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    1. We have all heard the USDA report that we need to eat 5 to 10 servings of fruit and vegetables

    2. She lived with Brenda Baroldy, her former ASU classmate, a Mexican-American co-worker at the USDA lab from Miami, AZ

    3. My non-lawyer (USDA entomologist) wife begged me not to quit Jenkins the day following his arrest, asking me what had become of the presumption of innocence

    4. My explanations that a) she had a good job as a lab technician with the USDA and b) was eight months pregnant, and, c) hence should not be flying just opened another can of worms

    5. I expected her to move back in with her parents who had not left for the Western Slope of Colorado yet and go back to work for the USDA lab which had by then moved from Mesa to Phoenix

    6. She was very scared because she had not worked (GS-9 lab tech in Phoenix with USDA) since Will was born 12/24/73 which gave her valid reasons to have had big economic fears

    7. Recent USDA studies show that Wild Blueberries deliver a potent antioxidant punch — in fact they have the highest antioxidant capacity per serving, compared with more than 20 other fruits

    8. Case in point, the USDA banned downers on December

    9. If you look on the USDA website for the numbers that follow after that on the package, you can see what plant the product was packaged in

    10. USDA inspectors wield a lot of power

    11. The USDA inspector assigned to me was partnered with a woman USDA inspector who was actually a former Marine Corps drill instructor

    12. In other places I have run into tyrannical USDA inspectors

    13. As far as food quality is concerned, the USDA should be the least of a food company's worries

    14. One of the companies also had the Commercial Division of the USDA there

    15. They were an optional service that we chose to have so we could put the USDA shield on the label

    16. In a meeting with Billy Sol Estes, Cliff Carter (a close friend of Ed Clarks), and Mack Wallace, it was recommended to take care of Henry Marshall, the USDA investigator in charge in Texas, for good

    17. The value listings are based upon the USDA valuations for foods

    18. Not all of these antioxidants are listed in the USDA database, but of the ones that are, I sorted by nutrient/Calorie ratio to find the highest plant source and the highest animal source for -

    19. ADULT WEIGHS ABOUT 25 POUNDS MORE TODAY THAN A FEW DECADES AGO: See Centers for Disease Control, “Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index, United States 1960–2002”; USDA, “Profiling Food Consumption in America,” chapter 2 in the Agriculture Factbook 2001-2002; USDA “Percent of Household Final Consumption Expenditures Spent on Food, Alcoholic Beverages, and Tobacco That Were Consumed at Home, by Selected Countries, 2012,” ERS Food Expenditure Series

    20. Two examples: Fred Kuchler and Hayden Stewart, “Price Trends Are Similar for Fruits, Vegetables, and Snack Foods,” Report ERR-55, USDA Economic Research Service; and Andrea Carlson and Elizabeth Frazao, “Are Healthy Foods Really More Expensive? It Depends on How You Measure the Price,” USDA Economic Information Bulletin 96 (May 2012)

    21. Department of Agriculture (USDA), consumers spend roughly 20 percent of their total food and beverage allowance on meat products, such as cattle and pork

    22. The anticipation of the release of USDA statistics in all agricultural commodities can effect premiums, even without much of a move in the futures market

    23. If the USDA guarantees farmers a specific price for their commodity, this decreases the probability that the commodity will trade below this floor

    24. How do you acquire the facts and figures that combine to form the big picture of fundamental knowledge? A good place to start is the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) website, which is the largest source of information for agricultural commodities

    25. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that a cow in the state of Washington had tested positive for BSE

    26. John feels that the market may be significantly underpriced as the market has not yet fully accounted for the cattle shortages projected for 2014 (by the USDA)

    27. However, you can get them through the USDA website at www

    28. Most corn information is released in the same reports listed for soybeans and can be found at the same place, the USDA

    29. However, we strongly recommend focusing on the monthly figures released by the USDA and not getting caught up in daily news releases

    30. The USDA cattle on feed report is released once a month and breaks down how many young animals are on feed and how many animals have been marketed during the preceding month

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    Sinônimos para "usda"

    agriculture agriculture department department of agriculture usda