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theatrical frases de exemplo
1. ‘Where did you hear the theatrical bit?’ she asked curiously
2. I hear you have theatrical connections yourself
3. ’ Joris said, all theatrical posing disappearing suddenly
4. They stand in small groups, laughing and talking like extras waiting to take part in some theatrical costume production, glittering eyes beneath their scarves, laughing at the Yamaha, laughing at our bumbling stumblings across the pebbled beach towards the bike
5. history’s list of theatrical first husbands
6. There was an awkward moment as the theatrical impresario got
7. "So you are Alan, stooping to such a theatrical trick as this?"
8. Those villagers who had always secreted any inclination toward the dramatic now found a ready outlet and they came forward to add their names to the lists of the Village Theatrical Society
9. The 'Village Players,' the name used for them by the rest of the town to refer to the Village Theatrical Society membership, began deciding in earnest what their first production should be and when they should expect to offer performances
10. Therefore the inaugural production of the Village Theatrical Society shall be that same play which Shakespeare himself crafted to demand the best of his own company and elicit the greatest imagination from his audience
11. It is my privilege to introduce for your entertainment: The Village Theatrical Society's production of Shakespeare's beloved, A Mid-summer Night's Dream
12. Before the rehearsal was over, each Player was sure he or she was the first one to conceive of the new Village Theatrical Society Educational Fund, for the awarding of College scholarships to deserving and merited graduates of the Tahoe City School
13. sailed past, accompanied by theatrical oohs and ahhs
14. ‘A bit theatrical perhaps, but your observances would understandably lead to that conclusion
15. ” I heaved a theatrical sigh
16. Dorro has a theatrical way about him, but this key might be our best way to save the younglings
17. American Foreign Policy under this present Administration has devolved into a theatrical farce by making a mockery of the death of young American soldiers who are needlessly placing their lives in harms way in countries that have little or no strategic value
18. I sat up and rubbed the sand that had gathered on my legs and took pleasure in watching the children play and the sea directing its own theatrical game
19. I’m a pretty good actor, I thought inconsequentially, as I worked the theatrical mode of presentation
20. He had seen visions of gruesome death, savagery and bloody toil, endlessly replayed as if it all was a theatrical stage, and he was the sole viewer
21. I need them for theatrical purposes
22. Moreover, given the headline-hunting tactics of the “get-Nixon” crowd and the appeal they are making to public opinion through the AFL-CIO and the ACLU, the different investigative committees have, in fact, been functioning in a theatrical atmosphere
23. Even the warrior-styled costume; rich black pants matching the military jacket embroidered with gold buttons and chevrons over a collared, glacier white shirt with an oversized ribbon tie is not enough to hide that theatrical posture
24. “Heh-hem!” Talia’s theatrical throat clearing was followed by her teasing giggle
25. “Forgive us, First Elder,” the oldest man spoke, his long grey hair flowing back over his shoulders, the sign of a theatrical
26. Not to be confused with the theatrical drama of the same
27. often theatrical customes which are visitors and
28. (Most) fights in movies or other theatrical
29. Within twenty years a small number of theatrical companies backed either by public money or wealthy entrepreneurs would have control of theatres, providing blockbuster sure-fire successes at the expense of daring, experimental diversity
30. In Michael Caine’s autobiography he writes about his theatrical initiation with the irascible Alwyn D
31. He took rejection better than Edgar, who was still plaintively proposing we flee to the colonies and start a touring theatrical company
32. I hadn’t felt threatened by the young warrior; it was a wonderfully theatrical gesture I'd love to have made myself
33. And this touch was starring by Batam, who at the very moment to set his foot on the white sand, collapsed, falling on his knees with a vanquished resigned attitude; but in a very theatrical and dramatic way that emerged the smile on the faces of everyone
34. Almost as soon as he knocked it was thrown open and Bart greeted him with theatrical surprise
35. He had a weakness for theatrical women and Susie was at her melodramatic best in an electric-blue caftan bordered with gold and ivory ibises, topped by a matching turban
36. His final job was as a theatrical technician, a job he enjoyed
37. The happy ending is guaranteed by an external intervention, in this case, his mother appears and makes things right again (but Harryś mother is no longer there): very similar to the important character that solves (often only on paper) situations, very similar to the theatrical turning-point which magically solves everything (but only on pages and in fairy tales)
38. In any theatrical production the audience sees only a fraction of what is really happening
39. The four of us were doing a theatrical dance while Anna Marie was involved in some Shakespeare play before the Talent Show began
40. Golyakov paused for theatrical effect and to allow the fifteen members to consider his statement
41. Bob Long had been with the Bureau going on 20 years and had developed a theatrical monotone when asking questions that rubbed the sheriff‘s nerves like a wet bathing suit on a sunburned ass—and he couldn‘t hide it
42. Skeets‘ tone caused the surgeon to flush and choke back so his reply touched on the theatrical
43. What were they up to? My theatrical departure possibly caused a great upheaval
44. In a theatrical voice mimicking the one his brother had used, he asked, “Would M’Lady like to dance?”
45. College of Theatrical Arts
46. Her theatrical angel wings made me think of
47. Among those theatrical creatures, wearing riding breeches and leggings, a pith helmet and steel-rimmed glasses, with topaz eyes and the skin of a thin rooster, there arrived in Macondo on one of so many Wednes-days the chubby and smiling Mr
48. Can horses from Hollywood be shipped in theatrical trailers?
49. Taking a pointed, he then slapped its point on the briefing map in a theatrical gesture
50. Susan shook her head wryly at Julie’s theatrical antics and explained that it had not been her choice