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    Use "unrelated" em uma frase

    unrelated frases de exemplo


    1. · Not letting little things bother to an extent that is unrelated to its seriousness

    2. There would be an open training session on at this time of the morning, she could join in, maybe see a few friends unrelated to work

    3. My thoughts ran riot, one after another, disjointed, becoming a twisted nightmare sequence of unrelated rants

    4. "We have no evidence that the impactors have not been captured by some other entity, unrelated to the condensate state changes, and cleansed of most of the condensates, either deliberately or as a by-product of that capture

    5. Unrelated images of the day my dad left us flashed in my head

    6. These audits are intended only to examine the Federally-funded parts of an organization's operations and are not designed to identify unrelated problems

    7. in thought or concerned about an unrelated situation? Would you

    8. Asking about anything unrelated to

    9. totally unrelated, when the event will suddenly pop

    10. course? Or was the mystery man performing some task unrelated to

    11. This was on an unrelated case, something more long-term

    12. If you offer something that is completely unrelated to what your customer

    13. Unrelated to the topic, but related with the

    14. “No, this is unrelated to my wrist

    15. We may even be able to answer other unrelated questions just because of our position in time and the benefit that it would provide to our observations e

    16. unrelated to his ordeal

    17. However, you may well now realize, one of Rays gifts was to put seemingly useless apparently unrelated bits of information together and come up with something really fucking interesting

    18. Whether the war was triggered by events unrelated to slavery, as some historians have argued, is not the overriding question

    19. He ran his hands lovingly over his old oak roll-top desk, pausing to gather thoughts while adding notations to the file of an unrelated case, with Michael’s work board far from mind, when his gaze lit upon it and, just like that, the answer was suddenly crystal clear

    20. But the evidence they provide is inconclusive, often including material unrelated to the Patriot Act

    21. Hilda had been close with Edgar and, when she and Raul’s two boys perished in the worst tragedy of his life, it seemed to affect Edgar possibly more profoundly than it did himself: any time the subject had even come close to being mentioned, he had stared at him with doe eyes welled up with tears, and quickly departed, or switched conversation to an unrelated something else

    22. However, not to dampen the young officer’s zeal, he listened, albeit impatiently, to his account, tedious for its attention to minute and mostly unrelated detail, of a death the previous night

    23. I’ll have him picked up for questioning in a current unrelated case and bring him directly down here

    24. Anthropology and Global Finance seemed curiously unrelated to each other

    25. Again, philosophy and corporate relations seemed unrelated to each other, or to any other course on the curriculum

    26. But those earlier tracks, and the noises he heard, might have been unrelated

    27. These tracks might be unrelated to the other tracks, yet both sets were fresh

    28. The audience was quiet, just a murmur here and whisper there, a giggle quite unrelated somewhere else

    29. The fear is unrelated to the threat to his life

    30. manuscript I submitted (totally unrelated to Jason) was not accepted

    31. They are all completely unrelated

    32. M: Only by negation, as uncaused, independent, unrelated,

    33. Food should be gathered with like-items together, and not spread out into different cabinets that contain unrelated items (or having the same type food item put in two places)

    34. middle of a seemingly unrelated situation

    35. He is entirely unrelated to anything in particu-

    36. asked provincial prosecutors in an unrelated case for documents related to

    37. in connection with the unrelated traffic death of a motorcyclist

    38. Human conflict surrounding the land called Israel is unfortunate but unrelated to Uronian terms

    39. the biblical and Darwinian accounts, but they, both pairs, are unrelated except for a distant, often

    40. their children to related or unrelated adults, who promise education

    41. “Perhaps you could help me on a possibly unrelated matter

    42. of the association which this issue has with other unrelated issues

    43. However, filling the event with unrelated music can

    44. were times when I was a completely unrelated woman with no seeming family tie

    45. Traditional should not be confused with conservative since they refer to unrelated topics albeit both are strongly resistant to change

    46. tremendous power in the financial world the ability to create correlations between seemingly unrelated events when in fact there was very little of a

    47. Work cannot be confusing, inefficient, unclear or unrelated to common ends and still provide optimal service to clients

    48. Each new second seems unrelated to the previous and so you can repeat the same thing without ennui

    49. problems unrelated to the particular circumstances of women in this society at this

    50. Whispers, stealthy footsteps, unrelated sounds surged or rustled about him, irrelevant and far away

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