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    Use "very interesting" em uma frase

    very interesting frases de exemplo

    very interesting

    1. Very interesting label, fun to read! Dr

    2. It is a very interesting business Travis and now it is right here next to you

    3. ‘Your report was very comprehensive, Miss Osborne, and made very interesting reading

    4. For about two years now I have entered a very interesting phase of my life, since I have more and more psychic experiences; yet, I have also perceived certain paradox incidents which appear more and more frequently, surrounding me like a Sonic War: At daybreak, when I do the most important meditation exercise of the day, there is incredible mobility in the block of flats next to my house: A number of cars come and go continuously in and out of their outdoor garage, which happens to be right next to my bedroom window! Even earlier, from 4:00 to 6:00 am (no exaggeration) they race engines incessantly and/or slam car doors uncountable times! Why, indeed? Only God -or Satan- knows! The fact is that more often than not I can hardly sleep, I feel exasperated and I can't meditate properly

    5. Our morning visit to the Diros Caves proved to be very interesting: It consisted of a 30-minute boat ride and a 15-minute walk to the exit

    6. ‘No, neither do I, but it’s very interesting that she was moved here from Renald’s team … I’ve met her replacement

    7. Very interesting indeed!

    8. I think you would find him very interesting

    9. It’s very interesting; he’s clearly fascinated by the ins and outs of the business and explains it all very clearly

    10. “Very interesting,” murmured Rayne, her eyes darting about the arena; “but who do they fight?”

    11. But the captain came to the podium and said, "This is all very interesting and sounds like it may well be significant, however, we still have a possible enemy warship on our flank and my senior officers and I need to continue our discussion of that situation

    12. Interesting, very interesting, thought Naria as she watched from above, she is just playing

    13. As soon as Thom was done with his direct presentation, he went to the podium and said, "This is all very interesting and sounds like it may well be significant, however, we still have a possible enemy warship on our flank and my senior officers and I need to continue our discussion of that situation

    14. The trip home is going to be very interesting, thought Duncan with a smile on his face as he packed his things

    15. As you explore the blockages your writing reveals, you should notice something very interesting: most often your blockages are nothing more than limiting beliefs!

    16. She wept for a bit and then she said something very interesting Minister

    17. Since he was sentenced to it, she joined him just to be social, and found the tastes very interesting

    18. Taken aback, Tarak looked at Rayne shaking his head back and forth, “Life with you is going to be very interesting my mate, very interesting indeed

    19. something very interesting happened that helped Jean

    20. In that state, very interesting

    21. “I can see that you two are going to have a very interesting life; there will never be a dull moment in your house

    22. ‘It was very interesting, Dave

    23. “Nor am I, this keg tastes very interesting,” she said, “and I understand that is another big difference between us, she had no taste for yaag

    24. He found she was very interesting

    25. It was a very interesting theory

    26. 'It’s very interesting, really,' said Claude, drawing

    27. “That’s very interesting

    28. “That is very interesting news

    29. I am taking two classes – the history of the State of Nevada (it's a required course but very interesting and enjoyable) and algebra (I find it hard, but it's a required course and the teacher is very good so I'll struggle through it, the best I can

    30. I recommend you look for a book or an art show with Ted DeGrazia's paintings; they are very interesting and unique

    31. In the last couple minutes this had gone from a strange case to a very interesting case and now to the case of the decade

    32. ‘It’s not a very interesting story,’ said Jean

    33. "This is a very interesting culture," Glenelle ventured

    34. She wished that she could sit and listen to everything they said, because their subject was very interesting

    35. “The new law you proposed was very interesting

    36. have special features, making them very interesting

    37. “I say this testimony’s very interesting, but…”

    38. Seems to find you very interesting

    39. “Let's put all this behind us and get to Gorim Station Seven where Dena and I have a very interesting appointment to keep

    40. Granted it’s a classic house in the mountains, but you are a very interesting bird, Mr

    41. ‘This is all very interesting, but how can I persuade---’

    42. ‘Thank you, it’s a very interesting dance to watch,’ said Alice, feeling very glad that it was over at last: ‘and I do so like that curious song about the whiting!’

    43. ‘Thank you,’ said Alice, ‘it’s very interesting

    44. If we analyse the first 5 books in the Bible, they have very interesting features when it comes to ELS’s

    45. Another very interesting Bible code is a 108-letter long code about Buddhism

    46. “Well, yes, but just a very interesting, well-adjusted

    47. "I've been adopted by a very interesting

    48. “So, I must inform you that I smell a very interesting medley of smells coming from the arachnix hive

    49. It is very interesting about this deposed king and how the wizards are powerful enough to curse him with eternal life

    50. If you would like to learn to speak in French then we have a unique method that you will find very interesting www

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