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    to match frases de exemplo

    to match

    1. She was slightly older than him, in her late twenties, and had a fiery temper to match her hair

    2. Thus, the sun being well and truly over the yardarm, and with myself in a state of cleanliness to match the house, I had taken a tumbler out of the cupboard and reached for the bottle of gin … two generous gins and tonic later, I felt less stressed, the alcohol casting a welcome numbness over my violin-strung emotions

    3. ‘No brothers or sisters?’ I asked intrigued by what I am learning about this man and trying to match up the background he is telling me about with the professional man I thought I knew

    4. I have already admired it – a shade of wool to match her name … there are a few grey hairs showing round the back of his ears, I think to myself then I suddenly realise that he’s watching me in the rear view mirror with a faint smile on his face and blush violently … the smile becomes a wicked grin as he replies to something Wally is saying

    5. She pounced upon the thing tearing and slicing; her strength had increased in size to match that of her rage

    6. Have you ever asked how these online sites have been able to match you with what seems to

    7. Simple and strong in design it had a huge chair to match

    8. Queen Naria was always trying to match him with someone, but he just wasn’t roused

    9. first innings score of 171, India needed only 20 runs to match Australia's first

    10. ‘I thought I’d get another wardrobe to match the one here

    11. She found herself unconsciously altering her breathing to match the rhythm

    12. I have never seen anything to match the craftsmanship and quality of this luggage

    13. The shelves would have to be painted cream to match … they would look wrong stained dark as they currently are

    14. Each wore Lady Hadleigh vests to match the skirts

    15. The exhibitions and displays of the museum afforded Harry an opportunity to match some of the information from his school texts to tangibles, and he once again entertained the Spelman ladies with the depth of his knowledge about the things they were viewing, of which he had only read before now

    16. week, and has a temper to match

    17. Before dinner was ready to be placed on the table, Beth insured that the tables were all properly dressed with clothes, of brightly colored floral prints and napkins to match

    18. burly type with a medium build, long scraggly hair, a beard to match, and black

    19. His heart was beating to match hers

    20. Every passing day, Drau’d seemed to be gaining on him in height, yet was still a long way from filling out to match his girth

    21. His cape rippled out behind him as he walked, and Emily could tell by the sluggish movement of his incredibly long legs, that he was patiently forcing himself into a slow, measured pace in order to match that of the children

    22. pleasant character to match her looks

    23. She couldn’t deny the possibility – the man’s power had been unlike anything she had ever seen – but could it possibly be true? Her attempt to match the white robed woman’s stern demeanor was shattered; the image of this Destroyer unleashing his power against the Plague brought a smile to her face

    24. product (because your product has to be built to match the high expectations

    25. The falcon’s eyes were deep green to match the stones on her dress

    26. When you alter the information slightly to match the information in your

    27. The name “Roscius Avienus” still bore such resonance, such unfailing strength and gravity to match

    28. Djgarr felt his mouth open to match Caius’ movement and stillness descended in the cave

    29. The sequence of events portrayed in such a scenario, although all the mechanics and the physical cause of such a catastrophe may not be 100% accurate, comes a lot closer to matching the evidence around us in the world today, while it utilises the information as portrayed in the Bible as a foundation

    30. Short to match her husband, she was always happy

    31. have to match it up to a religion but just believe it exists

    32. We call each other to come have a look at him during one of his sun baths, sharing our admiration for his luxurious poses, twisted and contorted so as to match a particular patch of sun

    33. There was a breastplate to match the outfit, but she left it standing with the others on wooden racks

    34. Raven wasn’t prepared but, without a conscious thought, he lifted his arm with speed to match Khan’s

    35. It was ridiculous to stand here, trying to match wits with such a polished salesman

    36. It felt good to have Alexia crushed beneath her like this, and she longed to torture her enemy, to give her physical pain to match her own mental torment

    37. Please, since you're being so precise, Mr Findral, then try to match that with you're explanation

    38. “And then?” he asked, trying to match her steady gaze and failing

    39. “Why?” Maldynado tapped the emerald-jeweled hilt of his saber, a different weapon than he had worn to the Onyx Lodge—he probably had a sword to match every outfit

    40. The PT Instructors never bothered to match shape and size as they figured out correctly that a cadet might have to arrest a man of any size in the mean streets

    41. and wasters to match, that Patty said very gently: 'It's quite dark

    42. Sheena hadn’t been able to match her blood type with her dad’s, and the probability that they would be the same was slim

    43. To match his playful character he had a contagious laugh that complemented it and once he started laughing it was impossible not to laugh with him

    44. Roll into balls, or press into molds to match the celebration

    45. To match, she had on the cutest white frilly socks with white sandals

    46. I'd given up trying to match his consumption an hour ago

    47. Whatever he had done to me, he was the only one I knew who might be able to match the strength of the thing that attacked me

    48. She was dressed in a lime green top and shorts to match and had on sunglasses

    49. breath of it, my stomach began to match the calmness of the

    50. gait and I moved to match his rhythm

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