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    Use "turban" em uma frase

    turban frases de exemplo


    1. Now the man in the turban pipes up

    2. His hair was bound but you could not call the wrap a turban

    3. His personification was in pinstriped robe and a large turban with a waist-length white beard, waist-length gray hair and a face carved by a century of deep desert wind and sun

    4. Bahkmar could never say this, but Moamar looked a lot like the one named Kiethying except for the pin stripes and turban and maybe fifty years

    5. As he leaned back, his chair disappeared and he was dumped onto his ass on the cold, hard stone of the stage of the amphitheater at Susa, deep in evening with a terrible lighting storm approaching from right behind Moamar's wide turban

    6. There was a young Sikh boy in a burgundy turban wearing the Indian

    7. He wore a designer suit instead of the turban and robes Roman had

    8. He wore a red turban of the richest red,

    9. To see or dream that you are wearing a turban suggests that you are feeling confined by what society considers normal

    10. When she stepped out some time later, she had wrapped herself in a towel and had used another as a turban

    11. He was wearing a turban and had a full gray beard

    12. Junya thought it was because of the turban

    13. was a Far East Indian with a full beard and a turban wrapped around his head

    14. An Arab man with a turban on his head is praying and moving his body back and forth in the back row

    15. 15 And she dressed Isaac her son with it, and she put a turban on his head, and she enclosed a precious stone in the top of the turban, and she gave them provision for the road, and they went out, and Isaac went with his father Abraham, and some of their servants accompanied them to see them off the road

    16. 107 And Jacob rose up and put on the garments which Joseph had sent him, and after he had washed, and shaved his hair, he put on his head the turban which Joseph had sent him

    17. (A mitre is a turban to be worn by the high priest

    18. He left the interview wearing a turban (Sept

    19. 15 And she dressed Isaac her son with it and she put a turban on his head and she enclosed a precious stone in the top of the turban and she gave them provision for the road and they went out and Isaac went with his father Abraham and some of their servants accompanied them to see them off the road

    20. 107 And Jacob rose up and put on the garments which Joseph had sent him and after he had washed and shaved his hair he put on his head the turban which Joseph had sent him

    21. short hunchbacked pilgrim with hard features and a red turban

    22. One genie, a tall mulatto of greenish eyes, with a fuchsia turban coiled about the head, extracted a dagger that threw straight up to the heart of his contender, which I missed only for centimeters

    23. From the hall, other steps were heard and the bizarre head of Batam-Al- Bur, adorned with a pink turban with green spots, looked out through the door

    24. Due to the rudimentary conditions of the place, I took his turban, made a ball then placed under his head as a pillow

    25. The Indian was a very tall man who wore a turban on his head

    26. He had a weakness for theatrical women and Susie was at her melodramatic best in an electric-blue caftan bordered with gold and ivory ibises, topped by a matching turban

    27. Instead of a white, loose robe he wore a yellow mantle lined with fur, and on his head, instead of the turban, a

    28. generally wears Indian robes and a white turban

    29. white robes and a turban

    30. He was a thin old Mullah with a white beard, who wore a white turban and a cloak

    31. Yasmela drowsily made out a hooked beak of a nose, a glittering bead of an eye, under a white turban

    32. This man was clad in a brown camel-hair robe and sandals, and a green turban was on his head

    33. 'Even the arts you call sorcery are governed by cosmic laws,' answered the man in the green turban

    34. The man wore a camel-hair robe and a green turban

    35. He had not believed it possible for a stranger to enter the valley of Khurum without being detected by the hawk-eyed watchers along the heights; yet a man sat cross-legged on a low ledge beside the path—a man in a camel-hair robe and a green turban

    36. It happened so quickly—the hurricane-like charge of the great horse—that a man in a green turban was unable to get out of the way

    37. Neither of them had seen him come, but he stood there, with his arms folded, a man in a camel-hair robe and a green turban

    38. He babbled much of a man in a green turban whom the Afghuli rode down, but who, when attacked by the Wazulis who pursued, smote them with a nameless doom that wiped them out as a gust of wind-driven fire wipes out a cluster of locusts

    39. The man chosen for this duty thrust himself forward—a wiry brute, with a crimson sash knotted about his head like a turban

    40. Outside lay another black man, a giant in turban and silk loin-cloth, with a curved sword lying on the flags near his hand

    41. Meanwhile the four soldiers assigned to the Master's crucifixion, as was the custom, had divided his clothes among them, one taking the sandals, one the turban, one the girdle, and the fourth the cloak

    42. He looked different without his turban, she was having a series of flashbacks all relating to her father who she hadn’t seen in nearly two years and wasn't expecting to see now

    43. thrown round the shoulders and a turban

    44. A Middle Eastern man, black beard stubble with a brown turban on his head, sat in a comfortable leather chair in a dim area along the wall

    45. turban adorned by his badge of office, but otherwise he

    46. Their leader, an elderly man dressed in a colorful long robe, and a turban that I had not seen before, for they were from a tribe that was not be known to me, stopped to chat a few minutes

    47. The teenage boy wore contemporary clothes that marked him as a Christian barbarian from the West, while the old, bearded man wore what looked furiously like a rich Muslim robe and a turban

    48. He however was presently wearing a Muslim turban and baggy pants and tunic more typical of Pakistani men’s outfit as he watched with other clients of the boarding house the news on the old television set of the communal lounge

    49. Wearing a black turban and with an AK47 assault rifle at his side, he was more than probably a Taliban fighter, something his next words confirmed to others

    50. Picking up the Taliban’s turban, rifle and ammunition belt, Parmat returned to his own cubicle and stuffed the rifle, with its stock folded, inside his own pack, along with the ammunition belt

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    pillbox toque turban