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    Use "unilateral" em uma frase

    unilateral frases de exemplo


    1. There are several beneits to unilateral

    2. Unilateral movements also stimulate better muscle iber recruitment, not just from the muscle that’s doing the work, but from supporting muscles as well

    3. or hope for relief, The Lord took unilateral action in expressing His love, and He did this at just the

    4. This unilateral and undemocratic action threw the city of Brea into political turmoil, dividing it into warring factions and turning friends into enemies

    5. unilateral military training with the worlds

    6. ” This was a call for unilateral disarming of our intelligence services to match the disarmament of our military, which has long been a staple of the radical agenda

    7. both sides of the back of the head, as opposed to the unilateral temple

    8. That unilateral point of view is reinforced and propagated daily by the media

    9. 1984 was the beginning of Congress’s unilateral control over Medicare fees

    10. On 29 January, Lon Nol proclaimed a unilateral cease-fire throughout the nation

    11. Smith’s Rhodesian Front took all the seats in the Rhodesian elections in May and now, with the full support of the real arbiters of white politics, the engine men of Rhodesian Railways, he went full steam ahead for a unilateral declaration of independence

    12. Since then, the Chinese and the Soviets had become a lot more aggressive with the United States, knowing that they could not be threatened anymore with unilateral nuclear strikes

    13. Churchill and the British chiefs of staff were incensed at this unilateral abandonment of the jointly agreed plans

    14. What is important to me is to know why your government decided to do such a unilateral move without warning me first

    15. My own brother has unilateral gynecomastia at the age of 18 years probably from eating chicken injected with female hormones

    16. These types of relationships – based on the unidirectional and unilateral flow of Narcissistic Supply – border on abuse

    17. Unilateral expectation falls well before the end

    18. ‘Advani had observed Modi’s style of functioning in Gujarat and was worried that he would bring in a similar brand of unilateral decision-making which was not part of the BJP’s culture,’ says an Advani loyalist

    19. unilateral actions in this matter have been made and it is these countries’ contention

    20. These may be financial costs; as I write we see the EU planning to ban landings of mackerel from Iceland and the Faroes in protest against those countries’ unilateral increase in the amount of fish they allow their fishermen to land

    21. They could simply stop doing so (unilateral action) or they could only give money towards named specific projects (add conditionality to future proposals)

    22. Retailers trying for unilateral price increases or other changes to terms on existing contracts might ponder the following questions:

    23. Does this behaviour reflect your corporate culture? If your business model is that you don’t care about brands, are only interested in price, have no desire for long term relationships with your suppliers, then unilateral action is right for you

    24. The House Republicans have subsequently had to back-pedal and drop their list of demands back to a 12-month delay in the new health plan, with more unilateral concessions likely in the days ahead as the pressure builds

    25. Unrealistic proposals encourage the other side to refuse to even enter negotiations, and can cost you credibility when future movements in your position need to be drastic and unilateral

    26. upon himself to appoint unilateral y al delegates of the TPiE

    27. purpose, having already unilateral y abandoned the idea of

    28. Cluster headache is a unilateral pain around one eye is very severe and last between 10-30 minutes

    29. Multiple and divergent mutually-supporting cultures prohibit the dominance and control of a single monoculture of unilateral dominance or bilateral polarity

    30. The acts of unilateral sharing attempt to generate an escape cascade that can break the cultural laws of the game, Monergy Rules All

    31. ” she said to yet another unidentifiable voice of the Unilateral Board of Universal Habeus Corpus

    32. before she admitted, “And I made a unilateral decision that should have been made by the

    33. One of the most egregious examples of this practice of unilateral disarmament in the battle of ideas is the January report of the independent review of the Fort Hood massacre, co-chaired by former Army Secretary Togo West and former Chief of Naval Operations Adm

    34. The state not only takes down segregating fences, but also erects unilateral protections; it not only unlocks doors, but also furnishes the house with heating, food, and mentors

    35.  Usually leads to redness of unilateral eye but may have bilateral involvement if

    36. When “unpacking-unfolding” the VVU-Information from the TEC-dynamics of its Self-Consciousness, a situation is projected into ODS, where there is a child that perceives a hero of the cartoon as “a living creature”, but not as a painted character, and this unilateral energy-information connection between the child and the hero of “the cartoon” (in accordance with the cartoon scenario) exists as if “directly”, without taking into account the TV screen

    37. In a literal sense, living “side by side” with each other, they cannot perform conscious creative interrelations and are restricted to unilateral, purely consumer-type relations

    38. Unilateral oophorectomy is a medical procedure to have one ovary removed, if cancer or

    39. For the people in the world who don’t know the Creator, who don’t understand the creator, who transgress against the Creator’s creation, who have never heard of the Creator, then the Creator’s relational love for them is what is termed unilateral relational love

    40. state of Southern Rhodesia which soon was to become famous for its Unilateral Declaration

    41. He’d made a unilateral decision about Abigail’s education

    42. Philippa had strong views and, over the years, Ralph had realized it was easier to discuss things with her, rather than make unilateral decisions and then have a fight when she disagreed

    43. She has Unilateral Neglect

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    Sinônimos para "unilateral"

    one-sided unilateral uneven irregular partial single skewed lopsided