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    Use "tittering" em uma frase

    tittering frases de exemplo


    1. (Gasps, laughter, and tittering in the court room

    2. Ooh, what am I going to do?” I smelled her fetid breath as she leaned even closer, and heard the tittering of her friends and fellow bullies in the background

    3. The mouth gaped, but no coherent words issued—only a high-pitched tittering

    4. That hideous tittering was Tolkemec's only reply, as he bounded into the room with a long leap that carried him over the secret trap before the door—by chance, or by some faint recollection of the ways of Xuchotl

    5. He took them as they came, with his rags flapping about his wildly gyrating limbs, and the gusty echoes of his tittering sweeping the room above the screams

    6. The noise changed to an abominable high-pitched tittering as the great unstable eyes of the monstrosity rested on him, and it hitched its quaking bulk toward him

    7. To Conan the serpent was the least horror of them; he almost felt a kinship with it when he remembered the weeping, tittering obscenity, and the dripping, mouthing thing that came out of the well

    8. Tittering through her explanation, she said that although food shopping is a necessity, it was often the only form of social contact stay-at-home mothers had during the day

    9. However, through the radio channel, I heard the rest of the pirate tribe tittering as I ranked out their leader

    10. He responded tittering at the question

    11. Yes, it is a silly, tittering, calf-like age, and I am glad it can't come back again

    12. Up and down the road between our tables and the sea groups of bath-guests strolled--artless family groups, papa and mamma arm in arm, and in front the daughter and the admirer; knots of girls in the _backfisch_ stage, tittering and pushing each other about; quiet maiden-ladies, placid after their supper, gently praising, as they passed, the delights of a few weeks spent in the very bosom of Nature, expatiating on her peace, her restfulness, and the freshness of her vegetables

    13. Sound, however, was tittering enough for them both

    14. I gathered some tools into a cloth bag as the King looked out the window, watching his wife as she walked down the path, her ladies tittering behind her, the gardeners standing by their work, nervously fidgeting

    15. Tittering came from several of the other women, which she chose to ignore

    16. Hauled out and forced to run, Louie was trounced, and the guards made tittering mockery of him

    17. He sponged out lines and remade them; but he only distorted them more than ever, and the tittering was more pronounced

    18. He felt that all eyes were fastened upon him; he imagined he was succeeding, and yet the tittering continued; it even manifestly increased

    19. The tittering rose higher and higher—the cat was within six inches of the absorbed teacher's head—down, down, a little lower, and she grabbed his wig with her desperate claws, clung to it, and was snatched up into the garret in an instant with her trophy still in her possession! And how the light did blaze abroad from the master's bald pate—for the signpainter's boy had GILDED it!

    20. There was a childish tittering from outside

    21. offers her his hand, he he!” Maximov ended, tittering

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    Sinônimos para "tittering"

    thoriated tittering