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treasury department frases de exemplo
treasury department
1. Treasury Department that is being used to deliver capital to banks with less than $10 bil ion in
2. The Treasury Department estimated
3. Coast Guard is officially created with the consolidation of the Life Saving Service and the Revenue Cutter Service under the Treasury Department
4. 1967 (1 April) The Coast Guard ends its 177 year history under the Treasury Department and is transferred to the Department of Transportation
5. 1967 (1 April) The USCG ended 177 years under the Treasury Department and was transferred to the Department of Transportation
6. postage stamp, Savings Bond and Treasury Department half-ounce gold coin
7. In fact, the whole Oklahoma City bombing was the result of the FBI, the Israeli Mossad, and the secret Treasury Department’s police, trying to get us to show our hand
8. The Treasury Department has a subscription service for citizens who are interested in knowing about their auctions
9. If you are talking about the green pieces of paper the Treasury department prints, there is only about $575 billion in circulation yet household assets in the United States are valued at more than $50 trillion
10. The Treasury Department is another agency that promotes the general welfare
11. government (via the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank) didn’t come to the rescue
12. In 1939 the Treasury Department announced that it would use 70% as a rough or preliminary test to decide whether or not a company is subject to the penalty taxes for improper accumulation of surplus
13. Finally it was left to the Treasury Department to nail him for tax evasion (criminals tend not to pay tax on their illegal earnings) and even then they had to do a last-minute switch of courts because Capone’s men had infiltrated the jury
14. Newton rose to state that the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures had understood, from the proper authorities, there was a necessity for the proper execution of the revenue laws, that the force under the direction of the Treasury Department should be considerably increased
15. They could not, upon any other conditions, agree to so great an augmentation of the force under the direction of the Treasury Department
16. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to lay before the Senate a statement of all claims which have been adjusted and allowed at the Treasury Department, in virtue of the law entitled "An act providing for the settlement of the claims of persons, under particular circumstances, barred by the limitations heretofore established;" and also, a statement of the balances standing in the books of the Treasury against the United States, which are barred by the statute of limitations, together with his opinion whether the said statute can be modified or repealed, as to that or any other description of claims, without subjecting the Government to imposition
17. "Provided, That it shall be made to appear, to the satisfaction of the accounting officers of the Treasury Department, that the said Alexander Hamilton ever was entitled to half pay or commutation
18. It is admitted, sir, that the bank, at the request of the Treasury Department, has established branches for the purpose of facilitating the operations of the Government at places where such establishments could not but be inconvenient to them in point of management, and disadvantageous in point of profit
19. Again, one of the most important and complicated branches of the Treasury Department is the management of our landed system
20. With regard to the first law, passed no doubt upon the recommendation of the Treasury Department, I would remark, that it was the extension of a branch to a Territory, over which Congress possesses power of legislation almost uncontrolled, and where, without any constitutional impediment, charters of incorporation may be granted
21. Information had been received from the Treasury Department, stating in a distinct and unequivocal manner, that all this description of claims (which were all liquidated claims, such as indents of interest, certificates, &c
22. It is proper, however, to state that the appropriations already made for the objects have exceeded the moneys produced by the fund pledged to defray the expense of the said road, which will appear by a letter from the Treasury Department, accompanying this report
23. From the Treasury Department will be issued the necessary instructions in relation to imposts and duties, and to the slave ships whose arrival is apprehended
24. It did not appear proper to exercise, on unforeseen cases of such magnitude, the ordinary powers vested in the Treasury Department to mitigate forfeitures, without previously affording to Congress an opportunity of making on the subject such provisions as they may think proper
25. The action of the Treasury Department furnishes a hint to the country that a large supply of currency may soon become a necessity
26. the operations of the Treasury Department may be as well conducted without a bank as with one, 283;