposed, and not to be confused with a terrorist, who murders innocent civilians, including unarmed men, women, and children, in a supposedly just cause

    8. The Israeli government responds in measured actions in order to root out the terrorist cells in a few West Bank towns and cities, and is accused of massacres

    9. They accused my government of sponsoring a terrorist attack,’ he said, sounding both indignant and solemn in careful measures

    10. “It would seem that the terrorist has been making acquaintances

    11. That was his only fight so far, and we have reason to believe that the terrorist may have engineered this to enable his success

    12. Aside from the terrorist, he doesn’t appear to have communicated with anybody

    13. Israel is now one of thirty-six „specially designated countries (SDCs) that „have shown a tendency to promote, produce, or protect terrorist organizations or their members

    14. “So, you think this is a terrorist hit?" I asked around the room

    15. It could be a signed terrorist hit

    16. Besides, Alexia deserved to die – she was a terrorist, and I just gave her the beating that she deserved

    17. “The head of Homeland Security stated that there had been no indication of increased terrorist communication regarding any type of plots against Americans

    18. I said, “I can’t imagine the Tony Reilly being murdered by a terrorist

    19. I sat there eating a burger and trying to figure out how a Muslim terrorist assassin figures out that his victim is about to show up in a spot where his victim hasn’t been in a month

    20. “There are lots of famous athletes that would have been much easier to kill than Tony Reilly if you wanted to make a terrorist statement

    21. The terrorist angle is the most we have right now

    22. It looked like a terrorist thing, remember?

    23. “Could be a terrorist thing

    24. A country which suffered much abuse and terrorist attacks because of their support and loyalty towards you, a former colony, through the years and will do so for the foreseeable future! Clever people say that a man's actions speak louder than his words and it is true

    25. In this case, and I don’t really know if the story is true, a terrorist tried to escape custody by jumping into a river and a constable dove in after him to apprehend him

    26. The terrorist had really wanted to go his own way, and the constable really wanted him not to

    27. The end result was that the constable killed the terrorist, and his body was never recovered

    28. In fact, many terrorist were killed by crocodiles

    29. How else can a terrorist survive?

    30. Or even better a trigger finger in case the terrorist somehow survived his blindness

    31. At very close range, like in a room where you cornered the criminal or terrorist

    32. Besides, it is our duty to return fire if being shot at by anyone, including your terrorist clients who were committing a crime in our presence…like attempting to murder members of the police (us), and having unlicensed assault rifles with ammunition and partaking in terrorist activities

    33. I once saw a terrorist whose head was split open like an over ripe melon after being shot by an R1 slug

    34. It did spectacular duty as a baton also when the occasion called for it and easy to wipe the blood (of the criminal / terrorist) of since it had a metal but

    35. It’s amazing the effect the word terrorist can have on politicians, he thought, picking up his teacup

    36. “Do we have any corroboration that this is in fact a terrorist attack and not something else?”

    37. Yes there is the websites and telephone hotlines but please remember that the typical terrorist lives amongst simple folk who may not have access to such means of communication

    38. In other words, to govern in such a way that the terrorist will receive no further support for his cause or his cause disappears all together

    39. Some of the biggest banks (other than Swiss) even laundered terrorist money if the news is to be believed

    40. The headlines screamed out at him: TERRORIST ATTACK ON THE ISLE OF WIGHT

    41. Turning on the TV, he paced back and forth in front of the set as the rolling news reported the events leading up to the terrorist attack

    42. Dawn listened patiently while her dad explained that he’d just heard about the terrorist attacks on the island and that he was coming to get her and that she had to stay right where she was until he arrived

    43. Then the SAP issued a substantial financial reward for a white terrorist who was on the run

    44. For interest sake that Army post mortem crocodile had the remains of a dead terrorist inside him and we all ran away when a rusted hand grenade fell out

    45. In April 1988, if I remember correctly, a terrorist bomb exploded at the Sterland movie theatre last seen across the street from where I reported the crocodile arrest to our amused lieutenant

    46. Western intelligence agencies efforts to surveil and monitor the activities of Islamic terrorist operations have been compromised, in part, by democratic restrictions that otherwise provide certain (tactical) advantages to terrorist groups indifferent to the principles of rule of law

    47. I seriously considered it for I liked the idea of killing terrorists and could morally also justifies it by saying “Well, let us say we have a source in place and if we arrest the terrorist he will be blown

    48. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was bombed by what government officials believe was the work of a domestic terrorist organization

    49. But if we kill the terrorist, everyone is happy and the source safe to prevent more attacks

    50. At long last, it felt like ages but was a few minutes I suppose, the terrorist ran into a house where he shot the owner

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    terrorist radical activist revolutionary rioter protestor demonstrator