Use "text file" em uma frase
text file frases de exemplo
text file
1. An editor is a type of program used for editing plain text files
2. A simple text file is not sufficient, because they have many such bugs, and
3. Copy the top 6-10 keywords in a text file; we will need them for the next step
4. ones you copied off into a text file in the previous step
5. select all the text right-click, select copy and then paste that into a text file
6. book cover and text file to arrive in pristine condition
7. author, and embedded into the text file at the time of submitting to
8. Once the author has signed off on the book’s cover and text files
9. WRITERSWORLD will then submit the book cover and text files to
10. book cover and the PDF text file, and the files going to the printer
11. Rather than the tracking reports that come as complex text files, opt for a
12. for both the book’s cover and text file
13. This is a text file created by the
14. You just speicfy the names of some text files and it will print them to the output
15. Cookies: small text files stored on the visitor's computer, which record
16. displayed a text file with the heading ‘Curriculum Vitae Tim
17. payments owed to a text file in PayPal's "mass pay" format and then
18. Export the data to a spreadsheet, database, or text file so you can use the information elsewhere
19. Gymnast converts text files to Adobe Acrobat PDF format without the need for any additional
20. other file and saved it on the hard drive as a text file
21. There were hundreds of text files saved on the drive, along with dozens of video files, all with similar filenames: “DearZack” followed by a six-digit numerical date
22. Remember to always check your log and your data set after reading a text file
23. A good example is the sort command, which takes the contents of a text file, sorts it according to user-supplied parameters, and sends the results to an output device, such as the display or a printer
24. In addition to applying the command to an existing text file, you can use it to sort the output of other commands before displaying or printing it
25. It’s a text file, transmitted wirelessly to my circuits from another computer, and it has a special coding: Emergency Transmission
26. With SMC, you can describe your state machine in a single text file using a simple Domain Specific Language (DSL), and it will generate the state machine's code automatically
27. Create a Text File from the Command Line without Using an Editor
28. This is a small text file that can be good or bad
29. All the code in the book is fully functional and you can either copy it from the text files and paste it into a new indicator you have created in TradeStation, or you can import the *