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    turn upon frases de exemplo

    turn upon

    1. Should the circulating paper at any time exceed that sum, as the excess could neither be sent abroad nor be employed in the circulation of the country, it must immediately return upon the banks, to be exchanged for gold and silver

    2. Should this bank attempt to circulate forty-four thousand pounds, the four thousand pounds which are over and above what the circulation can easily absorb and employ, will return upon it almost as fast as they are issued

    3. The people were minded to turn upon the Pharisees, but Jesus bade them be calm, saying: "I have just told you that it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath, to save life, but I did not instruct you to do harm and give way to the desire to kill

    4. " And they so answered the Master because they had reasoned among themselves: If we shall say from heaven, then will he say, Why did you not believe him, and perchance will add that he received his authority from John; and if we shall say from men, then might the multitude turn upon us, for most of them hold that John was a prophet; and so they were compelled to come before Jesus and the people confessing that they, the religious teachers and leaders of Israel, could not (or would not) express an opinion about John's mission

    5. His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate

    6. the Beast will turn upon the Harlot and destroy her

    7. “And the King thought to himself, whoever wears it can turn upon any other and not fear for their life, but feel quite at ease at taking another's, eventually his own

    8. Nevertheless we bear her no ill-will, and will gladly allow her to return upon condition that she makes a defence of herself in verse; and her supporters who are not poets may speak in prose

    9. The idea that it might turn upon me never entered my excited brain

    10. He knew how hard it would have been for him, and he found himself respecting Ahbaht’s decision not to turn upon the screw-galleys even more because he did

    11. That these monsters should tear each other to pieces was a part of the strange struggle for existence, but that they should turn upon modern man, that they should deliberately track and hunt down the predominant human, was a staggering and fearsome thought

    12. He’d fought the bureaucratic battles, made the enemies, known the men he’d infuriated would turn upon him and repay all his effort and labor with his own destruction the instant the Jihad no longer required his services

    13. But just as he had tried opium, so his thought now began to turn upon gambling—not with appetite for its excitement, but with a sort of wistful inward gaze after that easy way of getting money, which implied no asking and brought no responsibility

    14. Just as I was ready to shout, “No more!” and turn upon my Heel and flee—no matter what the Consequences—we were usher’d into a Great Hall, hollow’d deep inside the Hill, with a central Banquetting Table illumin’d by a great Oil Lamp of curious Design, and surrounded by Statues of unclad Nymphs and Venuses and prancing Satyrs, which stood in shallow Niches ’round the Perimeter of the Room

    15. Two of these discrepancies turn upon the fact that for specific reasons the then current and past earnings should not have been accepted as indicative of future earning power

    16. ) A business that sells at a premium does so because it earns a large return upon its capital; this large return attracts competition, and, generally speaking, it is not likely to continue indefinitely

    17. To this end, I say that the greatest good that can be done for mankind is to shatter the doors of the Great Library and make off with its storehouse of knowledge, spread it far and wide, for though the Library’s history is vast and deep, even the greatest invention can turn upon its creators

    18. But the old man, stunned, was silent, eying each picture in turn upon the wall

    19. I could have entered this room in the night many times, and without causing her to turn upon her pillow

    20. Suspicion fell in turn upon almost every poor cur of the neighbourhood, and many a poor canine innocent was done to death, some by drowning, others by poison, and more by shooting; until it seemed as if all the sheep and dogs of the countryside would be wiped out

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