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    to wit

    1. comes to witnessing about Jesus

    2. to witness the manifestation of God’s power in every

    3. If there is a drought, it is better, rather than sprinkling lightly, to water twice a week, soaking the soil to a minimum of 4 inches, or not at all, for shallow watering causes roots to spread out near the top where they will be baked by the sun, becoming unable to withstand drought

    4. They are passing close enough to the planet to use its gravity, so they will have an excellent opportunity to witness a major impact on a terrestrial planet

    5. ’ I said, unable to withstand his smile

    6. or willpower to withstand cancer or alcoholism

    7. His power, teaching us to withstand any disease

    8. Ginger panned out to within a few miles of the residence, and scanned the rest of the morning's activity

    9. To look into the eyes of a God and see the flaws, to witness the

    10. "The seedship part of the mission does not begin until the anti-aging virus is avenged, that is in the Haad License and I will call the council to witness it

    11. To look into the eyes of a God and see the flaws, to witness the failure of resolution and will, to see such frailty, still shocked him

    12. It had been hard visiting Abery before but Joris hadn’t been there and she’d been able to withdraw into herself to some extent … and the European trip had been hectic, demanding her full attention … and in London afterwards she’d been occupied in achieving Joris’s purpose … and the trip across had kept her mind busy, first with JJ and then Iain … and even coming back, being at The Centre and travelling on the wasteg … that too had been manageable … but now … with no purpose to drive her, no solitude to enfold her and no Joris but only the shadow of his memory imprinted in JJ’s face and voice … she felt naked, vulnerable and viciously exposed to the scouring of her grief

    13. He had never been trained, prepared or evolved to withstand the rigors of this primitive planet

    14. be amazed, be stunned, prepare to witness the wonders

    15. ‘The wedding bit … you have Gottestones and I am sure Drens would be happy to witness

    16. that you were present to witness

    17. It was their respect for Pantelis that gave me space there that night to witness their fervent devotion

    18. 'Through the prayers I have named you in the pact with Athena so to withdraw would leave you in a mindless state and recovery is er, unknown

    19. ' By this time my hand was in places impossible to withdraw from for

    20. That's the only way I was able to get away with what I did, because it was only a redecoration of the data we had start to with

    21. But to witness them in front of your eyes stuns

    22. someone else who would be typed to with the same perspective as them

    23. often but were strong and tough enough to withstand a siege when

    24. After a moment's silence, the captain's of both sides, seeing that their men had lost the spirit of the fight, ordered their soldiers to withdraw, and the battle was averted

    25. After they were up over George's head with the siding, he fetched the ladder and Harry began levering one end of each plank to within George's reach, and in that way they had soon dried in and insulated the new room

    26. I steered the Pinto with one hand and pulled

    27. His mind is already reeling, but the compulsion to see, the compulsion to witness, is overwhelming

    28. They need good fuel to withstand a rugged lifestyle

    29. He made it back up to within half a mile of sea level in this pass

    30. As Harry came to within a foot of Harold's face and still had not raised his hands

    31. the best he could hope for was to withhold evidence

    32. " He pleaded, "I've never been able to witness the whole thing

    33. What was she to witness? Would it tell her something about her Grandmother? She hadn't long to wait, from the far side of the pond, come a tall dark man, he must of been at least seventy

    34. Unable to witness the youth’s death, after all, he couldn't have been much older than Kit, her son

    35. “We perform in a school house; might we set up a scholarship or something for our sons and daughters who wish to pursue their education, but who might not otherwise be able to without assistance?”

    36. Otto with his fragile stomach was not feeling well

    37. “Oh, yeah sorry you had to witness that

    38. their buildings had not been constructed to withstand

    39. too weak to withstand their onslaught, and took the

    40. One of the farthest places you could get to without having to go outdoors

    41. Then we travelled through town to within a couple of

    42. Those who could muster the courage to witness Rollinthor's reaction raised their eyes

    43. "I'm going to withhold that information to respect the privacy of the people involved, don't make this meeting unpleasant by trying to wheedle it out of me

    44. I needed to find a bank to withdraw

    45. remarkable ability to witness to others in the marketplace

    46. He rode to within three hundred yards and then stopped and stood up in his stirrups

    47. That afternoon, Jean was to witness an unexpected aspect

    48. Fried chicken, mashed potato with butter, peas, gravy, corn

    49. The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order, ought always to be listened to with great precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most suspicious attention

    50. The technique and weight of the weapon were quite different than what she was use to with her thin blades

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