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    universally frases de exemplo


    1. I'm only 36 years old but that's enough to remember when they were universally considered to be anti-social, trashy, criminal looking stains on the skin

    2. Mother Teresa is universally admired for her service to

    3. In most places, however, for it is not universally so, his day-wages are somewhat lower

    4. universally agreed, both by him and his father, Philip, thought it worth while, notwithstanding, to return to Athens, in order to resume the teaching of his school

    5. Monopoly, besides, is a great enemy to good management, which can never be universally established, but in consequence of that free and universal competition which forces every body to have recourse to it for the sake of self defence

    6. The same most respectable and well-informed authors acquaint us, that when any person undertakes to work a new mine in Peru, he is universally looked upon as a man destined to bankruptcy and ruin, and is upon that account shunned and avoided by every body

    7. If his calculations deserve any part of the reputation which they have obtained very universally, eight-and-forty shillings the quarter was a price which, without some such expedient as the bounty, could not at that time be expected, except in years of extraordinary scarcity

    8. When, after the discovery of the abundant mines of America, corn rose to three and four times its former money price, this change was universally ascribed, not to any rise in the real value of corn, but to a fall in the real value of silver

    9. In the greater part of the silver mines of Peru, this, it seems, is all that remains, after replacing the stock of the undertaker of the work, together with its ordinary profits ; and it seems to be universally acknowledged that these profits, which were once very high, are now as low as they can well be, consistently with carrying on the works

    10. Any rise in the money price of goods which proceeded altogether from the degradation of the value of silver, would affect all sorts of goods equally, and raise their price universally, a third, or a fourth, or a fifth part higher, according as silver happened to lose a third, or a fourth, or a fifth part of its former value

    11. Where the legal rate of interest, on the contrary, is fixed but a very little above the lowest market rate, sober people are universally preferred, as borrowers, to prodigals and projectors

    12. The male sex is universally preferred to the female; and when all other things are equal, the elder everywhere takes place of the younger

    13. Slavery continued to take place almost universally for several centuries afterwards, till it was gradually abolished by the joint operation of the two interests above mentioned ; that of the proprietor on the one hand, and that of the sovereign on the other

    14. This is even more universally the case in those poor countries which are commonly said to have no manufactures, than in those rich ones that are said to abound in them

    15. An intercourse of the same kind universally established between the farmers and the corn merchants, would be attended with effects equally beneficial to the farmers

    16. Were it possible, as perhaps it is not, to establish this intercourse universally, and all at once ; were it possible to turn all at once the whole farming stock of the kingdom to its proper business, the cultivation of land, withdrawing it from every other employment into which any part of it may be at present diverted; and were it possible, in order to support and assist, upon occasion, the operations of this great stock, to provide all at once another stock almost equally great; it is not, perhaps, very easy to imagine how great, how extensive, and how sudden, would be the improvement which this change of circumstances would alone produce upon the whole face of the country

    17. When the art of war, too, has gradually grown up to be a very intricate and complicated science; when the event of war ceases to be determined, as in the first ages of society, by a single irregular skirmish or battle ; but when the contest is generally spun out through several different campaigns, each of which lasts during the greater part of the year; it becomes universally necessary that the public should maintain those who serve the public in war, at least while they are employed in that service

    18. Under the feudal governments, the military service, both of the great lords, and of their immediate dependents, was, after a certain period, universally exchanged for a payment in money, which was employed to maintain those who served in their stead

    19. Either from want of interest in the officers entrusted with the execution of those ordinances, or from some other cause, they appear to have been universally neglected; and in the progress of all those governments, military exercises seem to have gone gradually into disuse among the great body of the people

    20. Afterwards, they universally found it convenient to delegate it to some substitute, bailiff, or judge

    21. In the progress of the European monarchies, which were founded upon the ruins of the Roman empire, the sovereigns and the great lords came universally to consider the administration of justice as an office both too laborious and too ignoble for them to execute in their own persons

    22. They universally, therefore, discharged themselves of it, by appointing a deputy, bailiff or judge

    23. These companies, though they may, perhaps, have been useful for the first introduction of some branches of commerce, by making, at their own expense, an experiment which the state might not think it prudent to make, have in the long-run proved, universally, either burdensome or useless, and have either mismanaged or confined the trade

    24. A private teacher could never find his account in teaching either an exploded and antiquated system of a science acknowledged to be useful, or a science universally believed to be a mere useless and pedantic heap of sophistry and nonsense

    25. In England, the establishment of charity schools has had an effect of the same kind, though not so universally, because the establishmnent is not so universal

    26. But the power of the pope, in the collation of the great benefices of the church, seems, before the reformation, to have been nowhere so effectually and so universally restrained as in France and England

    27. They universally, therefore, established the

    28. But though this practice necessarily puts off the liberation of the public revenue from a fixed period, to one so indefinite that it is not very likely ever to arrive ; yet, as a greater sum can, in all cases, be raised by this new practice than by the old one of anticipation, the former, when men have once become familiar with it, has, in the great exigencies of the state, been universally preferred to the latter

    29. Around the hall, prisoners watched the confrontation with a universally held breath and were disappointed when the tension dispersed

    30. The poor wretches soon appropriated everything, but unfortunately they applied this permission universally, and on subsequent marches, when the men laid their packs by the roadside to collect later, they frequently found them rifled

    31. Although laws are not in every respect universally binding, many generally underscore the nature of time-honored (moral) precepts; that is to say, eternal truths and timeless values transcending the limits of parochial custom(s) and tradition(s); whose eternal precedence have been intuitively understood by a (variety) of people among a (variety) of cultures across the course of History

    32. Nevertheless, what most attracted us to Chinatown was the universally acclaimed Hindu temple Sri Mariamman

    33. Those of his fellow soldiers who were married seemed to universally complain about the effect that the sparse Army pay had on their wives

    34. An established and universally accepted principle or rule

    35. A belief in the reality of this unverifiable Presence has been universally insisted upon down through all the ages of Man’s long quest for assurance that he is not alone in his existence

    36. dreams or hallucinations, which are never universally congruent

    37. The history of the Panama Canal is not universally well known

    38. They registered in the Emperatriz I Hotel where he always lodges when he stays in that historic and universally recognized University City

    39. That is a fallacy universally held as true, maintains Roger, because the public has been misinformed by vicious propaganda

    40. ” It is now universally admitted to be a gross forgery

    41. “Talia has also been phenomenally sexually repressed for a female elf,” Nemia laughed as she re-contoured her eyebrows, “Especially one as beautiful and as universally desired as she is

    42. “We have been unable to see beyond it with any form of psionic probe, and to magically attack the Wards of any country is universally recognized as an act of war! We are not presently at war, and we have all sworn that we will not break the peace!”

    43. Roy Park’s universally recognized leadership in the world of communications will henceforth and in perpetuity be associated with Ithaca College and its School of Communications

    44. This will occur universally and simultaneously wherever these pyramidal structures are located

    45. By 1952, the tremendous economic failure of the Soviet Union was not universally recognized

    46. We"ll eventually need thousands of containers of PAX to make it universally effective

    47. Long before Schrödinger wondered whether his famous cat could be both alive and dead at the same time, a commentator in the Surangama Sutra questioned, ‘…if water and fire are present universally in the same space and at the same time, how is it that they do not destroy each other? …how can two different and opposing natures be mutually universal at the same time?’ Superpositions of complementary attributes are difficult for the mind to grasp

    48. He was unflappable, had a blotting paper brain that learned lines after two readings, did everything asked of him unquestioningly, and was universally liked

    49. The universally recognized and unreservedly worshiped center and head of this far-flung brotherhood of intelligent beings is my Father and your Father

    50. Goodness is universally attractive only when it is gracious

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    Sinônimos para "universally"

    universally completely customarily entirely