Use "treasonous" em uma frase
treasonous frases de exemplo
1. If the emperor had nothing to do with why Sicarius was letting her live, this next statement could be considered treasonous
2. Along with my treasonous Basilard
3. “I didn’t image they’d be treasonous, and I’ve been wrestling with that the last few days
4. But then as it turns out, I’m not being treasonous at all here
5. Some argued the problem was not his incompetence but the treasonous actions of those around him
6. Though Lincoln was elected president, and Buchanan was warned by his leading general, Winfield Scott, that seven states might secede, Buchanan made no effort to stop these treasonous plans
7. His caustic remarks provoked a number of (unformed) thoughts in my mind including but not limited to 1) the boundaries separating treasonous statements from free speech 2) plausible grounds calling for his immediate dismissal 3) the appalling lack of character and common sense conspicuously absent among (so-called) Intellectuals and (dis-engaging) parents (refer to John Walker Lindh) who casually dismiss the questionable attitudes and positions adopted by their children while routinely footing the bill for their college tuitions and 4) more recently, a former relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves (John Rocker) who was sentenced by the court of public opinion to perform community service after making unsavory remarks to a newspaper reporter about Gays and African Americans inconsistent with the (civic) requirements of social and politically correct conventions
8. I, like the rest, believed that the survival of the country was at stake and these actions were necessary: foreign agitators with the help of treasonous Nicaraguans were funneling weapons into the hands of the protestors, providing para-military training, false documents, and printing revolutionary propaganda
9. Is it stupid or treasonous?
10. He would suffer the same fate as Alistair or worse for his treasonous and treacherous crimes against the United States and its dedicated employees
11. I call that an obstruction of justice in the investigation of a murder case of a US president and treasonous behavior
12. will turn out – treasonous
13. However, I would tell anyone who would think of Nancy’s actions as a treasonous act to cool down and measure their words: I was never a believer in the Nazi cause, being a German Jew, and Nancy had total confidence in me, with good reasons
14. Wayne, have not participated in anything that can be construed as illegal or treasonous; I am sure the government sees otherwise; however, we do support Mr
15. “But I was thinking something even more treasonous than letting our parents ignobly perish, while rescuing their pets from their owner's dilapidated and unhealthy living conditions
16. Is that what free thinking creates, treasonous beliefs?” His sarcasm accused
17. ” Scattered and muffled whispers dared to chant the treasonous sacrilege
18. So I cut out her heart while she recanted of her treasonous betrayal of the sacred trust bestowed on her as a high priestess
19. And much as I’d like to see all five of them a head shorter, if we violate their rights on the basis of the skimpy evidence we could seize from Swayle and Rydach, we’d make a lot of disgruntled but not currently treasonous nobles wonder if they’re next on our list
20. Some of what Septon Sefton was saying sounded treasonous
21. “I’ve listened to about as much of this treasonous talk as I can stomach,” he said, and reached up and tapped his QComm screen several times in rapid succession
22. He argued with his minister of finance, Mollien, that the practice was treasonous because short sellers wished government securities to collapse