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    Use "unanswerable" em uma frase

    unanswerable frases de exemplo


    1. Glancing back along the path she couldn’t discern any difference in the land surface … so how come there was a cliff here? This unanswerable question causing her to chew on her lip in frustration, she looked about her

    2. A session grant and then no more barrage of unanswerable reads

    3. The stance or position of the typical liberal when confronted with an unanswerable statement of a conservative

    4. Then it came to her: Caroline’s horses weren’t subjected to such things, nor did they have to pass through dog-filled airline terminals! Why, if there was some way to stuff condoms into a horse – By God, it might just work! Unanswerable questions immediately surfaced

    5. This scenario and these unanswerable questions should be a reminder to all of us that we are not in control here…

    6. There is only one thing to do with unanswerable questions: give

    7. that in order for us to go on we had to stop asking the unanswerable

    8. Ancient people sought answers to the unanswerable; seeking power over the reaper

    9. benefits of the wonder and the awe and the myriad unanswerable

    10. It does not attempt to answer such questions as ‘what is the purpose of life, the universe and everything?’ Buddhism regards such questions as at best unanswerable and

    11. Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox, and I remember being heartily laughed at by several of the officers (though themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as an unanswerable authority on some point of morality

    12. Paul saw at Athens is an unanswerable proof that man knows nothing which can do his soul good without a Divine revelation

    13. First published in 1868, it has stood the test of eighteen years' criticism, and its principles remain unanswered and unanswerable

    14. ‘Without a reliable crystal ball that sort of question is unanswerable

    15. They had taken to staying near set to avoid unanswerable questions regarding their travel to and from work

    16. “What you just said was one of those unanswerable mind stretchers that Zen masters come up with

    17. The bearded man is beginning to bore me with unanswerable questions

    18. I asked my mother to come to the island to take care of Annie for a week or two and as I was contemplating these unanswerable questions on the plane, the surge of speed launched us into the ether

    19. Makes the resurrection an unanswerable problem

    20. He's getting great bumps over his eyes, and learning to ask the most unanswerable questions

    21. And is no allowance to be made for inadvertence, or for spirits depressed by recent disappointment? Are no probabilities to be accepted, merely because they are not certainties? Is nothing due to the man whom we have all such reason to love, and no reason in the world to think ill of? To the possibility of motives unanswerable in themselves, though unavoidably secret for a while? And, after all, what is it you suspect him of?"

    22. Now, I said, you are on more substantial and almost unanswerable ground; for if the injustice which you were maintaining to be profitable had been admitted by you as by others to be vice and deformity, an answer might have been given to you on received principles; but now I perceive that you will call injustice honourable and strong, and to the unjust you will attribute all the qualities which were attributed by us before to the just, seeing that you do not hesitate to rank injustice with wisdom and virtue

    23. Why the hell anyone would want to assist major stockholders to live beyond avarice’s dreams for giving the people the Greek agora redux, or humanity’s most accomplished opining platform atwitter with trending gossip had always been an unanswerable question; but yet, unquestionably, potentially very effective

    24. Evolution was not more satisfactory, because although it was undoubtedly true as far as it went, it only went part of the way, leaving the great question still unanswered by assuming the existence - in the beginning - of the elements of matter, without a cause! The question remained unanswered because it was unanswerable

    25. except a brief, pithy, and, as it then appeared to him, unanswerable argument against the immortality of the human soul

    26. But his thoughts mainly clung around the astounding and unanswerable question: How the devil the fellow got to know that the silver had gone off in the lighter? It was obvious that he had not captured it

    27. If I have not said much about it before, it was, of course, that the Professor's earnest desire was that no possible rumor of the unanswerable argument which we carried should be allowed to leak out until the moment came when his enemies were to be confuted

    28. Most of his remarks were unanswerable, which made them all the worse

    29. It couldn’t be Captain unanswerable question and, as the weeks went by and the rumor spread that Scarlett Butler’s baby, they said

    30. AS ARCHER CARROLL maneuvered his battered station wagon along the Major Deegan Expressway, the words of the Atlantic Avenue restaurant owner came back to him with the persistence of an unanswerable philosophical question … And what are you?… What are you, please tell me, mister?

    31. She looked Nana in the eye, said, “If you’re in a vehicle traveling at the speed of light, what happens when you switch on the headlights?” Then she hugged Nana before she could try to answer the unanswerable

    32. His question was so obviously unanswerable

    33. Armed with these arguments, which appeared to her unanswerable, she drove to her

    34. He admitted that he had committed an extreme and blameworthy act; that that loaf of bread would probably not have been refused to him had he asked for it; that, in any case, it would have been better to wait until he could get it through compassion or through work; that it is not an unanswerable argument to say, "Can one wait when one is hungry?" That, in the first place, it is very rare for any one to die of hunger, literally; and next, that, fortunately or unfortunately, man is so constituted that he can suffer long and much, both morally and physically, without dying; that it is therefore necessary to have patience; that that would even have been better for those poor little children; that it had been an act of madness for him, a miserable, unfortunate wretch, to take society at large violently by the collar, and to imagine that one can escape from misery through theft; that that is in any case a poor door through which to escape from misery through which infamy enters; in short, that he was in the wrong

    35. The most terrible of motives, the most unanswerable of retorts—Because

    36. "Walk!" repeated Sir Thomas, in a tone of most unanswerable dignity, and coming farther into the room

    37. Having impulsively, it is probable, and perhaps somewhat prematurely revealed the prime but private purpose of the Pequod's voyage, Ahab was now entirely conscious that, in so doing, he had indirectly laid himself open to the unanswerable charge of usurpation; and with perfect impunity, both moral and legal, his crew if so disposed, and to that end competent, could refuse all further obedience to him, and even violently wrest from him the command

    38. But didst Thou not know that he would at last reject even Thy image and Thy truth, if he is weighed down with the fearful burden of free choice? They will cry aloud at last that the truth is not in Thee, for they could not have been left in greater confusion and suffering than Thou hast caused, laying upon them so many cares and unanswerable problems

    39. What’s more unanswerable than a fact? And this fact had occurred

    40. It was no pretence of love, no posturing and nonsense—it was real love! How, then, could the wretch have been so cruel to a child whom he so dearly loved? He could not bear to think of it, the question was painful, and quite unanswerable

    41. He behaved with reserve and indifference to all his comrades, except Novodvoroff, to whom he was greatly attached, and whose arguments on all subjects he accepted as unanswerable truths

    42. His thoughts no longer turned to the young Queen and to the happiness he had anticipated for that evening, but became centred on the unanswerable question which hung over him: “What was to be done?”

    43. Armed with these arguments, which appeared to her unanswerable, she drove to her daughter’s early one morning so as to find her alone

    44. Still less possible is it to prove them by experiment, since the whole matter turns on the question, ought we to try the experiment? The question whether or not the time has come to make an end of government would be unanswerable, except that there exists another living means of settling it beyond dispute

    45. And a more unanswerable argument cannot be urged in favor of their general utility than their uniform success; to this may be added the prosperity of the people and the countries where banks have been supported

    46. If we look back, and attentively view the occurrences which took place, when the law incorporating the present bank of the United States was enacted, we shall find our reasoning supported and confirmed by many important circumstances; we shall then perceive, that the act of incorporation was opposed on constitutional ground, by men who were and continue to be esteemed for their talents, political skill, judicial knowledge, probity and patriotism; and it has been admitted, that the arguments formerly urged are unanswerable

    47. He reiterated last night that his arguments were unanswered and unanswerable

    48. You remember, sir, an impressive argument, in many respects original, an unanswered and unanswerable argument of the honorable gentleman from Virginia (Mr

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