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    Use "titanic" em uma frase

    titanic frases de exemplo


    1. After a couple months, and a titanic rubbish heap of silliness and inanity purged from my mind and heart, she at last said she would marry me

    2. In another couple hours they crossed the Kimoneea on a titanic bridge

    3. His face was very ugly, stretched to titanic proportions, and there was only the pit of an old injury where one of his eyes should have been

    4. From a small spark a titanic explosion erupted across the flat and the four men that were in the building where disintegrated within a second

    5. “You’re a feather and you got your Titanic romantic moment, princess

    6. She remembered how she and Daniel had gone to see Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in a special re-playing of Titanic, and how excited she had been, since she had missed the original screening years before

    7. The only thing bigger is his collection of Titanic memorabilia

    8. Since arriving in New York, she had heard the Titanic story several times herself

    9. If the captains of the Titanic had taken Obeah seriously, the ship would never have sunk

    10. “Phew, that one's easy,” says the teacher, “The Titanic

    11. Then the thief got his question: “How many died on the Titanic?”

    12. passenger on the Titanic on its maiden voyage, and she recalled the events that occurred in

    13. on the deck of the Titanic as passengers waited for lifeboats, and the sounds he had heard,

    14. certain Stephen Blackwell on the Titanic could have been discerned by anyone with access to a

    15. The Titanic failed to see the tip of the iceberg as it forged ahead on its proclaimed historic voyage

    16. The historic tomes speak of Titanic Entities that clashed in the theater of battle that we refer to now as the Burial Ruins of the Ghastly Fens

    17. They tried their best to ignore the ominous and intimidating expressions of the carvings resembling titanic gryphons

    18. And a bad reputation would sink your empire like that ice burg did to Titanic

    19. And now they’re coming out with Titanic II: The Ghost Ship

    20. Broad steps led up to a great bronze door in the dome, which rested on its base like the half of some titanic egg

    21. It was a titanic drift, extending over centuries and ages

    22. It was useless; a charge of elephants would scarcely have shaken that titanic portal

    23. And at that instant the titanic shadow behind him darted down and out, and the wedge-shaped head smote with an impact that re-echoed down the tunnels

    24. the Tap was the Titanic

    25. His mother scared him off with one story and he knew about the Titanic – the boat, not the flick

    26. was our version of the Titanic!

    27. After three seconds of firing, the forward half of the battleship blew up in a titanic explosion, projecting debris over kilometers in all directions and severely shaking the scoutship by the blast wave

    28. Was Sanka served on the Titanic

    29. The titanic explosion and fireball that ensued was clearly seen by the waiting American submarines off Okinawa, which then passed that information by radio to the headquarters of the Asiatic Fleet in Manila

    30. People on board the Titanic faced danger but they seemed to not worry about it

    31. Yamamoto saw a gigantic flame burst out of the stricken turret before it flew off in the air as a titanic explosion rocked the battleship

    32. The atmosphere was jovial and receptive, despite the pending inclement weather, as if the guests were oblivious to the change, much like the passengers on the ill-fated Titanic as it sank and lured them to their deaths

    33. Being on top of the world is a pretty meaningless expression and Titanic made that worse, but being on top of Beachy Head was a good start of my new life

    34. There was not much of a bump as the 10,000 ton hull kissed the rock wall, but then they said the same about the Titanic

    35. The assault on Russia resulted in an unprecedented titanic struggle that no other theatre of operations in the Second World War would compare

    36. They were so old, I went ‘Wasn’t it terrible about that Titanic

    37. There were no titanic clashes of armies as experienced in Russia, France or even the Western Desert

    38. The four exhaust nozzles of the main fusion drive of the KOSTROMA suddenly roared to life in titanic blasts, projecting long, blinding plumes of hot plasma that expanded on hitting the ground

    39. The planetary crust split open under the pressure of the titanic underground explosions, letting out masses of molten magma

    40. Between the two, he managed with a final titanic effort to pull himself back up onto the horse

    41. I was highly influenced by the hair style of Leonardo Dicaprio, The TITANIC hero, and the beard of Aamir Khan in ‘DIL CHAHATA HAI’ alike

    42. Marylyn died after a battle of titanic proportions

    43. Two seconds later, titanic roars rumbled over Wau as the fireballs turned into rising mushroom clouds of black smoke

    44. However, being heavily outnumbered and still being under the shock of the titanic blasts, those Japanese were quickly overwhelmed and either shot or mercilessly bayoneted

    45. The titanic explosion caused by the impact dug a crater 3,800 meters in diameter and 600 meters in depth, while projecting in the air tens of millions of tons of molten earth and rock

    46. Catherine’s eyes opened wide with horror when her rockets initiated a series of titanic explosions just ahead of her aircraft

    47. The Titanic was even huger, God rest their souls

    48. “You know, not all the details about the Titanic are clear

    49. “I read that on board of the Titanic there was a sarcophagus with a well-kept body of an Egyptian priestess and prophetess who lived during the reign of pharaoh Amenhotep

    50. So the Lord brought this mummy on board of the Titanic, planning to display the body of the prophetess at the exposition of archeological finds in Los Angeles

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    Sinônimos para "titanic"

    titanic gigantic mammoth colossal immense enormous stupendous