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    thomas more frases de exemplo

    thomas more

    1. Thomas More in the other part of Europe, in England

    2. Thomas More had at least the common sense to

    3. Thomas More was, because he was decapitated, but not

    4. Thomas More is more known to the world as the author

    5. Thomas more was opposed to Henry liked

    6. - It's true, but Thomas more is today

    7. „Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented, “Political correctness is destroying our military

    8. Anyone who protested, for example Sir Thomas More, was murdered and treated as a traitor

    9. However, the most successful of the people of letters who approached this genre was Thomas More

    10. "Sir Thomas More says one can marry at twenty-four

    11. "Does it need Sir Thomas More's sanction?"

    12. The 'Utopia' of Sir Thomas More is a surprising monument of his genius, and shows a reach of thought far beyond his contemporaries

    13. In some places Lord Bacon is characteristically different from Sir Thomas More, as, for example, in the external state which he attributes to the governor of Solomon's House, whose dress he minutely describes, while to Sir Thomas More such trappings appear simple ridiculous

    14. But it has little or no charm of style, and falls very far short of the 'New Atlantis' of Bacon, and still more of the 'Utopia' of Sir Thomas More

    15. The most interesting feature of the book, common to Plato and Sir Thomas More, is the deep feeling which is shown by the writer, of the misery and ignorance prevailing among the lower classes in his own time

    16. All of this just made Thomas more depressed

    17. He looked to Thomas more out of place than a carrot on a tomato plant

    18. THOMAS MORE ELLIOT’S palms were dry and cold

    19. More importantly, though—” and here all eyes in the room turned toward Thomas More Elliot—”Thomas Elliot will ascend to that office…”

    20. Thomas More Elliot stared off into the gray light that lay against the window

    21. Thomas More Elliot sipped his tepid water

    22. Sir Thomas More: Or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society

    23. Routh: Sir Thomas More and His Friends

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