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    upper class frases de exemplo

    upper class

    1. We were all from different backgrounds, I remember there was one woman in her twenties, from an upper class, if totally broke, family background

    2. ’ I said in my best ‘upper class’ accent and breaking into giggles at the end of the sentence,

    3. assured us this was what the upper class wore to parties such as this

    4. Beyond an occasional drumming, all was quiet in the native quarter, and the streets were thronged as usual by the proletarian Ashantis and slaves, though the upper classes did not show themselves much

    5. In this manner, the learned classes, for example, are often dismissive of ‖pretenders who would breach their professional authority or the clergy, its moral authority, or, as such questions may relate to propertied interests, the upper classes who try to remain inconspicuous by drawing attention away from their wealth or by downplaying its significance or the working and middle classes, who, equally envious or threatened by other groups situated above or below them, are likely to spend nearly everything they earn as fast as they can earn it while stashing the remains or the lower classes who seek hollow ―comfort‖ in their anger and resentment of everyone else who may enjoy more of the ―finer things‖ which have been ―unfairly‖ denied them

    6. (The exceptions tend to be among the upper class

    7. haven’t seen them in the party of the upper class) wearing only black

    8. Talk about hell, but it did preserve a museum, a slice of life as it was lived at that time, especially among the upper classes of a pagan society

    9. Therefore, they leverage the economy because the upper class and middle class doesn’t obtain to consume the immensity of products that day-by-day is gushed at the market for consumption in mass in order to guarantee survival of the companies with its formal employees and the revenue of the State

    10. Chloe would have been very happy about this had the house not wanted to enter her world, she would have taken this opportunity to communicate with someone, perhaps her friend who had found the book which told her about the spell, or maybe her father; this is what the door should be for; not the ponsey upper class assholes at the ‘house of nobility’

    11. who remembered upper class past lives that these lives were not usually considered to be

    12. A big reason was to raise my GPA which was awful after blowing exams at end of 1L because the upper classmen’s exams finished week earlier than 1L’s and I drank instead of studying

    13. Hellenized themselves, they became the natural allies of the upper classes which had previously been Hellenized

    14. It was also a struggle against the upper classes of Judea who for many years had cooperated with the Roman regime

    15. It is important to note that the upper classes were most receptive to Mainmonides’

    16. On the surface it seemed everything was just fine he came from middle to upper class family but something seemed missing

    17. In India the British had a policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ to drive a wedge between different religious groups, the upper class and the untouchables, those working for the British and others, and people speaking different languages, etc

    18. It is tempting to dismiss the overweening arrogance of the British upper classes as foolishness, but that would be a grave mistake

    19. lowly status by the upper class family of the man she loved

    20. He was well spoken and had an upper class English accent

    21. In contrast when Patricia talked she did so incessantly but she was witty and had some funny stories to tell about the upper class that she waited on in London

    22. scum? A harsh and stereotypical of the upper classes I

    23. Now with a tough weatherworn face Grailem felt confident that he would be accepted everywhere; except for the upper classes due to his unshaven appearance

    24. The people who were looking after him were sort of upper class with servants or slaves

    25. Schools were designed for the upper class to pass on society's structure to the younger bourgeoisie and only shared with lower classes reluctantly

    26. Initially members of the upper classes were the main

    27. I strategically planned to join the upper class and the country club

    28. My family and friends congratulated me for seizing the opportunity and fulfilling my promise to rise to the upper class

    29. I was in an upper class neighborhood that was very dangerous

    30. There indeed were great profits but none of the states saw any of it as it was relegated to the upper class

    31. “If you are so endeared by the upper class in Europe,” he said

    32. ’ And Poland? ‘There are some grounds for believing that the elimination of an upper class at a more developed stage can be a disaster for a country: and most certainly when the removal is due to the intervention of another nation

    33. Finally, there were the upper class, which included wealthy ranchers

    34. Of course, oftentimes one man’s misfortune is another man’s success as was the case here for several years ago he had inherited the extensive fortune of his eccentric aunt who had been in the upper class of the city

    35. Her description of his clothes and jewelry, in addition to his soft hands that were evidently unaccustomed to hard labor, suggested that he lived a comfortable lifestyle, perhaps in the upper class from wherever he hailed

    36. He was dressed in upper class attire

    37. Over al , he wasn’t the usual upper class, big toothed,

    38. house was situated in a upper class district, The Madame was elegant, a

    39. upper classes in England at the start of the twentieth

    40. In earlier ages this meant membership in the aristocracy; in today’s meritocracy it shows the educated and upwardly mobile as well as those born in the upper classes of society

    41. People born in the upper classes have a winning attitude inculcated into them from birth (that they “belong”, that they are destined to rule), which is why angularity is associated with high social class and success in life

    42. The members of the upper classes were historically the people who were “bred”

    43. It was an art for the upper class of the English society

    44. As a result of how the money and material goods are distributed out in this life, many countries have divided people up in the terms of upper class, middle class, and lower class, with the people in the upper class having more of the material goods and wealth of this world than the middle and lower class will have

    45. Let us turn to the upper classes, and mark the report we shall get from them

    46. A little too affable, and a little too smooth is what I’d thought at the time, especially considering the frenzied nature of my inquiries, but he liked exercising that British upper class part of his personality, and what better person to use it on than that oddball, snobby little poet who had cost him several hundred thousand dollars in revenue when he bolted the mother ship

    47. type that would go to this upper class event with Beth and Jack and she

    48. The quarter where he lived was known as the area where the upper class of society and the ruling element in Damascus lived in and where silence and tranquility constantly prevailed

    49. Whereas the upper class is self-

    50. that was well known for hosting various events for the upper classes

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