Use "undernourished" em uma frase
undernourished frases de exemplo
1. Here and there, flocks of sheep scour the ground, they look undernourished and thin, their fleeces bitty
2. What if I had killed them – they were already undernourished and weak
3. ‘You look like undernourished vagrants,’ said the professor as he closed his office door
4. We put an end immediately to the lack of attendance of its basic necessities and we put an end its undernourished children’s cruel images and other skeletal people
5. - still there are zoos with undernourished animals, deprived of minimum care,
6. severely undernourished, and there was no way of
7. In the chilly air the walls looked undernourished
8. Your flesh is parted and opens up with a generous offer, giving your body’s precious fluids to the undernourished ground below
9. And was not all of this expectation now fulfilled right before their eyes? When this hungry, undernourished multitude had finished gorging itself with the wonder-food, there was but one unanimous reaction: "Here is our king
10. severely undernourished and dehydrated, and was forced to eat
11. He was undernourished, unwashed, his clothes were ragged
12. Mary Enig and Sally Fallon, authors of Eat Fat, Lose Fat, write, “You can be 200 pounds overweight and still be undernourished and fat deprived
13. the truth; my body was undernourished, riddled with
14. They were undernourished, flea-ridden and desperate to be rid of their restrictive chain
15. We are a nation that is overfed but undernourished