Use "twilit" em uma frase
twilit frases de exemplo
1. When the last hint of the sun had vanished from the horizon, and all that was left was a twilit blue sky, Manda switched on her flashlight and followed Sierra through the darkness
2. When I awoke, I recalled fragments of dreams: flashes of twilit woods… ancient, weather-worn tombstones… blazing red eyes… shadowy hollows in the ground…
3. There had been no more than five hours' darkness and that of a pallid, twilit quality which kept him wakeful and restless
4. Meanwhile, Amory remained by the window, looking out at the twilit city
5. At once the Mirror cleared and he saw a twilit land
6. 'Come!' he cried, and drew his sword, and it flashed in the twilit hall of the Burg
7. The girls walked silently down the red, twilit road