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    Use "ultimately" em uma frase

    ultimately frases de exemplo


    1. Our accumulated gestures of care and compassion will ultimately transform our lives and the lives of others

    2. “It was really more of an inevitability; if one knows the proper angles of attack and thought processes of his opponent, there really is only one outcome to ultimately destroy them

    3. The purpose of meditation is soul contact and, ultimately, union with the soul; its whole object is to enable one to become in outer manifestation of what one is in inner reality

    4. light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her

    5. I threw everything that I had at the door, behaving like a two year old having an absolutely heartfelt but ultimately pointless tantrum

    6. I don’t know how long I stand there panicking but ultimately I go back to the kitchen and calmly write pregnancy testing kit on the list

    7. There followed a storm of soundless lovemaking during which she engulfed him, forcing his penetration ever deeper until they ultimately found their symphonic tempo, and always, even in climax, their eyes remained locked together

    8.  What delights you ultimately delights the rest of the

    9. The light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her shoulders, not worn, as that would be too much admission of sensibility, but comforting nonetheless

    10. They have a nice house, nice car, matching furniture, nice kitchen, but are ultimately feeling that something is lacking in their life

    11. got fired!” No… that’s not something that would ultimately

    12. It represents the Rome, but ultimately the Antichrist Kingdom

    13. It is a symbol of the immanent kingdom of the north that brings judgment upon Israel, but ultimately will be destroyed by the coming of the Messiah on the Day of the Lord

    14. We know there are 10 nations involved, and ultimately the whole word follows the beast, but it is too soon to authoritatively decipher what nations and where the Antichrist will rule

    15. God uses Babylon as His rod of chastisement, but ultimately says He will judge Babylon for their excitement and over step

    16. It may not be an illness but it has a well-deserved place in this book on Yoga and health because it can, ultimately, undermine the health of the entire organism by restricting breathing, and cause an unhealthy complexion due to too little oxygen reaching the blood cells

    17. I am led to believe and have to, that we are all given chances to turn situations around and ultimately our lives if we want to

    18. interaction, manipulating the model, and ultimately choosing a view to render to display UI

    19. After another engaging but ultimately unsuccessful foray into the beating heart of Saturday night, Tom spent a quiet Sunday afternoon lazing in the summer sun in a local park

    20. Ultimately, facing the reality of time’s drip southwards, and the sharp scythe wielded by the grim reaper of domesticated animals, the couple found solace in their passionate love for one another

    21. Ultimately it does not matter which type of prayer you use, as

    22. and ultimately her left breast had to be removed to

    23. are ultimately made of energy

    24. a virus, which ultimately attacked their hearts,

    25. reason, and while ultimately the effects of having a

    26. Ultimately, all Heart-Walls are

    27. 15 percent of those women will ultimately commit

    28. and this wil ultimately create unity

    29. Fire magic is the strongest of all, for it is fire that ultimately gives life

    30. Even so, they were under instructions never ultimately to

    31. It was clear that they should never ultimately prevent, merely

    32. were ultimately responsible to the Board in his own world

    33. You made choices, choices which took you in different directions - ultimately, to the place where an earthquake set off a chain of events, and put an end to your existence

    34. Ultimately, it can be done with your eyes closed

    35. That, ultimately, was the over-arching achievement of the theater: it made peers of people who might otherwise seldom speak on the street; it created a brotherhood

    36. These three parts seem either immediately or ultimately to make up the whole price of corn

    37. Though the price of the corn, therefore, may pay the price as well as the maintenance of the horse, the whole price still resolves itself, either immediately or ultimately, into the same three parts of rent, labour, and profit

    38. All other revenue is ultimately derived from some one or other of these

    39. All taxes, and all the revenue which is founded upon them, all salaries, pensions, and annuities of every kind, are ultimately derived from some one or other of those three original sources of revenue, and are paid either immediately or mediately from the wages of labour, the profits of stock, or the rent of land

    40. teach you, and help you on your way, but ultimately it is the

    41. city and how to keep the evil one out, and ultimately they will

    42. ultimately Jesus will return to earth

    43. The prophetic will call out destiny in people and restore identity, but ultimately identity will be restored as people see who Jesus really is

    44. they will ultimately be grafted into one another

    45. Ultimately, this refers to the second coming of Jesus, when the

    46. However, people with a surplus of this gene sometimes lived longer but, more often than not it caused their cells to reproduce at a rate that was far too rapid, causing tumors and, ultimately, cancer

    47. He was winning the battles but, ultimately, he was losing the war

    48. The Northern road continued on across the wide expanse of spiky grasslands with pools of peat soil and sharp rocky outcrops to ultimately reach the coastal township of Snuff

    49. These are the three great, original, and constituent, orders of every civilized society, from whose revenue that of every other order is ultimately derived

    50. Love, satisfaction, and, ultimately happiness manifest themselves, out of the blue sky, as soon as one has satisfactorily assimilated the lessons he had been assigned

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    Sinônimos para "ultimately"

    at last at long last finally in the end ultimately in conclusion at length