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    unaccustomed to

    1. Spelman mostly stayed in her cabins the first couple days, unaccustomed to sea travel and suffering the maladies attendant upon the traumatic difference between land and rolling swells

    2. The worthy woman, unaccustomed to such demonstrations, looked at him in

    3. Full of the hubris of youth, unaccustomed to the honour of driving the inspector, or sitting in and taking full notes of the interviews, Leduc was seemingly irrepressible

    4. Unaccustomed to strong liquor as he was, he looked as if he was about to vomit on the spot but he managed to contain himself

    5. Unaccustomed to protocol and etiquette, Ethan dived straight into the matter and said bluntly:

    6. Despite working long hours in the shop, he has taken me out fishing several times – something which I am unaccustomed to doing back home – and he and I have also enjoyed several evenings in the taverns and bars of the neighborhood

    7. Sadly thereby, most of those students remain unaccustomed to comparing and thinking

    8. My sisters took it in stride, but I was unaccustomed to such treatment

    9. As the earthly onams began to gain in size, they would have needed extra secretions for sustenance that the system was unaccustomed to generate

    10. Unaccustomed to battle, they were ridiculously slow and clumsy compared to the tigerish barbarian whose motions were blurs of quickness possible only to steel thews knit to a perfect fighting brain

    11. They were wholly unaccustomed to seeing him perform in such a militant manner

    12. King, a stern man unaccustomed to having someone oppose him openly, was about to reply when General Marshall, the Army Chief of Staffs, cut him off

    13. Her description of his clothes and jewelry, in addition to his soft hands that were evidently unaccustomed to hard labor, suggested that he lived a comfortable lifestyle, perhaps in the upper class from wherever he hailed

    14. Undoubtedly he was a man worthy of his post who did his job well and was totally unaccustomed to the response he got from Phil Rudolph when Vidich introduced rank to assert himself

    15. It can be hard to tell when unaccustomed to appropriate local dress

    16. Samantha was unaccustomed to losing

    17. ” Unaccustomed to being naked in front of strangers, Ailia tried to cover up as best she could

    18. As we were unaccustomed to each other physically the sex was rather clumsy, but

    19. Unaccustomed to such treatment, unaccustomed, indeed, for twenty years to any treatment except obsequiousness, Edward asked himself in amazement whether, then, a little scrap of a secretary-girl really imagined she could prevent his speaking to anyone he wanted to, and Miss Cartwright had hardly resumed reading out of the engagement-book when there he was, telephoning again

    20. I’m so unaccustomed to the idea of people moving while I’m in the Quiet that I lose my ability to think, so I just stand there and gape at him

    21. I am simply unaccustomed to travelling

    22. unaccustomed to choosing love, we may not see that

    23. Who can say what other thoughts ran through my mind except the madness of the age, the madness of rootlessness, for I see now that I was delirious, that I had become a beast, the rantings of my brain being those of a man whose brain wasn’t right, whose conscience had frozen with the season, unaccustomed to such extremes

    24. things take time and he is unaccustomed to the ways of women

    25. As a rule, however, to those unaccustomed to alcohol, approximately 2 to 3 ounces of alcohol

    26. I defended myself, "if I really may be allowed to defend myself," by alleging that being utterly unaccustomed to wine, I had been intoxicated with the first glass, which I said, I had drunk before they arrived, while I was waiting for them at the Hotel de Paris between five and six o'clock

    27. Any one who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eyes are of two kinds, and arise from two causes, either from coming out of the light or from going into the light, which is true of the mind's eye, quite as much as of the bodily eye; and he who remembers this when he sees any one whose vision is perplexed and weak, will not be too ready to laugh; he will first ask whether that soul of man has come out of the brighter life, and is unable to see because unaccustomed to the dark, or having turned from darkness to the day is dazzled by excess of light

    28. Sidhe-seer or not, I’m unaccustomed to young humans

    29. His first movement was to free himself by a violent push from the encircling arms of his mother, and to rush forward to the casket from whence the count had taken the phial of elixir; then, without asking permission of any one, he proceeded, in all the wilfulness of a spoiled child unaccustomed to restrain either whims or caprices, to pull the corks out of all the bottles

    30. But the child, unaccustomed to the touch or familiarity of any but her mother, escaped through the open window, and stood on the upper step, looking like a wild tropical bird, of rich plumage, ready to take flight into the upper air

    31. Hazel, like nearly all wild animals, was unaccustomed to look up at the sky

    32. The dark-haired, swarthy Schuelerite was clearly unaccustomed to being told “no” by a subordinate

    33. He’s unaccustomed to that sort of stand, and it will rattle him

    34. The insolence of this Barrington! He was unaccustomed to being spoken to in that manner, and no one, but no one, ever got away with hanging up on him during a telephone conversation

    35. He was unaccustomed to being dismissed and just sat there with a confused expression until Rapp spoke

    36. But it was not thus in the present case with the Pequod's sharks; though, to be sure, any man unaccustomed to such sights, to have looked over her side that night, would have almost thought the whole round sea was one huge cheese, and those sharks the maggots in it

    37. I defended myself, "if I really may be allowed to defend myself," by alleging that being utterly unaccustomed to wine, I had been intoxicated with the first glass, which I said, I had drunk before they arrived, while I was waiting for them at the Hôtel de Paris between five and six o'clock

    38. We will not attribute Semyon Ivanovitch's fate simply to his eccentricity, yet we must observe to the reader that our hero was a very retiring man, unaccustomed to society, and had, until he made the acquaintance of the new lodgers, lived in complete unbroken solitude, and had been marked by his quietness and even a certain mysteriousness; for he had spent all the time that he lodged at Peski lying on his bed behind the screen, without talking or having any sort of relations with any one

    39. "It may be ten years, it may be twenty, it may be even twenty-five altogether," she would say at times to her new lodgers, "since he settled with me, poor dear man, bless his heart!" And so it was very natural that the hero of our story, being so unaccustomed to society was disagreeably surprised when, a year before, he, a respectable and modest man, had found himself, suddenly in the midst of a noisy and boisterous crew, consisting of a dozen young fellows, his colleagues at the office, and his new house-mates

    40. In answer to the question, Would not this unaccustomed toil ruin that health which is indispensable in order to render service to the people possible? it appeared, in spite of the positive assertions of noted physicians, that physical exertion, especially at my age, might have the most injurious consequences (but that Swedish gymnastics, the massage treatment, and so on, and other expedients intended to take the place of the natural conditions of man’s life, were better), that the more intense the toil, the stronger, more alert, more cheerful, and more kindly did I feel

    41. Unaccustomed to crises or events that called for the quick decision of more brilliant and self-sufficient minds, she had found herself face to face with a problem, and was acting with a precipitation that made her dizzy, and a promptitude that suggested she had been brought into contact with just such difficulties many times before

    42. Nor is its taste the only inconvenience experienced by the traveller unaccustomed to it

    43. Have we not already territory enough? Is it desirable to incorporate with us a people composed of heterogeneous materials, who are not only unaccustomed to our institutions, but many of whom entertain an unconquerable hatred for them? I believe it would have been better had we never acquired any foreign territory at all

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