Use "user interface" em uma frase
user interface frases de exemplo
user interface
1. Clever user interface, you already always knew it, you explore the memories of knowing the facts, seeing the pictures, hearing the sounds
2. "Yeah, well, I'm not quite sure how to get that done in the present user interface
3. "Using the AmpliMagineer user interface paradigm, you just create this location translation pane here," she drew the boundaries of the magic carpet on an image of her home's foyer, "bundle it with this location," she outlined the magic carpet as it sat there over the beach, "and snap it into this site's continuous instance list here
4. Cheron space is capable of much more interesting arrangements than the standard user interfaces can program
5. Some hot shot that knows a few user interface tricks
6. With a helmet, the user interface was 'always knew that', with a keyboard and crystal ball, you asked questions and it would provide answers, or you typed messages to someone else on the system
7. “Standard remote instrumentation stuff,” Elmore said, staying at the user interface level
8. "Oh it's possible, but she'd have to learn a lot about it to fool us both, yeah she knows the logic in the substrate it all runs on, but there's a lifetime of applications knowledge with this gear, whatever user interface you have it hooked up to
9. “I don’t give a shit about the lawyers,” he said, “I don’t have time to futz and futz with the user interface on the damn thing
10. Kelvin was glad there was someone in the crew with an even more retro user interface than having an app on his phone
11. The forefront of style among those that could afford it was the advanced surgical procedure that separated the skull into three sections, lifted it away, and put in a net that made all your thoughts available as your user interface to the network
12. She wondered what the user interface was like? This IS the user interface isn't it? Once she understood the inside-out structure of it, it was possible to build an interface to the virtual environment that was in use on the ship
13. Was this 'Name, Rank, and Serial Number' time? Was the fact that his hand covered the cancel button the user interface's way of telling her the base had already been taken over? What should she tell him? What would it matter? He was in her living space, a subset of her data space
14. That was all the user interface training she needed
15. with the GUI (Graphical User Interface)—basically how do you want
16. Once you have the user interface, then you can save a hell of a lot of
17. First of all, you need to switch the user interface to Advanced mode
18. pointing out that “quick adoption” and “having an intuitive user interface” were
19. especially a cloud-based one with modern architecture and an intuitive user interface,
20. It is based on modern architecture and user interface principles while
21. The use of Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) is emphasized in this book to further cut down and bend the famous learning curve in learning R
22. The conceptual bridge between the precise description of an operating system and the colloquial definition is the tendency to bundle widely, or generally, used utilities and applications (such as text editors or file managers) with the basic OS for the sake of convenience; as OSes progressed, a larger selection of 'second class' OS software came to be included, such that now, an OS without a graphical user interface or various file viewers is often considered not to be a true or complete OS
23. Good user interface that all can
24. In addition to a mouse, keyboard, speakers, and video display, a variety of specialized software and hardware can make the user interface more effective
25. Ease of learning Regarding a user interface, the ease with which a particular interface can be learned
26. Ease of use Regarding a user interface, the ease or efficiency with which the interface can be used
27. The user interface should always be real-
28. would focus on “gooeys” Graphical User Interfaces
29. Multilingual version allows for User Interface and help to switch,
30. The most visible change was a new full-color user interface
31. windowing interface is called Intuition, and the graphical user interface
32. Networked computers run a series of protocols, called a protocol stack, that spans from the application user interface at the top to the physical network interface at the bottom
33. In this case, the workstations are responsible for providing a user interface and translating the user input into a query language understood by the server
34. Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) and NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI) are two of the best examples of these protocols
35. IP addresses are an efficient means of identifying networks and hosts, but when it comes to user interfaces, they are difficult to use and remember
36. An FTP client consists of a user interface, which may be text based or graphical, and a user protocol interpreter
37. The commands issued by the user protocol interpreter do not necessarily correspond to the traditional text-based user interface commands
38. For example, to retrieve a file from a server, the traditional user interface command is GET plus the filename, but after the user protocol interpreter receives this command, it sends an RETR command to the server with the same filename
39. Thus, the user interface can be modified for purposes of language localization or other reasons, but the commands used by the protocol interpreters remain consistent
40. The Window Manager, along with the Graphical Device Interface (GDI), is responsible for creating the graphical user interface used by Windows applications
41. Most providers offer a user interface that serves as the management console for the client
42. Logging on with a password offers the client much the same graphic user interface (GUI) with which they are already familiar
43. Sometimes these costs aren't financial at all, but rather the costs are measured in learning curves, because switching from one product to another means learning to identify an entirely new user interface and operating system
44. These requirements exist in many applications such as page generators (like the HTML page generator mentioned in this chapter), document converters [GOF95, page 110], and User Interface (UI) form creators [j