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    upper classes frases de exemplo

    upper classes

    1. Beyond an occasional drumming, all was quiet in the native quarter, and the streets were thronged as usual by the proletarian Ashantis and slaves, though the upper classes did not show themselves much

    2. In this manner, the learned classes, for example, are often dismissive of ‖pretenders who would breach their professional authority or the clergy, its moral authority, or, as such questions may relate to propertied interests, the upper classes who try to remain inconspicuous by drawing attention away from their wealth or by downplaying its significance or the working and middle classes, who, equally envious or threatened by other groups situated above or below them, are likely to spend nearly everything they earn as fast as they can earn it while stashing the remains or the lower classes who seek hollow ―comfort‖ in their anger and resentment of everyone else who may enjoy more of the ―finer things‖ which have been ―unfairly‖ denied them

    3. Talk about hell, but it did preserve a museum, a slice of life as it was lived at that time, especially among the upper classes of a pagan society

    4. Hellenized themselves, they became the natural allies of the upper classes which had previously been Hellenized

    5. It was also a struggle against the upper classes of Judea who for many years had cooperated with the Roman regime

    6. It is important to note that the upper classes were most receptive to Mainmonides’

    7. It is tempting to dismiss the overweening arrogance of the British upper classes as foolishness, but that would be a grave mistake

    8. scum? A harsh and stereotypical of the upper classes I

    9. Now with a tough weatherworn face Grailem felt confident that he would be accepted everywhere; except for the upper classes due to his unshaven appearance

    10. Initially members of the upper classes were the main

    11. upper classes in England at the start of the twentieth

    12. In earlier ages this meant membership in the aristocracy; in today’s meritocracy it shows the educated and upwardly mobile as well as those born in the upper classes of society

    13. People born in the upper classes have a winning attitude inculcated into them from birth (that they “belong”, that they are destined to rule), which is why angularity is associated with high social class and success in life

    14. The members of the upper classes were historically the people who were “bred”

    15. Let us turn to the upper classes, and mark the report we shall get from them

    16. that was well known for hosting various events for the upper classes

    17. When the upper classes got involved in witchcraft their servants were questioned

    18. The upper classes have so many other amusements that _das Essen_ ceases to be one, and they are as thin as all the rest of the world; but if the curious wish to see how very largely it fills the lives, or that part of their lives that they reserve for pleasure, of the middle classes, it is a good plan to go to seaside places during the months of July and August, when the schools close, and the _bourgeoisie_ realises the dream in which it has been indulging the whole year, of hotel life with a tremendous dinner every day at one o'clock

    19. The upper classes tend to overlook murder in the name of honor, so he could possibly get away with that

    20. The family as a whole presented themselves as faultless examples of the upper classes

    21. Names in scene 1 have been changed to protect the guilty upper classes!

    22. Juan Neira is told in the currentlanguage of the upper classes of Chile, with many

    23. not mean that pictures of life in theupper classes are to

    24. The upper classes jealously guarding the hereditary status of their females; forbidding them to marry below their station

    25. country’s ship owners and upper classes opened to him

    26. The young men, apart from the “square” upper classes and the sensible studious crop of the rest, divided style-wise into the youth subcultures of the mods and the rockers

    27. The problem with this propaganda scam was that the lower classes began to catch on to it, and started to ape the upper classes, and copy them, and act just as irresponsibly and immorally and unethically as the Church and the ruling classes… and stopped believing in all that dogma

    28. Still, I suspect, the younger generation, at least in the upper classes, does not lack imagination and has appropriate countermeasures

    29. Throughout all history, in any process of change or upheaval, it is the lower classes that suffer the most and the upper classes that suffer the least

    30. While all the time: knowledge, wealth, power and social standing is being hoarded by the upper classes

    31. Until poor people recognize that they are a class… and organize themselves as a class… As well, or better than the upper classes, who are intent on keeping them down

    32. As long as the Authority of the Upper classes is unquestioned by the poor: they will never discover their own Authority, or their own commonality as a class

    33. Instead, the ruling elite cracked down harder and harder… as the entire rotten status quo of the bourgeoisie and the upper classes of the feudal Age became more arrogant, smug, venal and corrupt

    34. The upper classes were so rich: The European elite were so rich and wealthy: that they no longer needed to use their own children as slaves, or as machines

    35. Read history; and you will see that every time the lower classes became disgruntled: the upper classes went through hell and high water to find a new way to fool them into the same pyramidal crap-pile they instinctively did not like

    36. Why? Because hypocrisy is what once distinguished the upper classes from the lower classes

    37. Unions and mass movements of the lower classes have always tried to fight the concentrated wealth and power of the upper classes by mimicking them, by aping them in the stupidest ways possible… by concentrating themselves into huge unarmed crowds: with their leaders exposed and vulnerable

    38. How they were all cheated, and butchered, and terrorized by the rich upper classes

    39. But the upper classes have poisoned, and twisted, and deleted the actual truth about all of the lower class movements and revolts and rebellions that have sprung up spontaneously all over the Earth for thousands of years… ever since the filth system of pyramidal civilization was ever invented

    40. It has taken one of the few ways the lower class could expose the truth about the upper classes: political cartoons; and turned it into meaningless drivel

    41. The greater competition inherent in the upper classes and the fact I disliked cross-country helped with the poor showing

    42. "The Jesuits cater for the upper classes," said Mr

    43. Years ago, when the facilities for foreign travel were fewer and more costly, Mugsborough was a favourite resort of the upper classes, but of late years most of these patriots have adopted the practice of going on the Continent to spend the money they obtain from the working people of England

    44. guardians of the law were well in evidence, the obvious reason being they were paid to protect the upper classes

    45. the indolence of the upper classes and the mental darkness of the lower

    46. ‘I don’t advocate protection for the sake of private interests, but for the public weal, and for the lower and upper classes equally,’ he said, looking over his pince-nez at Oblonsky

    47. Ford liked to claim that he had democratised travel, but the upper classes hadn’t given up their hold on motoring yet

    48. President Alessandri tried to take some of the radicals into his government in 1920 but the upper classes weren’t having that and they used their control of the Senate to stop him

    49. The ancient society of the upper classes held themselves above this law, as above every other

    50. Atheism! In our country it is only among the upper classes that you find unbelievers; men who have lost the root or spirit of their faith; but abroad whole masses of the people are beginning to profess unbelief—at first because of the darkness and lies by which they were surrounded; but now out of fanaticism, out of loathing for the Church and Christianity!”

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